Earth Emperor

Chapter 9 Crazy Plan

After returning to his room, it was already the third watch. The red mastiff, who had already fallen asleep on the ground, immediately woke up, wagging its brush-like tail and circling around Lin Qing. www

At first, Lin Qing saw that the red mastiff got up to welcome him so late, and was a little moved, but after a while, he clearly felt that the red mastiff smelled something delicious on him, and got up to ask for it.

Feeling lost, Lin Qing thought for a moment, then took out the jade bottle containing the elixir from her sleeve. The red mastiff immediately stared at the jade bottle and wagged its tail. Unexpectedly, this guy had such a good nose. The jade bottle could smell the fragrance of the panacea.

This nourishing spirit pill is really a good thing. Originally, Lin Qing was going to send the spirit pill that this kind of spirit beast was entitled to to the Artifact Refining Pavilion of Wanshouzong to see if he could change it to a magic weapon with strong attack power. It's a bit violent to feed a red mastiff that is not even a high-grade monster with a high-level elixir, but Lin Qing hesitated seeing the red mastiff in front of him.

In the process of questioning You Linhua just now, although You Linhua said that Lin Qing's red mastiff was the remnant of a divine beast with infinite potential, Lin Qing had already guessed that three parts of You Linhua's words were probably true and seven parts were false. , As for the possibility of being promoted to a top-rank monster, Lin Qing ignored it directly. If the blood of the beast is so easily awakened, I am afraid that all the streets are full of beasts. This red mastiff is probably at most a throwback to its ancestors in appearance.

The simplest reason is, if there is hope for the divine animal blood in this red mastiff to wake up, how could You Linhua disguise the red mastiff as a flame lion in exchange for Lin Qing?

The red mastiff, which was adopted as a spiritual pet, was connected with Lin Qing's mind. It may have sensed the owner's hesitation, so he suddenly raised his head, stretched out his mouth to take the jade bottle containing the spiritual pill from Lin Qing's hand, and then "crunched Chewed, crunched, and swallowed the Yangling Pill and the jade bottle together!

Seeing the triumphant look of the red mastiff after successfully stealing his mouth, Lin Qing was angry and funny, and didn't want to punish it anymore. After all, the red mastiff is his spiritual pet, and if its strength improves a bit, his combat power will also increase a little.

Under normal circumstances, after swallowing the elixir, monsters have to sleep for a long time to refine the power of the medicine, so Lin Qing hurriedly recognized the master of the high-level spirit beast ring obtained from You Linhua with blood, and took the red The mastiff was received in the ring of spirit beasts.

This spirit beast ring is worthy of being a high-level magic weapon. Its whole body is as green as jade, and it is beautiful and easy to use on the wrist. It can also be easily accommodated, and can automatically absorb the rijing moonlight and aura from the air for the monsters to cultivate. It is really a masterpiece in the spirit beast ring.

It's just that Lin Qing feels that this high-level spirit beast ring is a bit too wide, and it doesn't really look like a "ring".

"Why don't you just call you the Spirit Beast Bracer from now on?" Lin Qing said to herself.

After feeling that the red mastiff that quickly fell asleep in the spirit beast's wristband did not feel any discomfort, Lin Qing thought about it seriously, and decided that the matter of the flame lion being swapped would be over, and that he would not look for it according to the original plan. Deacon Wang settled the score. He has already learned that Deacon Wang has a deep background, rich experience in actual combat, and a cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment. If he is not sure enough to control Deacon Wang in one fell swoop, he still temporarily delays the strategy. As for Zhang Sanlang, he is like a dog. Such a small role is even more unworthy for Lin Qing to deal with him specially.

After making a decision, Lin Qing immediately relaxed a lot. He sat upright on the bed, closed his eyes and practiced the Thick Earth Art.

After dawn, Lin Qing got up and practiced the physical skills learned in the military camp. After a simple wash, he ate something casually, and rushed to the scripture storage pavilion of Wanshouzong.

The Sutra Pavilion is located in the back mountain of the Wanshou Sect. What surprised Lin Qing was that the Sutra Pavilion was not big, with only three floors, as if it was really a small pavilion.

After checking his identity and entering the first floor of the pavilion, Lin Qing discovered that the interior space of the Sutra Pavilion is extremely wide, and it is definitely not able to accommodate the small pavilion seen from the outside. It seems that space magic has been applied.

The first floor of the Wanshouzong Sutra Pavilion is open to all disciples under the sect, but few people come here, because the first floor contains comprehensive jade slips of humanities, history, geography, medicine, etc., which are not directly related to cultivation. The jade slips are usually ignored by the disciples.

At this time, Lin Qing seemed very excited. He searched through the pile of historical jade slips, and quickly found a jade slip introducing an ancient sect, and looked at it with his spiritual sense.

"—Diling Sect, one of the great sects of the ancient times, with the most wealth in the world, more than ten sects including the Buddha Sect joined forces to destroy it, and its inheritance—"

Eager to know the truth about the demise of his sect, Lin Qing threw down the jade slip that only had a single sentence about the Earth Spirit Sect, and picked it up among the pile of jade slips, but he couldn't find any more information about the Earth Spirit Sect. Information.

Before he knew it, Lin Qing actually stayed on the first floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion for a whole day. Although he didn't find any more information about the Earth Spirit Gate, he also made up a lot of common sense in the cultivation world and confirmed the Earth Movement Technique It is really a unique spell of the Earth Spirit Sect.

When he was studying with his master Li Huan, Lin Qing never believed that ground movement was his own unique skill.

