Earth Emperor

Chapter 51

Updated: 2012-07-03

In the history of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, there was a precedent for a team composed of green-clothed disciples to emerge suddenly, achieve good results in the sect competition, and thus directly advance to white-clothed disciples.

As for the blue-clothed disciples who were formally accepted as disciples on the spot, there were too many to enumerate, so all the disciples under the Wanshou sect regarded the sect's grand competition once every ten years as their important encounter.

According to the selection rules of the middle hall announced this time, there are fewer teams participating in the "Human King Competition", and the selection rules of the Challenger Competition will be implemented.

The specific method is to establish five seeded teams, and other teams can choose opponents from them to challenge at will. If they win, they will automatically obtain the identity of the seeded team. If they stick to the last five seeded teams, they will be eligible to participate in the "King of Kings Tournament".

There are many teams participating in the "New Quiz Tournament", so the selection rules of the group competition are implemented. There are five major groups. Each group establishes a seeded team, and the other teams will draw lots to determine which major group they will be assigned to.

After the grouping is completed, a single elimination match will be held within each group, and finally the top winner of each group will be eligible for the "New Competition".

The purpose of setting up a seeded team is undoubtedly to prevent the high-level teams in the hall from fighting each other due to grouping reasons, and to prevent teams with average strength from being lucky in the grouping and failing to qualify for the competition.

When the "New Quest" seed team was announced, the Lei Lei team, which was not outstanding in overall strength, was ranked No. [-] seed, which surprised Lin Qing, but in the eyes of others, it was of course a matter of course.

Master Lei Wanpeng is known for his toughness and fiery behavior. The only true disciple of Master Lei Wanpeng, whose status is higher than that of the hall master, participates in the "New Quiz Competition". Is there any reason not to be the No. [-] seed?

Some other rules of this selection competition are the same as those of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect Grand Competition. For example, you cannot use one-time instruments, spells, pills, formation disks and other auxiliary things other than your own strength. Stones, Yao Pills, Huiqi Pills restore mana, no auxiliary pets are allowed, and so on.

When the participating teams drew lots on the spot, all the participating disciples were drawn based on the group that Lei Lei belonged to. The Lei Lei team, which only had one disciple in the mid-stage foundation establishment, had become the most fragrant team in the eyes of everyone. Tender and delicious fatty meat.

To Lin Qing's surprise, Wang En's team was not included in the five seeded teams. The second seed representing the Wang family was Wang En's cousin Wang Feiyang's team.

Lin Qing is very clear about Wang En's strength. Since Wang Feiyang can squeeze out Wang En to become the representative of the Wang family team, his strength should be stronger than Wang En's. They appeared one after another, and the pressure on Lin Qing, who was already on the "blacklist" of the Wang family, increased sharply.

As the saying goes: "It's not that enemies don't get together." After the lottery, Lei Lei and Lin Qing soon got a piece of unpredictable news, and Wang En's team actually won a group by lottery. In theory, there is a possibility of fighting with Wang En's team.

The last duel with Wang En actually brought some psychological shadows to Lin Qing. He was not afraid of Wang En, and he didn't mind fighting to the death with Wang En, but under the situation of doing his best, he still The frustration of being unable to change the situation of the battle, but made Lin Qingyong's heart of going forward was stained with a trace of dust.

For the monks, it doesn't mean that every failure will make the Dao heart dusty, but once this happens, the monks must find the reason and solution in time, otherwise they will face a stagnant cultivation and cannot break through the bottleneck!

In the Spiritual Breath Ring, Lin Qing saw how the seniors of the Earth Spirit Sect prevented his Dao heart from being unstable. One of the seniors said: "I should reflect on myself every day", which greatly inspired Lin Qing.

After carefully analyzing why he became unstable after the battle with Wang En, Lin Qing thought that it was he who was smart enough to think that Wang En was just a dude relying on magical weapons and spirit beasts before the duel with Wang En. The duel method is limited to mana and spell duels, but after the fight, it is discovered that Wang En's mana is unfathomable, and he falls into a trap set by himself, which leaves a shadow on the originally firm Dao heart.

Lin Qing feels that if he can't find a chance to defeat Wang En, then this shadow will become a crack in his heart, and eventually become a demon that hinders his improvement of state of mind, so even though he knows that he is defeated by Wang En, Lin Qing still longs for a chance Let go of your hands and feet and fight Wang En, and let your courageous and indomitable Dao heart shine like a mirror again!

In the evening, Lin Qing sneaked out of Wanghai Ridge with the strange bird "Huo'er" and the mastiff "Red Fat", and found a small tavern to hold a tooth sacrifice.

The three-month closed penance practice made the greedy Lin Qing a little bit unbearable. Although the spiritual food provided by Lei's family was good, the taste was really weak, so he took advantage of Lei Lei and others being called into the family for a meeting sneaked out when.

Although this small tavern specializing in the business of the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect is not big, the food and drinks it serves are delicious, and the business has always been good. After Lin Qing came in, the surroundings were quickly filled with disciples in green and blue.

