Earth Emperor

Chapter 136 Fighting With Two Swords

Updated: 2013-01-16

"Haha, Junior Brother Wu, brother, I came here this time to help you at the risk of violating the sect's rules. After a while, I will pick the things on this kid first!" Liu Wuzhong said completely. Treat Lin Qing as a dead person. www: read novels

It's no wonder the two of them are so arrogant, under such strict defense, they only defend but not attack, Lin Qing was still pierced by the flying sword through the defenses of the two peripheral magic weapons, and stabbed in front of him several times. It wasn't that the "Warrior Fighting Armor" had amazing defensive power, at this time his body had already been pierced with several holes!

"Boy, it looks like you can't figure it out, do you want me and 'Little Ghost Face' to go out and help?" In Lin Qing's mind, the spiritual consciousness of the strange bird "Huo'er" suddenly sounded.

"Wait a minute, I can still hold on now, these two guys are too powerful with flying swords, I'm afraid that 'Ghost Face' and you will get hurt, when I really can't hold on, I will use my spiritual sense to call you out to help out! "Lin Qing has always taken great care of her own people, even if it's just her pet, she doesn't let it take risks easily, she would rather deal with it alone.

Although the current situation is extremely dangerous, after all, Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong are still at the late stage of foundation establishment, and there is no way to kill Lin Qing in one blow, so he also wants to use this Opportunity to hone himself, in his opinion, fighting is the best practice!

Lin Qing urged the Thick Soil Art to run crazily, a trace of strong earth power came from the ground under his feet, slowly but continuously replenishing the huge consumption in his body, the "tyrant axe" and "star with the moon" beside him The Spike Saw also runs more smoothly and smoothly.

"Junior Brother Wu, this kid is really strong. Could it be that he is a tortoise?" Liu Wuzhong did not forget to chat with Wu Junhui loudly while stabbing wildly.

"I just know that this kid's mana is strong and long. I just encouraged so many juniors to kill him a few days ago. Otherwise, why would I go so hard to lobby everywhere? Now he is using two magic weapons at the same time, and the armor on his body must be very good. Let's see how long this kid can hold on to a magic weapon that consumes spiritual power!" Wu Junhui made up his mind before moving this time, and Lin Qing was completely scheming.

Lin Qing naturally turned a blind eye to this kind of little trick of attacking the heart with words. His mind was running fast, looking for a solution to the current predicament.

Right now, for Lin Qing, the only attack method that has not been exposed is the "Slaughter Blade". In the Ten Thousand Beast Sect's ten-year competition, he has never used this sharp sacred weapon of the Buddha Sect. Wu and Liu would definitely not know the uniqueness of the "Slaughter Blade". If they could find an opportunity to cut off their flying swords, the offensive and defensive momentum would definitely change immediately.

It's just that the flying swords of these two people are as agile as swimming fish, and they don't collide with the "Slaughter Blade" in Lin Qing's hands at all. Once they find that the way out is blocked, they immediately switch to a new attack angle, making him swing for a long time in vain , Feijian didn't even touch half a hair.

Judging from the flying swords of these two people, Wu Junhui's flying sword is red all over, with a faint burning aura. Like Wang Yinghuo, he should also be a monk with a spiritual root of the fire attribute, while Liu Wuzhong's flying sword is silver and shiny all over. With a sharp and powerful golden aura, this person should be a monk with metallic spiritual roots.

Although the spiritual root attributes of these two people are different, they are both powerful offensive spiritual root attributes. Fine embroidery needles, and the needlework is extremely fine and regular.

From these two people, Lin Qing really felt the true strength of the "Sky Sword Sect" sword cultivator, and secretly rejoiced in his heart that when he was in Xuanzhu Mountain, he didn't rashly compete with those provocative people's magic weapons!

After persisting like this for a while, Lin Qing realized that it was impossible to rely on his own strength to win. His mana consumption was intense. Although he could use the "Thick Soil Art" to make up for it, he still couldn't make ends meet. If it wasn't for the "spiritual breath" With the help of the heaven-defying means of "Jie" that can replenish spiritual power in an instant, now he can only sneak and escape.

Fortunately, through this period of defense, he also had a good understanding of Wu and Liu's sword control skills, and he was able to gradually adapt to it.

"No, it's too passive like this. It seems that I can't do it by myself alone. I have to use the 'ghost-faced four-clawed owl' to attack and find an opportunity to fight close to me." Lin Qing secretly made up her mind and notified her assistant pet be prepared.

As for the strange bird "Huo'er", because it sealed its own strength, Lin Qing was unwilling to let "Huo'er" undo the seal at will until the last moment.

When Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong were controlling the flying swords like flowing clouds and flowing water, they suddenly saw Lin Qing jumping up all of a sudden, jumping up to a height of more than three feet!

At the same time, a gigantic four-clawed giant owl appeared below Lin Qing in mid-air, making Lin Qing, who was at the highest point, stand on her back. After a long cry, the giant owl rushed towards Lin Qing with Lin Qing Wu Junhui!

