The moonlight is like water, covering the ditches and ridges of the [-] mountains, bringing a mysterious atmosphere to the various scattered and carved buildings in the Wanshou Sect.

Yu Linhua, steward of the beast pen in the central hall of the Wanshou Sect, staggered back to the gate of the small courtyard where he lived, and waited for a long time before casting a spell to open the gate, apparently a little drunk.

It's no wonder that for an ordinary steward like You Linhua who has no hope of advancing in cultivation, is responsible for handling various affairs in the sect, and is sweaty and busy every day, drinking a little wine at night is undoubtedly the greatest pleasure.

Super sects such as Wanshouzong have a lot of internal affairs. Relying on disciples to handle various chores will obviously affect the cultivation of disciples. Therefore, Wanshouzong has set up special positions to handle various internal affairs, ranging from low to high. The high level is divided into four levels: steward, supervisor, deacon, and general manager. These positions are all held by disciples with slightly lower qualifications in the sect and who have no hope of improving their cultivation.

These disciples who are not good at cultivation but have management skills can enjoy life peacefully as long as they do their job well, and they don't need to practice hard every day, not to mention that even the managers in the least important positions have more than a dozen blue-clothed subordinates Disciples can be ordered around, so those who can hold these positions are all disciples who have some roots in the sect.

You Linhua, who came to the door, shook his head vigorously. Today he fell several big somersaults inexplicably, but he couldn't find the reason. He always felt a little weird, so he drank more than usual at night. Slipped to a coquettish blue-clothed female disciple under him, vented fiercely on her fat white body, and then returned with satisfaction. No wrestling.

After the wobbly You Linhua entered the room, just about to cast a spell to light the lamp, suddenly a person came out from behind the door, strangled You Linhua's neck with his left arm directly from behind, and pressed his right hand on the Niwan Palace of Youlinhua , a strong mana rushed straight down, sealing all the acupoints and meridians in Yu Linhua's body, and Yu Linhua, who had just reacted at this time, was startled into a cold sweat, and immediately lost all drunkenness, but a trace of mana was also mobilized No, I can only stand there obediently and motionless.

When the person behind turned to the table and lit a candle, Yu Linhua recognized that this person was Lin Qing who was deceived by him with a fake "flame lion" yesterday. It was the first time Yu Linhua had encountered the violent means of kidnapping to ask for an explanation. Now that he understood what was going on, Yu Linhua, who was a little relieved, wanted to put on the airs of being in charge, and opened his mouth to scold Lin Qing.

Seeing that Yu Linhua's face changed and he was about to speak, Lin Qing rushed to Yu Linhua's body, stretched out his hand and slapped You Linhua seven or eight times, then pointed at Yu Linhua's nose and cursed: "You dog, you blinded your dog's eyes. Seeing that grandpa is young, he actually bullied grandpa. Grandpa rolled over in the sea of ​​corpses fighting with demons. Killing you is like killing a dog." as simple as that!"

After cursing, Lin Qing pulled out a short knife from his waist that he didn't know where to get, and was about to stab Yu Linhua's chest. Looking at Lin Qing, a short and fat boy who was obsequious and honest yesterday, he transformed into a You Linhua had never seen such an unreasonable rough guy with such a ferocious look in his eyebrows.

You Linhua, who was completely frightened by the sudden slap and the shining dagger, could no longer see a shrewd look on his face. He had no doubt that Lin Qing really dared to stab him to death.

This guy was quick to see the opportunity, and hastily knelt down in front of Bi Linqing with a "plop" and said, "Master, slow down, slow down, the one I gave you yesterday was indeed not a lion. I lied to you. I admit my mistake, admit my mistake!"

You Linhua, who was born in the cultivator family affiliated to the Wanshou Sect, can be said to have grown up in the Wanshou Sect without much experience, and was naturally timid, covetous, and afraid of death. Frightened by Lin Qing's brutal methods in the barracks, he actually gave the order It really surprised Lin Qing, he took two steps back, sat on the carved chair in the room, and began to question You Linhua.

When Lin Qing was young, he was once sold to a juggling troupe. The ones responsible for guarding him and other children at night were several large vicious dogs. Monster beasts are even more common, so when he heard those two barks of "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" yesterday, he immediately knew that he had brought back a dog.

Originally, Lin Qing, who bears the secret of the "Earth Spirit Sect", planned to keep a low profile, and it was best not to attract the attention of others when doing anything, but this time when he went to get the Flame Lion, he was fooled by a dog, and even muddle-headed. A dog is taken as a spiritual pet, this useless energy is really showing off!

You must know that canine monsters are basically low-grade monsters. Only a few specially bred canine monsters can be middle-grade monsters. For example, the hunting dog king specially bred by the Wanshou Sect is a middle-grade tracking monster. .

Lin Qing, who took that canine monster as his spiritual pet, probably made a big joke that might not be unprecedented in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, but it was definitely unprecedented.