Lin Qing ordered a table full of food and wine, first threw a roast leg of lamb to the mastiff dog "Red Fat" lying beside him, and then ate it with the strange bird "Huo'er" squatting on his shoulder.

After eating for a while, "Huo'er" who felt that it was inconvenient for Lin Qing to feed him simply jumped onto the table and started nagging himself. The happy and easy-going Lin Qing asked the boss to open another jug ​​of wine and put it on the table. "Huo'er" drank it casually by himself.

It may be that the combination of man, dog, and bird is too weird, and soon Lin Qing became the center of attention of diners in the entire tavern. The disciples in green clothes and blue clothes who were eating were pointing and whispering to Lin Qing.

"This is the fat idiot who adopted a fat dog as his soul pet. You said that a man like Mr. Lei Lei is the dragon and phoenix, how could he accept such a fat idiot as a follower?" Disciple Yi said quietly.

His companion replied with a reasonable expression:

"Look at that fat dog's stupid appearance. I don't know what he changed the flame lion that Mr. Lei Lei gave him. Will he be used as a bed wrap by some little bitch?"

"This fat black guy first took a fat dog as his spiritual pet, and now he has a low-grade monster, the golden-eyed fire crow, to wander around. Could it be that he deliberately disgusted the Lei family?" The disciple was feeling sorry for Lei Lei.

"Hey, why is my luck so bad? I didn't get a group lottery. My team can't play against other seeded teams. It should be okay to play against the Lei Lei team in the early stage of foundation establishment."

"Do you think Hall Master Wang deliberately arranged Mr. Wang En into a group so that the Wang family can occupy two parameter places?"

Seeing that Lin Qing remained silent, the surrounding discussions became louder and louder, and some even yelled loudly at Lin Qing on purpose.

For these discussions around, Lin Qing turned a blind eye to them and did not hear them, he sneered secretly in his heart:

"It's just a bunch of bastards. How can you understand my coquettishness? I'll tell you all to shut up when the selection is held tomorrow."

At this time, the table of four people sitting opposite Lin Qing seemed to be from the friendly family of the Wang family, and they also drank a lot. Seeing that Lin Qing remained silent, they even began to slander Lei Lei directly.

Gradually unable to suppress her anger, Lin Qing raised her eyes and saw that among the four people, there were two green-clothed disciples and two blue-clothed disciples. Among them, the one who was facing Lin Qing was a scrawny green-clothed disciple with a smudge on his lips. Two thin mustaches like mouse whiskers.

Seeing Lin Qing looking up at him, the rat-bearded green-clothed disciple arrogantly provocatively said:

"Hei Fatty, tell me who you are attacking and who suffers, you and the little boy Lei Lei? If you don't say anything, I will roast your stupid bird and drink it!"

Lin Qing suddenly had an evil fire rushing straight to her head, she could ignore insulting herself, but absolutely not insulting her brother!

Before Lin Qing could open his mouth to scold, the strange bird "Huo'er" standing on the table became furious, opened his mouth and flew towards the disciple in green clothes with mouse whiskers.

Although "Huo'er" had the strength to seal itself as a low-grade monster, its speed and accuracy of casting spells did not seem to be affected. This sudden thin line of fire accurately hit the unsuspecting rat-bearded green-clothed disciple face.

He only heard the scream of the mouse-bearded green-clothed disciple, and his face turned red immediately. He hurriedly wanted to cover his face with his hands, but he immediately let go of his hands in pain. Everyone looked intently and saw the mouse The eyebrows and beard of the disciple in green clothes have been burnt and disappeared, and the tender flesh on his face has been turned out in a horrible way.

Seeing that "Huo'er" couldn't help but make a move, Lin Qing overturned the table in front of him and jumped up. He rushed to the table of the "group of four" with a stride, and slashed at the table facing his back with a palm knife with his left hand. At the neck of his green-clothed disciple, the man heard the movement behind him and was about to turn his head to check, but was knocked unconscious by Lin Qing who struck with all his strength.

Lin Qing grabbed the green-clothed disciple's collar with his right hand, and slammed him as if throwing a dead chicken, throwing him behind him.

At this time, the blue-clothed disciples who were sitting on both sides had already stood up instinctively. In a panic, they wanted to cast a spell. There was only a muffled "bang", and the two of them passed out after being hit.

The mouse-bearded green-clothed disciple couldn't see because of his burnt eyes. Hearing that his companions had been knocked down one after another, he even released a magic shield to protect himself under the severe pain.

Lin Qing picked up a bench on the ground, swung it round and hit the mouse-bearded green-clothed disciple in the middle. Although the magic shield was also blocked by the green-clothed disciple's waist in time, at such a short distance, the hastily released side of the magic shield How can the shield stop Rulin Qing's wild bull blow!

The disciple in green clothes with rat whiskers was hit by the bench and flew out of the sky, and hit the white wall behind him, causing several cracks in the wall!

Seeing Lin Qing knocking down the four of them like chopping melons and vegetables, everyone around was stunned. Among the four, there were two genuine disciples in green clothes. It was so easy for Lin Qing to be alone. Got it?

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