Seeing that Lin Qing had suddenly released his assistant pet, the two of them were not too surprised. Originally, Wu Junhui had received detailed information on Lin Qing's "ghost-faced four-clawed owl". The assistant rushed forward, and immediately slanted to Liu Wuzhong's side, just in time for Liu Wuzhong's flying sword to intercept Lin Qing!

Liu Wuzhong saw Lin Qing approaching fiercely standing on the "ghost-faced four-clawed owl", he hastily grasped the sword formula and shouted angrily, but saw that the metal flying sword suddenly changed from a length of more than three feet to a length of nine feet. The gigantic sword, like a long knife for cutting a horse, cut down obliquely across the air, and it was about to split Lin Qinglian and his mount in two!

This move of his has changed from his original flexible and changeable style, and he actually looks like he is winning by force. His intention is not only to help Wu Junhui distance himself, but also has the effect of attacking unexpectedly!

Liu Wuzhong's change of move was extremely sudden, and it was too late for Lin Qing to move the magic weapon to meet him, but his reaction was also extremely fast, the "Batian Axe" returned to his hand in an instant, and the "Batian Axe", which had already grown to a length of ten feet, was pushed forward. "Axe" was swung horizontally by him with one hand, and the ax was slashed on the flying sword that was slashing horizontally.


After a loud noise, Liu Wuzhong's flying sword named "Golden Light Sword" was directly shocked by Lin Qing's peerless brute force and shrunk to about three feet in length. Take control!

Liu Wuzhong, who was controlling the "Golden Light Sword" a little farther away, seemed to be hit hard, and his body tilted on the flying sword, almost falling off.

In fact, this trick was originally taken advantage of by him. After the "Golden Light Sword" became bigger, he had enough time to gather momentum. Under that horizontal slash, even a wild giant rhinoceros would be split in two. Unexpectedly Unexpectedly, Lin Qing immediately lost control after being struck by Lin Qing's axe, and Lin Qing was standing on the four-clawed owl without even shaking his body, as if he was quite relaxed!

However, under Liu Wuzhong's sword blocking, Wu Junhui also managed to open the distance, and his flying sword turned to Lin Qing's back with brilliant flames, stabbing Lin Qing's back obliquely.

Wu Junhui's fire-attributed flying sword is called "Scorching Sun Sword", and it is also a high-quality magic weapon. He grasped the timing of the sneak attack very well. It is possible to block the "Scorching Sun Sword" that is already approaching!

Unexpectedly, the "Batian Axe" soared from Lin Qing's left hand, and slashed straight at Wu Junhui, who was controlling the flying sword. Then Lin Qing turned sharply, and the "Slaughtering Blade" in his right hand ruthlessly hit Wu Junhui, who was controlling the flying sword. On the "Scorching Sun Sword"!

Lin Qing has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, and this time he will strike with all his strength, hoping to chop Wu Junhui's "Scorching Sun Sword" in two with one blow!

After a crisp sound, the "Scorching Sun Sword" was hacked out of control like the "Golden Light Sword" and fell to the side, but it still didn't break, it just jumped a hole.

The flying sword itself is an elite collection of hardware, plus some special refining of natural materials and earth treasures, its toughness is far superior to other magic weapons. Ordinary flying swords, even the "Slaughter Blade" can't cut it off easily.

If so, this "Scorching Sun Sword" has already been cut by "Slaughtering Blade". Although this flying sword cannot be regarded as Wu Junhui's natal magic weapon, the spiritual connection between Jianxiu and Feijian is far greater than that of Wu Junhui. For an ordinary monk, when the flying sword was injured, he was also injured!

I saw Wu Junhui's figure crooked, and a mouthful of blood spurted out in the air, like a red chrysanthemum bursting in the air!

"Haha, you're a dog with a big voice, but you're not good at it, take another stab at me!" Amidst Lin's frivolous laughter, he urged the "ghost-faced four-clawed owl" to rush towards Wu Junhui!

Following the huge wings of the "ghost-faced four-clawed owl", which was as wide as ten feet, gusts of wind suddenly blew up around it. Lin Qing also took the opportunity to cast a spell, and the fine sand on the Gobi Desert was immediately mixed with eggs. Gravels, big and small, were carried by the strong wind and flew up. In an instant, within a radius of one hundred feet, it was already a hazy yellow, and the naked eye could not see the objects at all!

In this way, Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong could only distinguish the positions of Lin Qing and his assistant pets and magic weapons by relying on their spiritual senses, and it was extremely difficult for Lin Qing, who was moving at high speed, to be locked in. The situation finally became right. Lin Qing was in a better position.

Just maintaining such a large area of ​​spells consumes a lot of mana, and for the "ghost-faced four-clawed owl" who was ordered to spare no effort to stimulate the wind, the consumption of demon power is also extremely fast, Lin Qing is ready to fight at all costs. Give it a try!

Wu Junhui and Liu Wuzhong were very surprised. They thought that Lin Qing should have been exhausted and was on the verge of exhaustion. How could he be so reckless and unscrupulous in using this extremely spiritual power-consuming fighting method instead of using his talents to hurt Wu Junhui In the empty space, take the road and escape! [(m) Read without pop-up window]

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