Yugong point is a way of rewarding the disciples of Wanshouzong, which can be exchanged for exercises, magic tools, monsters and other things necessary for cultivation.

Every Ten Thousand Beast Sect disciple will get an identity jade slip when they start. After serving the sect or completing tasks, the sect will record the disciple's jade tribute points into the identity jade slip. If the disciple needs to exchange jade tribute points for applications in the future It is very convenient to take out the identity jade slip to settle the transaction.

Looking at Zhang Sanlang's reluctance to speak, Lin Qing felt a little strange. He was abducted and sold since childhood, and later he hung out in the military camp. He was used to seeing people's faces, listening to the sound of drums and drums, and listening to the sound of speaking He still has the ability, so he said: "Senior Brother and I hit it off right away, if Senior Brother has advice, it's okay to say."

Zhang Sanlang was very satisfied with Lin Qing's attitude, and said in a low voice: "Junior brother is new here, so I don't know anything. Here, there is a special way to lead the animals in the animal pen. The animals raised in the gate are always divided into high and low. If you want to lead them to your heart's content Yes, it is to give the steward a little sweetness."

Lin Qing, who suddenly realized something in his heart, sneered secretly, and said: "I am a rough man in the mountains, and I don't understand the world, so please ask me to explain clearly."

Zhang Sanlang went on to say: "Junior brother went back and thought about it. If he thinks this lion is good enough, he will accept it as a pet. However, the aptitude of the monster itself is very important for future growth. Junior brother received the top-grade monster flame lion this time." The opportunity is also very rare, if it can be replaced by a strong adult lion, wouldn't it be better? Brother, I have a little friendship with the steward of the animal pen, so if you have any interesting things on hand, you can give them to me, and I will help you to make accommodations."

Now that he understood that Zhang Sanlang had made a deal with the steward of the animal pen and wanted to get some benefits from himself, Lin Qing didn't bother to talk to this person any more, so he fumbled a few words casually, then led the thin "flame lion" "He returned to his residence.

Lin Qing poured a cup of tea, sat on the chair and looked at the "flame lion" lying on the ground in front of the door, sighed, never thought that a super cultivation sect like the Wanshou Sect would be as dirty as the secular society Actually, Lin Qing's Spiritual Breath Ring contained quite a few monster cores. Although the highest level was no more than a middle-grade monster, the large number must be enough to satisfy the stewards of the beast pen. It's not a young child who has never experienced anything in the world. Looking back at Deacon Wang's obviously contrived attitude, he must have a share in the benefits of blackmail.

During those years in the military camp, especially before meeting his master Li Huan, Lin Qing was often bullied and blackmailed. He understood the so-called "take a small amount of money to avoid a big disaster", but he had a rough life since he was a child. Lin Qing always had a natural arrogance, and she was always unwilling to give up her dignity casually, although this kind of dignity did not exist in the eyes of others.

It was also because of this that if the bullying he received exceeded Lin Qing's bottom line, the little fat man would definitely fight to the death!

Looking at the skinny little "Flame Lion" with drooping eyelids lying on the ground with his head held high, Lin Qing suddenly felt that in the eyes of others, he might be as useless as this "Flame Lion" , still inexplicably arrogant, suddenly the feeling of sympathy welled up in my heart.

Forget it, since you can't force yourself to lower your face and give gifts to the steward of the animal pen, then let it go. Although it is not good in appearance and has a small mouth, it is still a flame lion, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Qing took out the jade slip handed over to him by the steward of the animal pen. The formula for keeping pets in it was very simple, and it was easy to memorize it in his heart. Casting a spell makes this "flaming lion" recognize itself as the master.

Lin Qing stroked the hair of this "flame lion" first, wanting to get close to it first, but although this "flame lion" did not show any dislike for Lin Qing, it was still arrogant and indifferent. Jiao looks.

After silently reciting the mantra, Lin Qing saw a silvery-white halo emerging from her right index finger, and hurriedly waved her hand at the "Flame Lion". The lion" neck disappeared.

The Wanshou sect's formula for collecting demon pets is not guaranteed to be successful after casting the spell directly. Collecting demon pets is a two-way communication. If the monsters have a strong resistance to the monk who casts the spell, the spell will not succeed.

Monster beasts have intelligence, and the kind of spells that forcefully control monster beasts will cause damage to the intelligence of monster beasts. A monster without any intelligence and can't even walk without spell control has extremely powerful combat power. limited.

Therefore, when the monks of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect accept monsters as pets, most of them choose the monsters raised by themselves in the sect. Although these monsters raised by human monks are not as powerful as wild wild monsters, they will not reject the monks' spells. The success rate is high.

According to the records in the Jade Slip, the situation just now indicates that the collection of auxiliary pets has been successfully completed. If the monster rejects and recognizes the master, it will automatically avoid the light circle and cause the spell to fail. The strange thing is that Lin Qing didn't say anything in the Jade Slip at this time. There is a sense of spiritual connection between her and being petted.

