Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1533 Help you check

At this moment, Chu Renlong seemed very excited.Chen Feng could clearly feel that at this moment Chu Renlong definitely had some resentment towards the Three Emperors Immortal Kingdom.Moreover, this resentment is not ordinary.

However, Chen Feng also understands very well. Anyone who has been trapped in this Baiyu City for so many years, watching people become bloodthirsty corpses every day due to the influence of the plague virus, is not even sure that he will be infected with the plague. Virus.This kind of pressure to be on tenterhooks all the time is absolutely unbearable for ordinary people.

"Could it be that, in the past three years, Baiyu City still hasn't developed a method to control the plague virus?" Chen Feng asked.

Generally speaking, after a plague appears, it may beat the living beings in a hurry.But with a certain period of adaptation, a method to control the plague will eventually be developed.After all, humans are the most intelligent creatures in the world.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Chu Renlong nodded: "There is indeed a method, but it's just to make people linger."

As he said that, Chu Renlong took out a fairy stone and held it in his hand: "As long as the monk absorbs the fairy stone, the fairy power in the fairy stone can temporarily replace the monk's immortal power and be decomposed by the plague virus, so that the monk who has been infected by the plague virus can recover catch my breath."

"It's just that after three years, the fairy stones in Baiyu City have basically been consumed. Those monks who don't have fairy stones no longer have anything to rely on to survive, and can only quietly wait for the arrival of the god of death. "Chu Renlong sighed, and said: "If this continues, Bai Yucheng may not last long."

"Hey, give me the fairy stone, give me the fairy stone!" At this moment, bursts of violent aura came from all directions.Chen Feng looked around, and saw that the sick monks who were on the verge of dying stood up in unison at this moment, looking at the low-grade immortal stone in Chu Renlong's hand, as if they were looking at a priceless treasure.

The next moment, these monks ran desperately, and their hunched bodies exploded at an unimaginable speed.However, Chen Feng saw that among them, there were very few monks who could still use the immortal energy, and [-]% of the monks only used physical power.That feeling is the same as those corpses outside. The big deal is that corpses are unconscious killing machines, but these people still have reason.

"Hmph, get out!" Although Chu Renlong had some sympathy for these sick monks, he showed no mercy when facing the sick monks swarming up.He shouted angrily, his body was filled with arrogance, and the strength belonging to the late stage of Daluo Jinxian exploded, like a mountain, overwhelmingly oppressing these sick monks.

All of a sudden, many people were shocked and flew back, only a few powerful sick monks stood there with pale faces, full of unwillingness.

"Hmph!" Chu Renlong put away the fairy stone, and said with a straight face, "You people, it's best not to challenge my bottom line."

Human nature is selfish. Immortal stone is the continuation of life in Baiyu City.Chu Renlong had to care.

Following Chu Renlong's harsh words, the sick monks finally retreated.They returned to their own corners and squatted down, burying their heads in their knees, helpless and desperate.

Looking at these monks, Chen Feng's face became serious.

"Why not isolate them?" Chen Feng asked: "Isolate the source of infection, and the plague will be cured without medicine. I think Bai Yucheng should not know this truth."

"Why not? After the plague started, this kind of measure was taken. But it didn't work. Those plagues seemed to have already permeated the air, and the isolation had no effect. So later, the high-level officials of Baiyu City no longer Adopted, these sick monks are left to fend for themselves." Chu Renlong shook his head, wanting to divert the topic: "Feng Daoist, don't talk about this topic. Come, I will help you settle down first, and then I will I am now telling you about the things to pay attention to in Baiyu City."

Chen Feng nodded his head, agreeing.With Chu Renlong as a local snake, many things will indeed be much more convenient.

"Come on, come on, he's dead, he's dead!" At this moment, a panicked voice sounded.I saw a thin man looking at a monk beside him in fear and screaming loudly.

Following his cry, the emotions of the sick monks around him became desolate.But behind the sadness, there is a sense of vigilance.

Chen Feng looked at the motionless cultivator, and saw that he was hunched over in a corner, his body was already stiff, his body had no breath, and he was already dead.

"Quick, throw him out of the city!" Chu Renlong's face changed slightly at this time, and he said hastily.

However, he still took a step.Hearing the sound of "嗤", the sick monk who had just died suddenly stood upright, and a pair of blood-red eyes burst out with a frightening light.

"No, he's turned into a corpse, get out of the way!" Chu Renlong shouted, a flying sword appeared in his hand, and a sword qi swept out from a distance.

Due to the haste of the attack, this sword energy didn't kill the corpse man much, but only cut off half of the corpse man's body.From the shoulders all the way to the waist, completely separated.

This kind of injury, for an ordinary person, is absolutely dead.But facing this corpse, it was useless.The corpse man let out a strange cry, and quickly threw a monk beside him to the ground, and then bit the monk's shoulder fiercely with a bloody mouth.

"Ah!" A miserable scream sounded, in addition to pain, it was also full of despair.

"call out--"

Another burst of sword energy crossed the air, and the next moment, the head of the corpse man moved, and the splashed blood sprayed the face of the monk who was attacked by the corpse man.

"You, throw him out of the city, and then you can find a place outside the city to spend the rest of your life." Chu Renlong looked at the monk who was attacked, and said complicatedly.

"No, I don't want it!" the monk yelled sadly.

"I don't want to kill you." Chu Renlong's words made the other party shut up: "Get out of the city before you become a corpse!"

The man fell silent.He also knew that after he was attacked by the corpse man, there was no way out.Infected with the virus, there is still a certain amount of time to linger.But if bitten by a corpse man, he would die within a few hours and become another corpse man.

He stood up, bent down to pick up the corpse of the corpse man who attacked him, and walked towards the city gate lonely.

"Wait!" However, a deep voice sounded, making the cultivator stop.

He turned his head and looked at Chen Feng who called him to stop him, his eyes were full of guard.

"Do you mind if I check your body?" Chen Feng said slowly.

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