Earth Emperor

Chapter 52

Updated: 2012-07-04

Lin Qing, who was like a demon god descending into the world, glanced around ferociously. Although everyone who had stood up around them had been sprinkled with some soup, none of them dared to meet Lin Qing's gaze!

The strange bird "Huo'er", who fears that the world will not be chaotic, flapped its wings and flew around the house and shouted:

"Fight well, fight well, let your mouths be cheap, let your mouths be cheap."

Lin Qing raised her hand and pointed at the people around her one by one, saying:

"You bastards who can only gossip, whoever refuses to accept it just steps forward, and I will accompany you to the end today!"

Seeing that everyone around lowered their heads and no one dared to say anything, Lin Qing continued to say word by word:

"Just like the girls, gossip behind your back again, and the master will come to the door and crush you all to death one by one, a bunch of eggless birds!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qing threw down two spirit stones, and walked away with the mastiff "Red Fat" and the strange bird "Huo'er".

The next day was the first competition day of the ten-year ten-year competition of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. There were five huge stone platforms floating above the square on the top of Shilu Peak. These were the competition venues for the five teams.

Many Zhongtang disciples on the square were eagerly looking forward to the start of the game, when an old man in black suddenly walked out of the Zhongtang Deliberation Hall.

This old man was tall and majestic. Standing on the steps in front of the hall, he just glanced around. The square, which was as noisy as a market just now, was suddenly silent.

Although most people don't know this old man, the clothes of the law enforcement hall on the old man are not difficult to recognize. All the disciples secretly wondered, today is a good day for the middle hall selection competition, why are the people of the law enforcement hall here to join in the fun?

Seeing that there was no sound around, the old man opened his mouth and said:

"This seat is Mu Wei, the deputy head of the Law Enforcing Hall. Last night, a disciple below committed crimes and spread rumors to slander the elders of our sect and fellow seniors. Now, he has been taken down in the name of the head!"

As Mu Wei said the last two words, a group of law enforcement disciples dressed in black poured out from the hall behind him, and dragged the four offending disciples out like dead dogs.

Lin Qing, who didn't know what happened in the square, took a closer look, and found that the four unlucky disciples whose mana had been sealed with magic talismans were actually the "group of four" who was knocked unconscious by him last night!

Mu Wei coughed heavily, and the disciples who were whispering to each other in the square suddenly became quiet again:

"The disciplinary order of the Law Enforcement Hall is hereby announced: Cha green-clothed disciples Wu Youdao and Jiang Wenbao, blue-clothed disciples Zhang Muxin and Wan Dejun, who slandered their masters with rumors and foul language, should be severely punished according to the school's rules, and Wu Youdao and Jiang Wenbao should be demoted to blue-clothed disciples , Zhang Muxin and Wan Dejun were stripped of their status as blue-clothed disciples, and all four of them were sent to the mines for ten years of hard labor, just to see the aftermath!"

After Mu Wei's deputy hall master finished reading the punishment decision, the "Father of Lous" suddenly collapsed on the ground, and the square erupted.

Just now, the disciples who were in the tavern last night whispered the reason for the arrest of the four people. Now that the Law Enforcement Hall has made such a serious decision, it shocked those who knew the truth!

Lin Qing was also a little baffled, after he came back last night, he just told Lei Lei that he had a fight with others, and then he went back to rest, but he didn't expect this incident to cause such a big commotion.

In all fairness, the "Team of Four" did not slander the elders of the sect last night, they just cursed Lei Lei and Lin Qing insinuatingly, and were beaten to the ground by the violent Lin Qing. .

Everyone in the "Team of Four" is now sincerely expressing their grievances. Last night they took advantage of the large number of people and used their tongues. They didn't expect to be caught off guard by Lin Qing. They were already in the circle of friends. I lost face in the middle, and today I was dealt with so severely by the Law Enforcement Hall. I really have nowhere to confide my grievances.

At this moment, a white-clothed disciple who was a little far away from the main hall heard the voices of grievances and grievances for the four people around him, so he sneered in a low voice:

"Injustice? What's wrong with it? Lei and Wang wrestled their arms, and these four brats just wanted to make fun of it. It's good if they didn't get killed!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around who understood the reason fell silent.

Mu Wei on the steps in front of the palace seemed to feel that the shock effect for everyone was not enough, so he deliberately delayed for a while before continuing:

"There is another blue-clothed disciple, Lin Qing, who beat others angrily after being abused for no reason, causing damage to the property in the tavern. He has been fined to pay 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, as a warning to others!"

As expected, all the disciples in the field became a sensation again, beating someone is beating someone, what is "beating someone with anger"?

Who can't see such an obvious reversal of black and white?

Regardless of the reason, Lin Qing, as a blue-clothed disciple, blatantly knocked out four disciples of the Myriad Beast Sect, including two green-clothed disciples. This is the standard offense and bullying fellow disciples!

For such a big crime, Lin Qing's punishment is only an understatement, just punishing the spirit stone. This is a blatant display of power!

If it was said that the decision to punish the cheap-mouthed foursome just now was to slap Wang Yinghuo severely, then the decision to punish Lin Qing was undoubtedly another resounding slap in the face.