In his opinion, stepping on a flying sword to penetrate the clouds and fog is far more difficult than walking underground, but in fact, the resistance of both air and water is much smaller than that of the land. The weapon is easy to break open, but the ground under the feet is dense and thick, and it is really difficult for people to walk through it with magic power.

Many powerful cultivators are said to be able to kill thousands of miles in one blow in the air, but they cannot penetrate hundreds of miles into the ground with one blow. This is the reason.

In the current Zhongtian Continent, the general opinion in the cultivation world is that the earth walking technique has been lost with the demise of the Earth Spirit Sect, and only some earth attribute monsters with innate supernatural powers can travel freely underground.

Although he couldn't solve the mystery of the sect's extermination, after confirming that his ground movement technique was really "the only one in the scorpion's shit", a crazy training plan appeared in Lin Qing's mind.

After officially becoming the blue-clothed disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, Lin Qing discovered that the blue-clothed disciples were actually the saddest group of people in the sect.

As a blue-clothed disciple who has just started, he has to actively help the sect with chores in exchange for jade tribute points. Every year, the Wanshou sect will expel those who do not meet the minimum standard of jade tribute points among the blue-clothed disciples from the sect.

Blue-clothed disciples who spend a lot of time doing chores will definitely affect their own cultivation, but without sufficient cultivation, it is impossible to be accepted as green-clothed or white-clothed disciples by the sect master and elders. This dilemma has caused most In fact, the disciples in blue couldn't see the hope of becoming formal disciples at all, so they could only silently serve the sect as cattle and horses.

While researching what kind of chores he was suitable for, Lin Qing saw the notice that the left hall of Wanshouzong recruited a blue-clothed disciple who knew the earth spells to work in the Lingshi Mine under his sect.

Since the spirit veins on the ground of Zhongtian Continent have all lost their aura, even in the gates of a super sect like the Wanshou Sect, the concentration of aura is not much thicker than that in a densely populated city, so if you want to practice quickly, The only way to increase the speed of cultivation is to rely on the spiritual stones dug out from the deep underground spiritual veins.

One of the reasons why the Wanshou Sect established itself in Shiwan Dashan is that it is suitable for raising monsters, and the other reason is that there are rich mineral resources in Shiwan Dashan, especially there is an extremely rare high-quality spirit deep underground. Stone veins.

No matter in any sect, ore veins are the most important cultivation resources, not to mention the spirit stone ore veins that are directly related to the progress of the sect's cultivation.

Among the five internal halls of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, the division of labor in the left hall is dedicated to the protection and mining of ore veins.

For the Lingshi vein, which can be called the lifeline of the sect, the Wanshouzong has formulated the strictest protection measures. According to an exaggerated statement, even an ordinary stone in the mining area cannot be taken outside without permission.

In order to prevent some disciples from taking advantage of the opportunity of mining to practice secretly, Wanshouzong stipulates that only mortal slaves can directly dig and process raw spirit stone ore. When approaching the Lingshi vein, when the spiritual energy in the mine tunnel exceeds a certain concentration, all disciples under the sect must withdraw from the mine tunnel. For those who dare to violate the rules, there is only one kind of punishment - abolish the mana of the whole body and become a mining slave!

But at this moment, Lin Qing's crazy plan is to take advantage of the opportunity of signing up to work in the Lingshi Mine, and wait for the opportunity to sneak into the underground spiritual veins to practice!

The left hall of Wanshouzong was far away from the central hall, and it took Lin Qing three days to get to the recruiting Zuotang Mine Superintendent without a mount.

Deacon Li is a one-armed old man in his 60s. When he was reviewing Lin Qing's identity slip, he raised his brows that were habitually frowned, and a smile suddenly appeared on his originally stern face. , kindly pointed to the sand table showing the location of the mine on the table and said: "Lin Qing, you have been hired, which mine do you want to go to?"

Lin Qing, who was a little baffled by the deacon's sudden softening attitude, thought of the "smiling tiger" Deacon Wang in the Internal Affairs Department of the Zhongtang, and suddenly became a little vigilant.

Deacon Li, the Zuotang Mine Supervisor, seemed to have seen through Lin Qing's mind, and said with a smile: "I used to be a follower of Mr. Lei Lei's father. Don't be suspicious. If you are not familiar with the situation, I will arrange for you to come closer. An easy mine."

Unexpectedly, I ran into someone from the Lei family here, Lin Qing immediately relaxed, it seems that having an acquaintance makes things easy to do everywhere, but Lin Qing, who has done her homework beforehand, knows that the nearby mines are all under construction. It is relatively complete and standardized, and it is under the eyes of Zuotang's masters. It is difficult to realize the little Jiujiu in his stomach, so he hurriedly bowed deeply to Deacon Li and said: "Thank you for your concern, senior. I just started and want to earn more money." Some jade tribute points, so don't be afraid of hard work, and ask seniors to help."

In Wanshouzong, because the conditions of the newly opened mines on the fringes of the sect are harsh, the excavation tasks of the mines are heavy, and there is also the risk of being attacked by monsters, it is stipulated that the disciples working in the new mines will get double jade. Tribute point.

Lin Qing's answer not only concealed her own thoughts of going to a remote mining area, but also appeared to be sound and reasonable. Deacon Li nodded approvingly and said: "Young people know that it is good to suffer, so you can go to the newly opened Hutou Mountain Mine .”

After finishing speaking, Deacon Li handed Lin Qing a talisman, and told Lin Qing to use this talisman to go to the internal affairs department of the left hall to pick up the replacement walking monster, and then report to the Hutou Mountain Mine. Lin Qing knew that the walking monster It must be the welfare of the insiders, otherwise I can only run to Hutou Mountain. (to be continued)

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