There are hundreds of thousands of mountains in the vast, majestic ups and downs. For the convenience of management, the first generation of the Wanshou Sect master set up five halls in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Each hall has a hall master. First name, two deputy hall masters, the middle hall is the head of the five halls of the Wanshou sect, and is responsible for the daily affairs management of the core area of ​​the sect.

In the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, apart from the Five Great Halls, there are also some institutions that are responsible for specific affairs, such as the Law Enforcement Hall, the Medicine Pavilion, the Artifact Refining Pavilion, and the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. The Presbyterian Church of the Beast Sect has a transcendent status and great power.

At this time, Lin Qing was wearing a blue magic robe, standing in a small courtyard where the blue-clothed disciples in the middle hall of the Wanshou Sect lived, looking up at the moon and meditating silently.

Because it only took more than a month for Lei Lei to return to the sect, he succeeded in establishing the foundation and became a white-clothed disciple of the Wanshou Sect. According to the previous agreement, Lin Qing and Lei Lei fulfilled the contract of honor guards, and then joined the Wanshou sect. The Beast Sect became an official blue-clothed disciple in the middle hall of the Wanshou Sect.

In the mana test before the official entry, a deacon who presided over the test was completely indifferent to Lin Qing's late stage Qi training at the age of 15, but kept his eyes slightly closed when testing Lin Qing's spiritual root attributes and grades The deacon opened his eyes and looked at the light from the test magic weapon, and sighed softly: "It's actually a top-quality spiritual root, no wonder Mr. Lei would accept you as a follower, but it's a pity that it's earth attribute, so it can't be used much."

Among all the spiritual roots, the five spiritual roots of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are the most common, which are called the innate five-element spiritual roots.

Among the five elements of spells, the gold, water, and fire systems have the most powerful attack power, regardless of spells or magical weapons. Therefore, the actual combat power of practitioners with the three spiritual roots of gold, water, and fire is often far greater than that of the five elements. Practitioners with wood and earth roots with the same level of mana; in addition, wood and earth roots have the highest rate of appearance among mortals, while there are fewer mortals with gold, water, and fire roots, so some people call them gold. The three spiritual roots of water, water and fire are the upper spiritual roots, and the wood and earth spiritual roots are the lower spiritual roots.

Even so, at the age of 15, with the cultivation base in the late stage of Qi training, and the attributes of the top-grade earth spirit root, if you put it in any of the cultivation sects in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Zhongtian, I am afraid that it will also attract the attention of the sect. It turned out to be just a sentence that is useless!

Thinking of this, Lin Qing shook her head helplessly and smiled. In fact, this is exactly what she wants, and she can take an unobtrusive and low-key route in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. After reflecting on all the words and deeds, he felt that there was nothing omission, so he took out a token and a pill from the storage bag distributed by the sect at his waist, and looked at it fondly.

This token was given to Lin Qing by Lei Lei this afternoon. With this token, you can go to the internal affairs deacon's office in the middle hall to get a top-grade monster flame lion. This token was honed by Lei Lei from his uncle in order to improve Lin Qing's strength. It took a long time to come here. After all, the attack power of the Flame Lion is also in the forefront among the top-rank monsters. Lin Qing, a blue-clothed disciple who has just started, is not qualified to have a green-clothed disciple to apply for a top-rank monster. If it wasn't for Lei Lei's success in building the foundation without using the Foundation Establishment Pill this time, which gave Lei Lei's uncle a lot of face, it would be impossible for Lei Lei to ask for this talisman.

Thinking that at the age of 13, Lei Lei can succeed in building a foundation without using a foundation pill, and there seems to be more than one genius disciple like Lei Lei in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, Lin Qing can only lament that the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect has a large number of monsters, It is truly worthy of the name of a super sect.

The elixir in Lin Qing's hands is the top-grade foundation-building elixir that Lei Lei's uncle prepared for Lei Lei.

Since the two met, Lei Lei didn't care about Lin Qing's cultivation and spiritual root level. This "second generation of immortals" told Lin Qing in no uncertain terms that what he valued was the "fate" with Lin Qing , and Lin Qing's eclectic creativity and precise control when using spells to fight. As for mana level and spiritual root attributes, they are not important, because these things can be made up for by panacea. This is also the reason for accepting Xiaobai as a spiritual pet at the Bai level.

Even so, when we met in the afternoon, Lei Lei was still very happy after learning about Lin Qing's spiritual root level and mana level, so he directly gave Lin Qing the top-grade foundation building pill and order talisman that his uncle had worked so hard to get. Don't worry, Lin Qing was once again speechless about Lei Lei's behavior that he didn't know whether to call it a prodigal or a bold one.

Before leaving, Lei Lei told Lin Qing that he was going to practice in seclusion for a period of time, and he could not provide more help to Lin Qing. The sect would give training tasks to the white-clothed disciples from time to time, and the followers of the white-clothed disciples also had to participate together. The training task is still risky, Lin Qing must seize the time to build the foundation, the most important thing is that next year will be the year of the five disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, and Lei Lei, who has the high hopes of the family, must achieve good results.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Qing, who had been looking forward to the high-grade monster flame lion all night, rushed to the internal affairs department of the middle hall excitedly. The deacon of the internal affairs department was a fat middle-aged man. The deacon surnamed Wang first expressed his admiration for Lei Lei's ancestor Lei Lei in an extremely respectful tone, and then very politely asked Lin Qing to follow a blue-clothed disciple to the animal pen to get the flame lion.

