Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 246 Reporting Chen Feng

The night was like wine, under the bright lights of the room, Chen Feng's hands passed through Mu Wan'er's shoulders and legs, and Mu Wan'er was hugged like a princess.

Mu Wan'er is not heavy, she is 1 meters tall and weighs more than 65 kilograms.Although Chen Feng didn't recover much strength, it was more than enough to lift Mu Wan'er up.

"You lied to me, you can move obviously, just now you pretended to be a dead dog." Mu Wan'er said through gritted teeth, but there was not much anger in her eyes.

"If it is said that your beauty gave me strength, would you believe it?" Chen Feng looked into Mu Wan'er's eyes and said seriously.

It has to be said that every woman likes to hear compliments.As soon as Chen Feng's words came out of her mouth, Mu Wan'er's delicate body was shocked, and her struggle seemed much smaller, especially in her eyes, there was a lot more tenderness.

"You scoundrel, you know how to take advantage of me!" Mu Wan'er involuntarily beat Chen Feng's chest with her hands to express her dissatisfaction and grievance.However, in this way, Mu Wan'er's chest was empty, and two plump white rabbits were exposed in front of Chen Feng.What's more terrible is that, following Mu Wan'er's beating, the two big white rabbits jumped and jumped very regularly, which made Chen Feng swallow his mouth water.

Mu Wan'er had just punched her a few times before she realized her embarrassment. In her shyness, she hurriedly withdrew her hands, wanting to protect her again.However, her hands are fast, and someone is faster than her.

I saw that Chen Feng lowered his head long before her little hand arrived, and grabbed a little pink on the big white rabbit's head.


The strong electric shock caused Mu Wan'er to convulse, and her relaxed legs tensed up again.

"Bad guy, don't..." Mu Wan'er hugged Chen Feng's head with both hands, trying to lift him away from her Saintess Peak, but how could Mu Wan'er be Chen Feng's opponent? That electric shock-like feeling made my mind flustered, and I didn't have much strength.Rather than pulling Chen Feng's head away, it's more like encouraging Chen Feng to make persistent efforts.

After all, he had already experienced it several times, and Chen Feng's skills were also much more proficient.The big mouth gnawed and licked at the pink cherry, sometimes biting her teeth lightly, and sometimes turning her tongue around, teasing Mu Wan'er with shortness of breath and panting. Before she knew it, she was completely fascinated by this beautiful but shameful feeling. in the feeling.

At some point, Mu Wan'er was laid flat on the bed, with her hands hanging by her side, her beautiful jade body was fully displayed in front of Chen Feng's eyes.Their lips met, their lips and teeth collided, and there was a whizzing sound from time to time.Mu Wan'er's movements were very jerky, and she often bumped into her teeth with Chen Feng, but slowly, Mu Wan'er gradually became familiar, her two tongues intertwined with each other, indescribably lingering.

"Ah—" Suddenly, Mu Wan'er's eyes widened, her inner emotions fully revealed.She hugged Chen Feng's head and responded fiercely.The little girl who had always been passive, became active at this moment, as if she had changed into a different person.

"Is this girl a coquettish body?" Feeling Mu Wan'er's heat, Chen Feng thought to himself.The inner charming body is not a special physique, but a general term for some people.When these people are emotional, they will unreservedly stimulate the emotions in their hearts.

Chen Feng's clothes had been torn apart by Mu Wan'er indiscriminately, revealing his solid chest.

Mu Wan'er, who was kissing fiercely, stroked Chen Feng's body at the same time, causing Chen Feng to feel inexplicably stimulated: "I never thought that Mu Wan'er, who is usually gentle and elegant, would be so hot. However, this feeling is really good!"

"Well——" Suddenly, Chen Feng's body shook, feeling that a tender and smooth little hand had unzipped his zipper, controlling Xiao Feng, who was furious and about to stab someone, and the cool feeling coming from that hand It felt even more refreshing to Chen Feng.That up and down motion made Chen Feng's eyes burst into flames.

"Roar—" Chen Feng roared angrily, and when he rolled over, he pressed Mu Wan'er under him.Little girl, how can you ride on the head of a man, let me teach you a lesson!Like a wild beast, Chen Feng frantically licked every inch of Mu Wan'er's skin, and even changed the shape of the big white rabbit wantonly with his hands.


"Take it easy, it's my first time, it hurts—" Mu Wan'er frowned, looking at Chen Feng with tenderness in her eyes.


"Does it still hurt now?" Chen Feng stroked Mu Wan'er's short hair and asked softly.

"Hurry up, don't stop—" Mu Waner's panting urging answered him.

That night, the room was full of singing and dancing, with waves of high and low sounds, non-stop for a long time.


The conference room of the Longzu headquarters was so quiet that it made people panic.

The oval conference table was full of people.Among them, in the center of the top one is Ji Xin, the leader of the dragon team.Below her, sat the six elders of Longzu Elders' Home.Below the elders are the top ten masters of the Dragon Elite Hall.

These masters who could shake the Chinese cultivation world three times by stomping their feet, held their breath at this moment, looking at the leader of the dragon team, Ji Xin, with eyes full of anticipation.

Ji Xin held a piece of jade in her hand, her eyes were tightly closed, and she looked dignified.Soon, she opened her eyes, and there was some joy in her eyes: "Everyone, this piece is indeed a secret jade spoon, so my dragon team has five secret jade spoons."

"Hahaha, that's great." A long-browed elder below Ji Xin laughed and said, "One secret jade spoon can bring two people into the secret realm. Any expert can enter."

The top ten masters of the Elite Hall below were all beaming with joy. Obviously, being able to enter this secret realm is also an excellent opportunity for them.

"In the secret realm, it is very likely that there are some ancient cultivation techniques. I believe that in the near future, our dragon group will have a few more strong people at the golden core stage." Another elder also praised, obviously in a good mood .

"Unfortunately, the cultivation world has reached an agreement that those above the Golden Core stage are not allowed to enter. Otherwise, with the number of Golden Core stage members in our dragon group, we can definitely sweep away other forces and gain all the benefits." The person who spoke was a fat man, looking Some gloomy.

"Ahem——" Ji Xin coughed a few times, which immediately stopped the discussing elders.

Scanning the audience majestically, Ji Xin asked a person standing in the corner: "Sun Guang, tell me how you got this secret jade key."

Immediately, everyone pricked up their ears, wanting to hear the process of obtaining the secret jade key.

Sun Guang respectfully bowed to everyone in the venue, and then said indignantly: "Leader, elders, before I tell you about the origin of the jade key in the secret realm, I want to report someone first. If I hadn't arrived in time, This person has already given away this secret jade key."

"Who?" Ji Xin frowned.

"His name is Chen Feng, and he is a newcomer who just joined today." Sun Guang lowered his head, his eyes flashed coldly.

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