Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 1536 Qiliang's Shock

Chen Feng's words were like a knife that ruthlessly pierced the hearts of everyone present, causing them to fall from the blissful paradise to the bottom of the valley.

How much these people hope to see someone who can cure their plague virus, so that they can be freed from the shadow of death.As a monk, I have always fought against the sky for my life. I know that life is hard to come by, so how can I give up my life?

On the contrary, Wu Yongjun didn't show any fluctuations on his face.

He looked at Chen Feng with a free and easy expression on his face: "I have already died once, and I am no longer afraid of death."

"However, I believe in you. Since you can save me once, you will definitely be able to save me a second time."

Chen Feng looked at Wu Yongjun, his eyes flashed with brilliance.At this moment, he has a little bit of value for Wu Yongjun.

Smiling, Chen Feng said: "There is a way, maybe I can also refine a elixir that specifically restrains this kind of virus. However, I need time."

"That's natural, that's natural!" Chu Renlong said with an apologetic smile, "But for now, Master Feng, let me arrange a place for you to stay."

"Hehe, that's good." Chen Feng nodded. Right now, he had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and he just needed a quiet place to think about the next thing.

But at this moment, hearty laughter suddenly came from the depths of Baiyu City.

"Hahaha, a distinguished guest is coming, please forgive me for not coming to greet you." In the distance, a group of people came hurriedly, and the leader was an old man dressed in gold, who looked imposing, With a profound aura, he is definitely a strong person at the level of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal.

"Master Feng, that's Qiliang, the lord of Baiyu City. As for the people behind the lord, they are all high-ranking officials of Baiyu City." Seeing the person coming, Chu Renlong immediately turned serious, and hurriedly said to Chen Feng via voice transmission.

Afterwards, he bowed and stepped aside, with a cautious attitude and a look of awe on his face: "I have seen the city lord and all the elders."

"There's no need for these empty etiquettes." Na Qiliang waved his hand and said in a friendly manner.Afterwards, his eyes fell on Chen Feng, especially when he saw the five-dragon red robe on Chen Feng's body, his eyes showed ecstasy.

"Grandmaster, I'm waiting for you." Qi Liang once again confessed his crimes to Chen Feng, this time, his tone was more sincere, faintly filled with boundless excitement.

"Hehe, this must be the Lord of Baiyu City. I'm Fengchen, I'm being polite." Chen Feng looked at Qiliang, slightly arched his hands, and his tone was neither humble nor overbearing.

Although his strength is not as good as that of Jiutian Xuanxian, it doesn't mean that he will be intimidated when facing Jiutian Xuanxian.You know, not long ago, even if he was a martial artist in the late stage of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, he had killed three of them. Although he relied on Feng Yuanxiang and the spirit addicts, he still died in Chen Feng's hands.

What's more, the status of the five dragon alchemist represented by the five dragon red robe on Chen Feng's body was no less than that of a cultivator at the level of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal.

"I'm ashamed, Xia Qiliang is the lord of this White Jade City." Qi Liang said a little desolately: "Master Feng must also understand the current situation of this White Jade City."

"Yes, if the plague in Baiyu City can't be lifted, Baiyu City may not be able to last for too long." Chen Feng nodded and said.

"Well, it's all because of the incompetence of us decision makers in Baiyu City. We were blinded by interests, which led to the outbreak of the plague." As he said, Qiliang's face was full of self-blame: "If Baiyu City If you really want to die in my hands, how can I, Qiliang, be worthy of the kindness of the previous city lord. Master Feng, I will not say hypocritical words. If you can save the whole city of Baiyu City from fire and water, no matter what conditions you ask, As long as I, Qiliang, can do it, I will do it for you, even if I am smashed to pieces!"

While speaking, Qiliang, the lord of Baiyu City, bent his knees and was about to kneel towards Chen Feng.

Seeing this, Chen Feng hurriedly stretched out his hand to help, and said with a smile: "The city lord doesn't need to do this."

"Please, Master Feng, save me Baiyucheng." The corners of Qiliang's eyes were slightly moist, showing a bit of sincerity.

Looking at his appearance, Chen Feng felt a little moved in his heart.Qiliang's performance like this is not worthy of the title of city lord.On the other hand, the elders of Baiyu City behind Qiliang, although their faces were full of emotions, none of them expressed their opinion like Qiliang.

"The city lord is very polite. Since I have come here, I must not be able to leave until the plague is resolved." Chen Feng said with a light smile.

He was referring to the fact that the people from the Three Emperors Immortal Kingdom blocked Baiyu City.Since these people have locked up Baiyu City for three full years, needless to say, they will not let Chen Feng out easily.

Therefore, if Chen Feng wants to leave, the safest way is to solve the plague.Of course, Chen Feng could also risk his escape, but the risk was too great. If he was discovered, it would definitely end in death.Chen Feng didn't think he could fight against the Three Emperors Immortal Kingdom.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Qi Liang couldn't help being a little embarrassed.To this, he could only smile wryly.

"Since you can't go out, you won't be lonely if you stay and study this plague." Chen Feng said calmly.

Looking at Chen Feng's demeanor, Qi Liang couldn't help being awed.As an alchemist, this person must know the horror of this plague, but until now he has not shown any timidity.When such a situation happens, either the alchemy skill is superb, or it is a fool.

But is Chen Feng a fool?Can a fool own the five-dragon red robe?

Thinking of this, Qiliang had a high opinion of Chen Feng in his heart. He looked at Chen Feng and said, "Master Feng is righteous, and Qi admires it. But there are too many people infected with the plague virus here, so Master Feng will follow me to the city lord." Rest in the mansion."

Chen Feng smiled, but did not answer.If he was really afraid of the plague virus, he would not have taken the initiative to check Wu Yongjun just now.

On the other hand, Chu Renlong suddenly laughed, and the laughter seemed particularly abrupt at this moment.Suddenly, all the senior officials of Baiyu City stared at him dissatisfied.

"Ahem..." Seeing that he seemed to have aroused public outrage, Chu Renlong hastily explained: "Don't misunderstand, the city lord, I just thought of a happy thing, so I couldn't help it."

After a pause, Chu Renlong's tone couldn't help becoming agitated: "The city lord and the elders came late, maybe they don't know it yet, just now, Master Feng has temporarily cured a monk who turned into a corpse with the help of the elixir."

As he spoke, he frowned, and his eyes fell on Wu Yongjun.

"So that's how it is, Master Feng is a good trick." Qi Liang listened, and subconsciously wanted to praise Chen Feng, but the next moment, his face became extraordinarily exciting, and his voice suddenly raised two octaves: "What... Can you say that again……"

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