Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1133 Do the math!

Sun Country, this is a crazy nation.

People in the world have different evaluations of this nation. Some say that this nation is extremely united, while others say it is a dirty nation, full of violence, blood, lust... The ugliness of human nature can be found here.

Although these comments are all one-sided, they can indeed be found in the Sun Kingdom.

At this moment, the most powerful person in the Sun Kingdom is filled with such negative emotions.

At this moment, he has become an almost crazy warrior. One of his orders may cause a war between the two countries, and even countless lives will be lost as a result.

However, An Peiji Sanben was a crazy warrior. At this moment, he ignored many people who advised him and issued such an order directly.

"Order the 130 nine military bases across the country to prepare for the highest level of war. All medium and long-range missiles are aimed at the capital of Huaxia and the surrounding cities. Other short-range missiles with insufficient range are all aimed at the coastal cities of China. The Huaxia Kingdom will be disabled in one round of salvo!"

The extremely straightforward order was quickly passed on by the loyal minister An Peiji San. In just 3 minutes, all military bases across the country received the order.

All of a sudden, the Sun Nation finally revealed its minions to the world. At the same time, the eyes of all countries in the world were focused on the tiny land of the Sun Nation.

The atmosphere in the office belonging to Chief No. [-] in Zhongnanhai, the capital of Huaxia Kingdom, was unprecedentedly tense at the moment.

Just now, they were happily watching the scene of Jian Yi and the others slaughtering all directions through the satellite, but now, their brows were finally furrowed.

"I didn't expect that An Paiji San would be so extreme that he aimed missiles at our Huaxia Kingdom. I think this guy wants to die." A bearded general yelled angrily.

This person is a bigwig in the Huaxia military circle. He holds a high position in the army and belongs to one of the top few people in the Huaxia Kingdom.

"Hehe, Lao Chen, don't be nervous!" The No. [-] chief sitting on the first seat said calmly: "Our Huaxia Kingdom has long been on guard against the Sun Kingdom's move. Just now, the combat order has been issued. Are you still in a hurry?" What is it?"

"Hehe, chief, I'm not in a hurry. I just can't understand that kid who accompanied Ji San. Tell me, with our current strength in Huaxia, when did a little Sun Country take seriously? We are I love peace so I didn't fight with the Sun Kingdom. But the bastard who accompanied Jisan thought we were afraid of them, and the Diaoyu Islands refused to return for a long time. Damn, you are like a kid. Chief, I beg, this time the war , I want to personally direct!" The bearded man's gong-like voice was extremely thick.

"Hehe, Old Chen, I know you're impatient!" He clapped his palms together and laughed loudly, "Okay, I approve your request. However, you must give me a military order!"

"Okay, what is the military order, who am I afraid of the bearded man?" The bearded man also yelled loudly.

"You have to promise me that this time, the paper tiger of the Sun Kingdom must be completely defeated!" The chief slapped the table, imposingly: "I am a magnificent China, it's time to show my inviolable face!"



At a certain moment, following An Pai Ji San's order to go down, thousands of missiles blasted into the sky, turned into thousands of flames, and rushed towards the sea level.

At this moment, Chen Feng was watching Jian Yi and the others massacre the monks from the Sun Country.Suddenly, he felt a strange atmosphere around him.

He looked up, only to see a missile passing over Chen Feng's head and shooting towards Huaxia.

Then, his eyes stretched to the distance, and then his face changed drastically.

In the sky, dense flames disappeared, which were obviously missiles that had been launched one after another.

"Not good!" At this moment, Chen Feng's expression finally sank: "I never thought that Sun Nation would make such a step!"

Suddenly, Chen Feng's body chased towards one of the missiles.

In a few breaths, Chen Feng caught up to the missile, and with a random kick, he stepped the missile down into the sky, and finally landed in the endless sea, where it exploded loudly

"Hmph, do you think you are a god? I have launched thousands of missiles this time, and the launch sites are extremely scattered. Even if you have great powers, you can't stop them!" An Peiji San looked coldly at the Chen Feng laughed wantonly.

On the screen, Chen Feng's body shuttled rapidly in the sky. In just a quarter of an hour, hundreds of missiles were completely destroyed by him.However, this is still a drop in the bucket.In half a quarter of an hour, all the missiles had already reached beyond China's coastline, and they were about to enter China's territory in the next moment.

"Damn it, there are too many, I can't stop it!" Chen Feng looked in the direction of Sun Country with hatred, and roared coldly: "If these missiles hurt a Chinese person, I, Chen Feng, will raze the Sun Country to the ground!"

On the other side, An Peiji San didn't realize that the crisis was coming at all. At this moment, he looked at Chen Feng who had given up on intercepting him, and smiled arrogantly: "Hahaha, Huaxia Pig, what about the strength? It's not that thousands of missiles can't stop me!"

However, the next moment, his face suddenly turned pale.

The screen in front of An Pai Ji San suddenly changed, and a bearded man appeared on his screen.He knew this person, he was a bigwig in the Chinese military circle.

"Anpai Jisan, don't be too happy, wait for the revenge of my Huaxia Kingdom!" The bearded man's mocking voice seemed to possess endless magic power, which made Anpai Jisan's face turn extremely pale.

The next moment, the screen changed again, and this time, An Peiji San's body suddenly went limp.

In the picture, many flames suddenly rose from the inland of Huaxia. If you look closely at these flames, you will know that they are small missiles that you have never seen before.

These missiles were extremely fast, they crossed an extremely long distance in an instant, and collided with the missiles of the Sun Nation.In an instant, the Sun Nation's missile exploded at high altitude, and the wreckage fell on the ocean.

Such scenes are not single, but everywhere.

Every missile in the Sun Nation was entangled by a small missile, and there was no way to dodge it. They were detonated in the air by the small missiles almost at the same time.

From the beginning to the end, none of the thousands of missiles launched by the Sun Kingdom flew into China's Neiru, and all of them were detonated above the sea.

"Huh, it seems that my worries are unnecessary. The Huaxia Kingdom hides it very deeply." Chen Feng looked at the thousands of missiles that were shot down at the same time, with a cruel expression on his face: "Sun Kingdom, we now It’s time to settle the accounts!”

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