Earth Emperor

Chapter 50

Updated: 2012-07-02

The Ten Thousand Beasts Competition is held once every ten years. It is divided into two types: "New Competition" and "Human King Competition". The "Human King Competition" is a competition between teams that have participated in the competition.

The Ten Thousand Beast Sect Grand Competition is not just any team that can participate, but each competition is allocated five places to each branch, and each branch selects the strongest team from among its own disciples to participate in the competition.

Under normal circumstances, the teams that participated in the New Quiz Tournament were all disciples of the mid-stage Foundation Establishment, while those who were eligible to participate in the "Human King Competition" were all teams of late-stage Foundation Establishment disciples.

In the Myriad Beast Sect, every comprehension family regards the Myriad Beast Sect Grand Competition as the best opportunity to demonstrate their family's strength, and spare no effort to train their direct descendants to lead the team to achieve good results in the competition.

The Lei family is a long-established and powerful family of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, with Lei Wanpeng, who is at the height of the sky, sitting in the town, and has a prominent position in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

However, the Lei family originally used Lei Fa to establish their prestige in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, but because of the special nature of Lei Lingen, in the last few sect competitions, the Lei family could not find a Lei Lingen child to represent the Lei family. The family that was at odds with Lei's family laughed secretly.

Master Lei Wanpeng and Patriarch Lei Wanpeng, who had already breathed a sigh of relief, pinned their hopes of elation on Lei Lei, even though Lei Lei was only at the early stage of foundation establishment.

Originally Master Lei Wanpeng wanted to personally organize a mid-stage team for Lei Lei to participate in the "New Competition", but Lei Lei, who was stubborn in his bones, always insisted on finding followers by himself, so Lin Qing and Yue Lingbo came into being. to join.

The first task facing the Lei Lei team now is to qualify for the "New Quest" in the middle hall selection competition in three months' time!

After all six members of the Lei Lei team gathered, the Lei family specially closed a vast manor as a retreat training place.

In order to allow Lei Lei to lead the team to achieve good results, the Lei family spent a lot of money this time. The daily spiritual food and spiritual springs are open to supply, and all kinds of pills that are beneficial to cultivation can be taken casually without money for the six people to practice. All of them are middle-grade spirit stones, and you can soak your body in the special spirit liquid every night to improve your physique.

To say that the strange bird "Huo'er" was the happiest. Not only did he taste all kinds of spiritual food that he had never eaten before, he even ate one of the long-awaited spiritual nourishment pills.

Speaking of which, the physique of this divine beast has to be amazed. Even the mastiff "Red Pang" has to sleep in the spirit beast's wristband for many days after eating the spirit nourishing pill, but it only makes the strange bird "Huo'er" hide in Yuling After resting in the bracelet for a long time, he was full of energy and croaked everywhere.

In addition to the material guarantee with all his strength, Master Lei Wanpeng made a decision that shocked the entire Lei family. He officially passed the Lei family's family heirloom, the high-grade spiritual weapon, the split Lei Guangjing, to Lei Lei. !

This Split Lightning Mirror is a top-grade spiritual weapon that is well-known in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. After needing to use the magic weapon, the differentiated light mirror is still carried by Master Lei Wanpeng, which shows the significance of this object to the Lei family.

At the age of fourteen, Lei Lei, with his cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment, can be given a family heirloom, which is undoubtedly a huge shock to the whole family!

In front of the extremely powerful Master Lei Wanpeng, all objections in the family were declared invalid. Lei Lei excitedly took over from his uncle Lei Wanpeng the divided Lei Guangjing, which represented the reputation of the Lei family for thousands of years. .

At the beginning of the closed-door training, the six of them carried out the intensive assault training separately.

After Lei Lei recognizes the master with blood from the Fevering Lei Guangjing, under the personal guidance of Master Lei Wanpeng, he will practice the operation and use of the Fusing Lei Guangjing every day.

Yue Lingbo, who has the highest cultivation base, is also taking the time to familiarize himself with his middle-grade spiritual weapon "Seven Treasures Xuanshui Hyacinth". His family magic weapon has never been used in actual combat with real swords and guns, and it is often used by Lei Wanpeng. The palm master asked him to be Lei Lei's training partner.

"Sister Mu" Wu Qionghua is practicing hard in her room, hoping that she can try to overcome the bottleneck in the middle stage of foundation establishment before the selection in the middle hall.

As for Lei Shan and Lei Yan, they didn't know where they were hiding for some kind of secret special training.

Among all the members, the busiest one was Lin Qing who was called "Little Fatty" even though he had grown taller and thinner.

Lin Qing's newly refined two magic tools "Overlord Axe" and "Sky Star Accompanying the Moon Spike Saw" need to practice the control method, as well as the newly learned body method "Thousand Shadows" and the group beast control method " The "Bee Fighting Technique" required Lin Qing to master it as soon as possible.

Now what makes Lin Qing more troublesome is that the "Batian Axe" does not have a special matching control formula, and can only be controlled with the school control formula learned in mining.

Heavy instruments such as axes are not flexible enough to perform delicate moves, so there is no good throwing ax technique in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect's treasury.

Fortunately, Lin Qing, who was quick-witted, quickly thought of using the controller technique to control the "Sky-Splitting Ax" to perform the nine sky-splitting blows. Unexpectedly, the power of the "Sky-Splitting Ax" performed in the air was only lighter than Lin Qing's. The power of the "Tiantian Ax" he held was slightly weaker, which made Lin Qing feel quite proud.

