"Do you mind if I check your body?" Chen Feng said slowly.

A simple sentence, like a bolt from the blue, stunned everyone present.

Is this man crazy?Doesn't he know that there is at least a 50.00% chance of being infected by direct contact with an infected monk?Or maybe this person is new here and doesn't know anything.

That's right, it must be like this, this person just arrived in Baiyu City, so he didn't understand anything, so he said that.

"Friend Daoist Feng!" Chu Renlong frowned and said, "You must never touch these people! Once infected, there is no cure."

Chen Feng shook his head, his face full of fear: "It's okay, I also want to see how powerful this virus is. As an alchemist, it's the first time I've seen such a virus, so I can't help being a little curious at the moment. "

"What, you are an alchemist?" Chu Renlong was shocked when he heard Chen Feng's words, and looked at Chen Feng in awe: "Is what you said true?"

Unknowingly, Chu Renlong changed his address to Chen Feng again, and involuntarily used honorifics when speaking.

"Hehe, it's real!" Chen Feng nodded with a smile, and with a movement of his hand, a five-dragon red robe fluttered in the wind, and it automatically slipped on his body.The bright five-dragon red robe paired with Chen Feng's slightly aged middle-aged man's appearance looked extremely shocking.

"I've seen Master Feng!" This time, no matter whether it was Chu Renlong and the others, or other sick monks, they all knelt down on one knee respectfully, expressing their respect for Chen Feng.

"Hehe, fellow Daoist Chu doesn't have to be like this!" Chen Feng helped Chu Renlong up, and said calmly, "Everyone get up first."

Hearing what Chen Feng said, everyone stood up.But their faces were filled with excited smiles, and they looked at Chen Feng as if they were looking at a rare treasure.

"Haha, I didn't expect another alchemist to come to our Baiyu City." Chu Renlong happily grabbed Chen Feng's hand, his voice roared because of excitement: "After the plague broke out, the alchemist guild in Baiyu City originally came to cure the plague. All the alchemists have died under the plague. As for the alchemists from outside, they all shrank their heads and concealed their identities as alchemists in order not to come into contact with the plague virus. Counting, our Baiyu City has already In two years, no alchemist has stood up to fight against the plague."

Seeing Chu Renlong's crazy look, Chen Feng understood Chu Renlong's mood in his heart.For the past three years, everyone in Baiyu City was looking forward to the alchemist to rescue them day and night.However, the alchemists are almost dead, and the rest are basically unknown people who can't shrink back.Now that they are finally looking forward to an alchemist, and he is also a five-dragon alchemist, how can this not make them feel excited?

"Senior alchemist, you go, I don't want to harm you!"

At this time, an excited and decisive voice sounded, but it was the cultivator who was attacked by the corpse man kneeling on the ground, looking at Chen Feng sincerely.

Chen Feng was slightly taken aback: "Why, don't you want to live?"

"Of course I want to live, but I don't want to harm you!" The monk said sincerely, "You are a good person!"

"Wu Yongjun, don't talk nonsense!"

"That's right, after all, a senior alchemist is willing to study this virus, so don't sabotage it on purpose!"

"I think you can't live by yourself, and you don't want others to live, senior alchemist, you must not be fooled by this villain."

Hearing the angry reprimands from the monks around him, Wu Yongjun trembled all over.However, he was powerless to refute at this moment, because as his emotions were stirred up, there seemed to be a bloodthirsty impulse in his body that was constantly rising.He knew that this was a sign that he was about to turn into a corpse.

However, at this moment, a scene that surprised him happened.I saw the senior alchemist walking towards him with a smile on his own initiative, without any shyness.

"No, seniors don't want it! I'm about to turn into a corpse, please stay away from me!" Wu Yongjun roared loudly, and then, under the rush of anger and blood, his eyes instantly went dark, and a burst of violence Going straight to his forehead, it will swallow his consciousness completely in an instant.

At this moment, a big hand heavily covered his shoulders, and at the same time, a scorching breath rushed into his body instantly.

Of course, Wu Yongjun would not know about this. At this moment, he had completely lost consciousness, completely unaware of what happened to the outside world.

"Feng Danshi, be careful, this person has mutated into a corpse!" Seeing that Wu Yongjun had no breath, Chu Renlong was extremely anxious.After finally ushering in an alchemist, if he was really injured by a corpse in front of him, then the senior management of Baiyu City would never let him go.

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Chen Feng shook his head at Chu Renlong, his face full of confidence.

For this plague virus, Chen Feng was naturally a little afraid of being infected.But as an alchemist, he definitely has a superhuman interest in defending against unknown diseases.It's like a person who loves wine, when he sees a wine he doesn't know, he always tries his best to taste it, even if the wine may poison people to death, he has no hesitation.

Of course, this is only one reason.Another reason why Chen Feng wanted to take a look at the plague virus was that he got it from the demon lord's inheritance, among which there was a case of the demon lord curing the plague.

Back then, the demon king traveled all over the world and encountered a plague in a tribe.People suffering from this plague become bloodthirsty, eat human flesh raw, and lose their humanity.Looking at it now, how similar is the phenomenon of the plague in that tribe to that in Baiyu City at this moment?

If this is the case, it is really possible that the plague in Baiyu City can be cured by Chen Feng.In the demon lord's inheritance, there are many valuable experiences about this kind of plague, and there is even a special prescription of elixir for curing this kind of plague, which has been passed down.

Xianyuan poured into Wu Yongjun's shoulder along Chen Feng's palm, flowing in Wu Yongjun's body like a river.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng frowned violently.After his immortal essence entered Wu Yongjun's body, it turned out to be smooth sailing without any obstacles at all.

This phenomenon is absolutely abnormal.If it is a normal person, there will definitely be a phenomenon of rejection in the meridians, and there will be more or less rejection of the immortal essence that does not belong to him.

But when Chen Feng's immortal essence was flowing in Wu Yongjun's body, nothing like this happened.It seemed that Chen Feng's immortal essence belonged to Wu Yongjun himself.

"Eh?" However, at the next moment, Chen Feng's face changed slightly, and a bad feeling appeared in his heart.

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