In the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, monsters above the level of spirit beasts are mostly kept in the spirit beast mountain in the sect, while those kept in the animal pens in the five halls are all monsters of the level below the best.

Deacon Wang's friendly attitude made Lin Qing, who was used to seeing his boss's ugly face in the military camp, quite flattered.

The beast pen in the middle hall occupies a tall mountain peak exclusively. In the gatehouse at the foot of the mountain, the person in charge of distributing the beasts raised in the hall is a steward named You Linhua. Eyes, after looking at the order talisman, immediately followed a rugged path up the mountain, and quickly brought down a skinny flame lion about the size of a dirt dog and handed it to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing stared blankly at the animal under her feet, with dull dark red fur, squatting on the ground and looking around blankly, it doesn't look like the legendary high-grade monster flame lion, it's a whole thin dog.

"Guan You, I got a flame lion. Why is this one so big? Is it a mistake?" Lin Qing really didn't have the courage to lead such a "lion" back, and was about to turn around and go back to the animal pen The steward You Linhua asked.

You Linhua was not angry at all, he said with a smile: "Don't worry, you take the token to lead and raise monsters, how could I make a mistake, it's a bit difficult for the blue-clothed disciples to identify the master of the adult flame lion, it's just The underage flame lion, I think it is very close to you, I believe it will be easy to recognize the master, please check if there is a hyena around its neck, dogs don't have hyenas, only lions have them."

Hearing what You Linhua said, Lin Qing finally noticed that this dog-like animal did have a ring of hyenas around its neck, and the fur on its whole body seemed to be longer than that of ordinary dogs, and its mouth was also short, wide and square. The shape, if you take a closer look, looks a bit like a lion.

Seeing that Lin Qing was still a little hesitant, You Linhua took out a jade slip from the storage bag and handed it to Lin Qing, saying, "I forgot to give you the formula for collecting demons and pets, hurry up and go back with the formula." , if this kind of flame lion is wild, it will be difficult to subdue it even at the golden core level. In the whole world, only our Myriad Beast Sect has a flame lion. You, a blue-clothed disciple, can get this level of monster. It's rare."

At this time, the blue-clothed disciple who led Lin Qing hurried forward and pulled Lin Qing away.

The blue-clothed disciple named Zhang Sanlang said as he walked: "Junior Brother Lin, don't ask any more questions. Although the steward of the animal pen is not a high-level person, he is indeed a person who cannot be offended. If you offended him this time, next time you will lead him." When it comes to other monsters, he will definitely make things difficult for you. Don’t be sad. Although this flame lion is a little small, the family of Mr. Lei you follow is a big family. Good monster."

Hearing that Zhang Sanlang cared about him so much, Lin Qing thanked him and said: "Thank you for your guidance, brother. Needless to say, it is obvious that I am making things difficult for me now. Although I have never seen a flame lion, I have always seen a few lions. It's really disgusting to look at."

Zhang Sanlang stopped and glanced around, seeing no one around, he whispered to Lin Qing: "Brother, are you taking this flame lion as a spiritual pet, or as a secondary pet?"

After entering the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, Lin Qing already had a preliminary understanding of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect's method of collecting demon pets when chatting with other blue-clothed disciples.

Each cultivator can only receive one spiritual pet, but can have auxiliary pets of unlimited types and quantities at the same time. The spiritual pet is connected to the master's spiritual consciousness and can fully understand the various complex instructions of the master, while the auxiliary pet can only Execute simpler commands.

Under normal circumstances, the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect choose a spirit pet not only for strength, but also for sufficient intelligence and spirituality, because some monsters that are naturally powerful but lack intelligence cannot even reach the level of spirit beasts. Understand the complex instructions of the master, so between strength, intelligence, and spirituality, the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect usually focus on intelligence and spirituality first.

If a white-clothed disciple or a powerful green-clothed disciple gets a high-grade monster like the flame lion, I am afraid that the first choice is to keep it as a pet. After all, the intelligence and spirituality of the flame lion are not high, but if it is an ordinary green-clothed disciple, It is already thankful to be able to receive a high-grade monster with super attack power like the Flaming Lion. How can one expect to have a more outstanding spiritual pet than the Flaming Lion? He must choose to accept the Flaming Lion as a spiritual pet.

Zhang Sanlang asked Lin Qing in this way, in fact, he gave Lin Qing a little praise, making Lin Qing feel as if he had become a powerful disciple who could choose at will, so he couldn't help but increase his favorability towards Zhang Sanlang. Said: "I think it's better to keep the Flaming Lion as a secondary pet. Maybe there will be a chance to find a more suitable monster as a spiritual pet in the future."

"Haha, junior brother really has great ambitions. He will definitely not be a thing in the pond. In the future, he will have to rely on his junior brother to take care of him." After Zhang Sanlang finished these two polite words with a smile, he continued: "It's so good, our sect Among them, the ones given out with the monsters are all the formulas for collecting auxiliary pets, and the formulas for collecting spiritual pets need to be exchanged for jade tribute points, so I can save the jade tribute points this time." (To be continued)

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