Feeling restless, Lin Qing hastily activated the control formula, but this "flame lion" was still lying on the ground in awe, not moving, which was enough to prove that the spell of receiving pets was unsuccessful.

Half an hour later, Lin Qing, who was about to collapse, sat down on the chair again. Just now, he frantically tried countless times according to the formula recorded on the jade slip, but still failed.

Could it be that there is a problem with the formula in the jade slip?

After studying the jade slips repeatedly, Lin Qing denied his own idea, because this kind of jade slips were made by the sect, and the Ten Thousand Beast Sect had strict rules, if they played tricks on it, the steward of the animal pen would not be able to die with nine lives of.

If it is not a problem with the magic formula, then there is only one possibility, that is, this "flaming lion" has too poor aptitude and no intelligence at all, so it cannot be controlled by the magic formula. This kind of situation rarely happens among high-grade monsters. But there are still fools among human beings, and it is not uncommon for a high-grade monster to have no intelligence. If this is the case, then the only thing to do is to give the monster core in the hand to the steward of the animal pen and exchange it for a flame lion.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing had a mental thought, and a large bag of monster cores in the spiritual breath ring appeared in his hand. He wanted to take a third out of the bag and give it to Zhang Sanlang to see if it could satisfy the appetite of the steward.

At this time, the "flame lion" who had been lying on the ground after entering the door suddenly stood up, twitched his nose twice, and ran to Lin Qing, wagging its tail and looking at the big bag of demon cores in Lin Qing's hand. There was an expression of eagerness on his bewildered face.

This bag demon core was only contained in an ordinary bag. Since there were many demon cores of middle-grade monsters inside, the demon power fluctuated obviously. Lin Qing did not expect that this "flame lion" seemed to have no intelligence. To actually know how to eat, it must be the instinct of monsters.

Lin Qing picked out the demon core of a low-grade fire-type monster from the bag and handed it over. The stupid-looking "Flame Lion" licked his tongue and brought the demon core into his mouth, then clicked a few times, He even chewed up the demon core and swallowed it, and then looked at Lin Qing eagerly.

When living alone in the mountains, Lin Qing had seen monsters refine other monsters' demon cores more than once. Usually they kept them in their mouths, and some monsters swallowed their cores into their stomachs and slowly refined them. You must know that the demon core is the crystallization of the demonic power in the whole body of the monster. It is very hard. Even an adult top-grade monster should not bite the demon core so easily. This seemingly clumsy "flame lion" is not big in size, but its bite force It's kind of weird how amazing it is.

Curious, Lin Qing hesitated for a moment, thinking that it would be a bit uneconomical for him to feed this stupid "flame lion" with the demon core, but seeing the longing look on this "flame lion", he cruelly took out He handed over the monster cores of several low-grade monsters at the same time, and the seemingly clumsy "Flame Lion" opened his mouth wide and swallowed all the monster cores of different attributes, like a greedy child. Stuffing a handful of jelly beans into his mouth, he began to chew.

Looking at the "Flame Lion" happily chewing, Lin Qing thought how could such a psychic "Flame Lion" have no intelligence at all, is it because it is still in its infancy?

Suddenly, Lin Qing had a flash of inspiration. Since such a prodigal has fed this silly lion so many demon cores, then he might as well use the magic trick taught by Lei Lei to psychic him a few times. It's just a failure, it's just a practice method.

With the end of the last verse of spiritism, Lin Qing, who was standing solemnly, raised her right hand slightly, drew a golden halo on her chest, and then quickly pushed forward, the golden halo swished towards the other end. Watching the clumsy "Flame Lion" fly over, at this time "Flame Lion" had already swallowed the demon core chewed up in his mouth, just looking up at Lin Qing, the golden halo was imprinted impartially on "Flame Lion" flashed a few times before disappearing.

"Flame Lion" stood motionless for a few breaths, then suddenly stood up, threw himself on Lin Qing excitedly, stretched out his long tongue and licked Lin Qing's face, Lin Qing, who was a little caught off guard, had a clear feeling Seeing that there is some kind of intimate connection between himself and this stupid "flame lion", now he can clearly feel the joy of this "flame lion", is it really successful?

At this moment, Lin Qing, whose face was licked and slobbered, finally came to his senses. Just thinking about how to let the obviously over-enthusiastic "Flame Lion" get off his body, this seemingly clumsy "Flame Lion" unexpectedly As if he knew what Lin Qing was thinking, he automatically put his two front paws off Lin Qing's shoulders, then circled around Lin Qing cheerfully, raised his head and yelled "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"."

Immediately, Lin Qing seemed to have been poured two basins of ice water over his head, freezing cold from the outside to the inside.

Isn't this the barking of a dog monster? You, don't bring such a fool, this guy is not a "flame lion", it turns out to be a dog! (to be continued)

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