Lin Qing was even more pleasantly surprised by the process of practicing "Sky Star Accompanied by Moon and Wolf Fang Saw" later on.

"Sky Star with Moon Wolf Tooth Saw" is under the control of the supporting manipulation method "Moon Shadow Turns as You Want", with tricky lines and strange moves, it is really difficult to guard against, and its power is far beyond Lin Qing's imagination.

What's even more rare is that "Moon Shadow Turns as You Want" does not require complicated spell-casting gestures when it is cast, and it can be cast almost with divine sense. Lin Qing tailor-made generally.

As for the manned flying function of "Sky Star Accompanied by Moon and Spike Saw", it made Lin Qing's nose bubbling with satisfaction.

The original intention of Lin Qing to refine the "Sky Star Accompanying the Moon Wolf Fang Saw" was to use it as a magic weapon for flying escape, but he didn't expect that there would be another powerful magic weapon that could be used for two purposes out of thin air.

Compared with manipulating magic weapons, the practice of body technique "Thousand Shadows" and monster crowd control technique "Bee Fighting Technique" is correspondingly much simpler.

In the process of practicing the body technique "Thousand Shadows", Lin Qing had a whimsical idea again. When he was driving the "Sky Star Accompanied by the Moon and Wolf Tooth Saw" to escape into the sky, he suddenly performed the movement technique "Thousand Shadows", and the result suddenly became a success. The doubled speed made Lin Qing almost fall off the "Sky Star Accompanying the Moon Spike Saw".

Lin Qing, who is crazy about attack speed, almost jumps for joy, this kind of ghostly speed is exactly what he longs for.

Next, Lin Qing drove the "Sky Star Accompanied by the Moon and Wolf Tooth Saw" to frantically doing all kinds of escaping movements above the martial arts arena, and the series of afterimages brought out made the empty martial arts arena seem crowded.

The side effects of the frantic practice were also very obvious. Lin Qing was dizzy from being thrown by the high-speed moving "Sky Star Accompanying the Moon Wolf Fang Saw".

During the intense and orderly closed-door training, three months passed in a blink of an eye, and the selection competition for the Ten Thousand Beast Sect's big score hall was approaching soon.

The middle hall of Wanshouzong is located on Shilu Peak not far from the east of Yangyang Ridge, the main peak of Shiwanda Mountain. At this moment, all members of the Leilei team are standing on the peak square, listening to the lectures of the hall master Wang Yinghuo together with other middle hall disciples who signed up for the competition.

The shape of this Shilu Peak is extremely majestic, the lower part of the mountain is thick and round, and the top of the peak is flat like a knife.

On the large open space at the top of the peak, there is a majestic central meeting hall. The building of this meeting hall is majestic and magnificent, especially the shape of the top of the hall is like a tripod cover, which makes the whole Shilu Peak look like a mountain from a distance. A huge incense burner made of stone is average.

Seeing Wang Yinghuo, who was tall and sturdy, with a beard and an extremely ferocious appearance, on the steps, and Master Lei Wanpeng, who was in the middle of the crowd behind him, who was imposing and slightly closed, Lin Qing asked quietly:

"Leilei, since you are a true disciple of the elders, why are you included in the middle hall disciples in white? Maybe you will be put on by the Wang En family?"

Lei Lei smiled wryly:

"Brother, this is the rule of the sect. The middle and high-level disciples of our sect must be assigned to each branch hall for unified management. The five masters of the Presbyterian Church are all stationed in the locations of the five branch halls. The affairs of the branch hall are in charge, and the camp assigned to my uncle by the sect is the Zhongtang, so of course I can be regarded as a disciple of the Zhongtang."

After looking around, no one of the disciples paid attention to their whispering, Lei Lei whispered again:

"This Wang Yinghuo is domineering, likes to appoint private individuals, and secretly cultivates his own power in the hall. He often has conflicts with my uncle on some key matters. The gap between our Lei and Wang families also comes from this."

Suddenly enlightened, Lin Qing thought to himself, the struggle among the top leaders of this sect might not be the same. Wang Yinghuo and Lei Wanpeng openly fought against each other, and they were able to firmly hold the position of the hall master. The support of the suzerain, and although the elders do not directly control the affairs of the sect, they have the right to abolish the suzerain under extraordinary circumstances, so the relationship between the five elders in charge of the elders and the suzerain of Wanshou sect may be Also very subtle.

What's more, among the five elders in charge of the Presbyterian Church, Master Cui Heibai is the last, but he directly controls the Law Enforcement Hall in the sect, which will make the power of the master of the Wanshou sect feel scrupulous and dare not recklessly for.

At this time, Wang Yinghuo on the stage had finished speaking, and a deputy hall master came up and began to preach the rules and precautions of the selection competition.

It turns out that there is no limit to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect Grand Competition. Only white-clothed disciples can lead followers to participate in a team. Any green-clothed or blue-clothed disciples can also form a team to participate in the selection competition if they can find enough followers.

It's just that the followers sought by the green-clothed disciples and the blue-clothed disciples cannot enjoy the relevant treatment of the followers of the white-clothed disciples of the sect.

Once the participating green-clothed and blue-clothed disciples achieve good results in the big competition, it is possible to be directly promoted to white-clothed disciples.

Even if they cannot be directly promoted to white-clothed disciples, the blue-clothed disciples participating in the competition are still very likely to be accepted as true disciples by the high-level ministers in the sect and branch hall, and thus promoted to green-clothed disciples.

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