Lin Qing, who was filled with anger, decided not to suffer from this dumbness. He did nothing all day long, and just followed You Linhua underground with the ground movement technique. From time to time, he used the ground trap technique to lower the ground where Yu Linhua was standing. , In this way, You Linhua stumbled all day for no apparent reason.

At night, Lin Qing discovered that the walls and roofs of the houses where the disciples of the Wanshou Sect lived had charms pasted on them, and spells could not be used to penetrate through the walls. Although there were spells on the ground, they could be passed through with ground spells. So he sneaked into Yu Linhua's residence with the ground movement technique. Yu Linhua was also a foundation-builder, but he was attacked from behind unexpectedly by Lin Qing, who sealed his whole body's mana at once, so he ended up so aggrieved fate.

According to You Linhua, under the instruction of Deacon Wang, he and Zhang Sanlang cooperated with the blue-clothed disciples who specially used defective monsters that could not be accepted as monster pets to deceive them into leading beasts. These blue-clothed disciples were just getting started. , unwilling to cause more trouble, and finally willing to spend money to exchange for a better monster. The three used this method to blackmail the disciple who led the beast, and most of the benefits were taken by Deacon Wang.

What made Lin Qing even more angry was that You Linhua, whose feet were so frightened and his legs were weak, actually refused Lin Qing's request to lead another flame lion.

Because the fake "flame lion" that Lin Qing took away was also included in the total number of registrations in the animal pen, if he took another one, it would mean that there was one less flame lion in the animal pen, so the head of the middle hall would be found when he checked the accounts.

"You mean you can't get another hair, but you can exchange a fake one for the real one?" Lin Qing gritted his teeth and said.

You Linhua seemed to tremble for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Yes, but the fake one has already been harvested by you as a spiritual pet, so you can't change it anymore."

Depressed, Lin Qing was so angry that she almost ran away, and Yu Linhua, who was frightened again, hurriedly told Lin Qing the origin of the fake "flame lion".

It turned out that when You Linhua counted the flame lion cubs in the animal pen in the previous stage, he suddenly found that there was an extra one at some time. The cub was registered in the animal pen, and later You Linhua found that this little guy was not like a flame lion, so he began to research what kind of monster it was.

This Yu Linhua has a hobby of studying the types and bloodlines of monsters. He has gradually become an expert in this field as a steward in the animal pen. It should be easy to judge what kind of monster this time. Beast, but this little guy who looks more like a dog than a lion can not be afraid of the flame lion's high-grade monster breath, and can not lose the slightest in playing and fighting with the little flame lion. The nature of the situation made You Linhua even more curious, and after a lot of hard work, You Linhua concluded that this small animal that mysteriously appeared in the animal pen should be the descendant of the blood mastiff, the sacred beast of the ancient Buddhist sect.

The Buddhist Sect has a very long history. Different from other sects of self-cultivation, the Buddhist Sect attaches great importance to preaching among mortals. When it was the most powerful, it is said that it controlled most of the human countries in the Zhongtian Continent, and even had a large number of followers among the demons.

Legend has it that the sacred beast of the Buddhist sect is the blood mastiff mounted by the Buddha. Although no one has ever seen the Buddha, according to the records in the Buddhist sect, there really is a blood mastiff in the Buddhist sect, but they don't know what grade it is.

According to Yu Linhua's textual research, many legendary beasts will leave some descendants. Over the long years, the bloodlines of these descendants will gradually weaken until they are equal to ordinary monsters. Monster beasts will return to their ancestors, recovering the appearance of some divine beasts and their innate supernatural powers. This should be the case with the red mastiff that Lin Qing adopted as a spiritual pet.

As if seeing some hope, Lin Qing hurriedly asked him what grade this noble-born red mastiff was. You Linhua, who had been talking nonstop just now, suddenly looked embarrassed: "It's hard to say now, but if you can feed it often Some pills that improve the cultivation of monsters, I guess it still has the hope of reaching the level of high-grade monsters."

After talking for a long time about the level of his red mastiff, he only had the hope of being promoted to a top-rank monster. Lin Qing had no choice but to continue to scare You Linhua, to see if there were other ways to compensate him.

After the two of them bargained, You Linhua compensated Lin Qing with the high-level spirit beast ring he used back then and a spirit nourishing pill that could greatly improve the cultivation of spirit beasts.

In fact, the value of a single nourishing pill specially designed to help spirit beasts improve their cultivation is almost equivalent to that of a flame lion, plus the equally valuable high-level spirit beast ring, of course it is the result of blackmail by the fierce little fat man Lin Qing , This time, You Guanshi can be said to have lost enough to vomit blood.

When leaving, Lin Qing threatened again: "You lied to me first today, you took the initiative to provoke me, and you asked to compensate me for the things, if you tell what happened tonight, or find someone to take revenge in the future , then wait for a lifetime of somersaults!"

"Don't dare, dare not." Yu Linhua, who was frightened and trembling, replied repeatedly.

Knowing that the fall during the day was also caused by Lin Qing, You Guanshi completely gave up the idea of ​​revenge. After all, it is too weird to fall while walking without a problem.

(Thanks to Friends Banshanqing for joining us!) (To be continued)

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