Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1535 Don't be too happy

"Eh?" However, at the next moment, Chen Feng's face changed slightly, and a bad feeling appeared in his heart.

I saw that although my immortal energy was circulating in Wu Yongjun's body, and it seemed to flow very smoothly, but as long as I felt it carefully, I could feel that the immortal energy seemed to be continuously consumed and disintegrated by an invisible force.

In just a moment, Chen Feng's immortal essence has been consumed by a small amount.Under such circumstances, it doesn't take long for his immortal essence to be exhausted.

"It's weird, it's weird!" Chen Feng murmured, and in his heart he even thought of the characteristics of the plague virus that the Demon Lord had encountered in the Demon Lord's inheritance.

"There is a plague that turns corpses, destroys people's minds, destroys people's skin, destroys people's vitality, and is unparalleled..."

Chen Feng recalled the demon king's description of this plague in the inheritance, but he was concentrating on observing the characteristics of the plague virus in Wu Yongjun's body.

Gradually, the characteristics of the two viruses gradually overlapped.Chen Feng discovered that although there were some differences between the two plague viruses, most of their characteristics were exactly the same.

"Perhaps, although these two plague viruses are not of the same type, there must be some connection between them, and there may even be inextricable connections between the two." Chen Feng thought to himself.


At this moment, Wu Yongjun suddenly roared violently, even Chen Feng's immortal essence couldn't suppress the bloodthirsty emotion in Wu Yongjun's body.

Feeling that Wu Yongjun's struggle became more and more violent, Chen Feng's understanding of this plague virus improved: "It seems that what was said in the inheritance of the Demon Lord is correct, and the faint is to suppress the plague virus by relying on the immortal essence. Sure enough, it doesn't work, this kind of plague virus seems to have a natural restraint on Xianyuan."

"Feng Danshi, be careful!"

There was a loud shout, but Chu Renlong rushed towards him quickly. It was obvious that Wu Yongjun's appearance of getting out of control made Chu Renlong very worried.That's right, after all, Chen Feng was the first alchemist in three years who was willing to try to cure the plague. If there was a mistake, he, Chu Renlong, would be the sinner of Baiyu City.

However, Chen Feng shook his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay!"

While speaking, two rays of light suddenly shot out from Chen Feng's eyes.As soon as these two rays of light appeared, they turned into two thin needles and suddenly stabbed towards Wu Yongjun's mind.

Soul stabbing needle!

Don't think it's just the soul stabbing needle, the most basic soul attack technique, but compared to when Chen Feng used it in the cultivation world, it's more powerful.At this moment, if Chen Feng's soul stabbing needle explodes with all its strength, even a celestial immortal will suffer a great loss.For Wu Yongjun, who was like a walking dead, the power was even stronger.

Sure enough, as the soul-piercing needle smoothly pierced Wu Yongjun's mind, the violent and inexplicably violent Wu Yongjun suddenly tilted his head, and suddenly there was no sound.

"Hehe, what is said in the Demon Lord's inheritance is indeed true. Although this virus is powerful, it cannot control the sea of ​​consciousness of the monks. As long as the sea of ​​consciousness is attacked with the spirit of the soul, it can somewhat restrict the actions of the infected person. .If we take advantage of the virus to be suppressed and give rescue, the infected people may still be saved.”

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help admiring Yu Mojun even more.If you think about it, although this White Jade City is not big, it is an important city in the Three Emperors Immortal Kingdom after all, and its strength is complicated. How can there be fewer alchemists in it?So many alchemists are helpless against the plague virus, as early as a long time ago, the Demon Lord had already developed a cure method.

It's just that these methods have long been silenced with the fall of the Demon Lord. If I hadn't obtained the Demon Lord's inheritance by chance, I'm afraid I don't know when the Demon Lord's inheritance will reappear in the world.

"First I got the inheritance of the Demon Lord, and then I encountered such a plague. Perhaps, all of this is my own arrangement. Since I, Chen Feng, have obtained the inheritance of the Demon Lord, let his inheritance be carried forward in my hands." What about the vastness?"

"Besides, the Demon Lord has the whole world in his heart. If he knows that I use his inheritance to benefit the world, I'm afraid Jiuquan will smile."

Thoughts circulated in Chen Feng's mind, but his hands didn't stop at all.

Chen Feng took out a white jade-like elixir.

"Heavenly Soul Pill is specially designed to heal the soul. Now is the time for you to play its role." Chen Feng murmured, and then squeezed Wu Yongjun's chin with the other hand, causing his mouth to open slightly.Afterwards, Chen Feng stuffed that Heavenly Soul Pill into Wu Yongjun's mouth.

The Tianhun Pill melts in the mouth, there is no need to swallow it, it just turns into a stream of medicinal juice and flows into Wu Yongjun's lungs.

A strange thing happened, Wu Yongjun's originally blood-red eyes suddenly froze, and then the scarlet in his eyes gradually weakened.Not long after, the violence in his eyes dissipated, and his original clarity returned.

Everyone held their breath, and they were even more excited in their hearts.In the past three years, the only way out for those infected with the virus is to turn into a corpse. When have they ever seen a corpse regain their sanity?

"What's wrong with me?"

Just as everyone was staring with bated breath and looking forward to it, a hoarse voice sounded.


Immediately, everyone cheered, and that burst of strong cheers spread throughout the entire Baiyu City.

"Haha, we are saved, we are saved!"

Everyone cheered crazily, and everyone had a look of ecstasy on their faces.

"Hey, I remember that I have turned into a corpse man, why..."

Wu Yongjun shook his head vigorously, his mind was still a little unclear.

"Haha, Lao Wu, you have been rescued." Someone shouted excitedly: "Master Feng has transformed you back."

"Changed... changed back?" Wu Yongjun's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.Then, he suddenly trembled all over, turned around and knelt down towards Chen Feng, kowtowed without saying a word.

Only those who have really experienced death can understand how happy it is to be alive.Wu Yongjun has experienced it, so at this moment he is so excited that he can't speak, only kowtow can express his gratitude.

Chen Feng helped him up, and said with a smile: "Hehe, don't be too happy, I just gave you a Heavenly Soul Pill. Although it is effective, it can only temporarily pull you back from the gate of hell. Wait until The potency of the Heavenly Soul Pill cannot match the power of the plague virus, and you will still turn into a corpse. At that time, even if there is another Heavenly Soul Pill, it will not be able to save you."

(I didn't get home until eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, so I quickly updated a chapter. I'm too busy recently. Please forgive me.)

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