Today's scene is undoubtedly arranged by Master Lei Wanpeng. This thin and elegant old man will do nothing if he doesn't make a move. Once he makes a move, he will act vigorously and resolutely without leaving any retreat. He humiliated Wang Yinghuo severely and made everyone in Zhongtang People suddenly understood that the Wanshouzong Zhongtang was not Wang Yinghuo's Wang family world!

Mu Wei, the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall who performed a good show, led his subordinates and dragged the group of four who were like dead pigs and left without waiting for the discussion in the square to subside.

Before walking down the steps, Mu Wei glanced coldly at Wang Yinghuo, who was trembling with anger on the side seat in the hall, and felt bad in his heart.

What Law Enforcing Hall did for Master Lei Wanpeng today was really out of the ordinary, on the one hand it was because of Master Lei's deliberate arrangement, on the other hand there was a reason for it.

A few months ago, Wang Yinghuo sent people to buy the unscrupulous disciples Zhao Huayu and Bai Zhenqian from the Law Enforcement Hall, and asked them to find an opportunity to kill Lin Qing when he returned to the Law Enforcement Hall for questioning. It was to let Zhao and Bai kill Lin Qing to vent their anger on Wang En, but in fact it was to drive a wedge between Master Cui Hei Hei and Master Lei Wanpeng, and their intentions were extremely vicious.

After Zhao Huayu and Bai Zhenqian disappeared, the scheming Master Cui Heihei sent people to investigate, and soon discovered Wang Yinghuo's plot, and the senior officials of the Law Enforcement Hall who had almost suffered a dark loss were all very depressed.

It just so happened that after Lin Qing beat up the "Father of Loud Talkers" yesterday, after the four were rescued, they went to the Law Enforcement Hall overnight to report Lin Qing's beating.

Mu Wei, the deputy head of the law enforcement hall on duty, was overjoyed when he saw that these four people were from the family of Wang Yinghuo's confidantes. How could he not miss this opportunity to win Lei Wanpeng's favor and vent his anger? The four-person group of "cheesy mouths" won the torture, and sent someone to notify Master Lei Wanpeng overnight, and under the personal arrangement of Master Lei, today's square event happened.

After the evil stars of the law enforcement hall left, Wang Yinghuo, who was supposed to come out to announce the start of the selection competition of the middle hall, disappeared, and Xu Qiuyu, the deputy head of the middle hall, came out with an embarrassed expression and hurriedly made a formality, announcing the official start of the competition.

According to the usual practice, the seeded team will play the first match, and most of the captains who got the seeded team in the first match are so regretful that they want to cut off their bad hands, the only exception is a group of opponents who were drawn to the Lei Lei team.

This team is organized by a green-clothed disciple. Among the six members, two green-clothed disciples have the strength of the mid-stage foundation establishment, and the other four blue-clothed disciples also have the strength of the early foundation-establishment stage.

Seeing that there were still two physical trainers in Lei Lei's team, the six people's confidence immediately increased, and they encouraged each other to win the first round of this eye-catching selection competition.

The result of the whole battle stunned all the onlookers. The first match of the unpopular Lei Lei team ended up being the first among the five groups.

Following the referee's order, all the members of Lei Lei's team rushed straight towards the opponent who was about to cast a defensive spell first!

In the duel between the monks, releasing various defensive spells first is the most common and safe way of playing, or releasing defensive spells while guerrilla harassment, such as the Lei Lei team, who recklessly comes up and charges, this is really the first time in On the field of this game.

The one rushing to the front is Lei Shan, who looks like a fierce general in a helmet and crown. He is riding an iron armored rhinoceros, holding a square shield in one hand, and waving a huge mace in the other. His brave temperament is daunting.

Behind him is Lei Yan riding a Swift Shadow Leopard. Although he is hiding behind the huge Lei Shan, all kinds of hidden weapons designed to break the mana shield are like a rain of flowers, forcing the six people who are all Qi practitioners to panic .

Immediately behind was Lin Qing who was following on foot, he followed Lei Yan with empty hands as if strolling in a garden, unexpectedly he didn't take a few steps.

Originally, his task was to release the earth shield to help Leishan in front of him resist the magical attack, but the opposing team had no time to release the attack at all, because "Sister Mu" Wu Qionghua's ancient pine-patterned sword had already flew towards him!

Wu Qionghua was riding her red-crowned Thunder Crane, and Lei Lei, who was flying beside her on a splitting light mirror, was like a couple of gods and gods, making people enviable. Black Han Yue Lingbo.

Although among the three people flying in the air, only "Sister Mu" Wu Qionghua was attacking with the ancient pine-patterned sword, but this flying sword still suppressed the other six people with no power to fight back!

In a blink of an eye, the three underground Lei Shans rushed into the chaotic opponent's team. What else could the Qi trainer who was rushed to him by the body repairer do? Also unscathed.

The Lei Lei team's unreasonable style of play was designed by Lin Qing. During the closed training of the six, Master Lei Wanpeng unexpectedly handed over the task of command to Lin Qing. , This brutal style of play similar to an army charge was born out of nowhere.

Most of the people watching the battle in the audience were baffled, and many people even thought that the six disciples from small families deliberately lost to Team Lei Lei.

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