Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 247 The little guy is not full yet

"His name is Chen Feng, is he a newcomer who just joined today?" Sun Guang lowered his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"What a bold person. He thought of betraying the organization just after he joined. Who on earth approved such a person?" The fat man who was somewhat gloomy said gloomily.This person is called Zheng Song. Although he didn't specify it, everyone knew that he was actually questioning Ji Xin, the leader of the dragon team.

As soon as he said that, except for a strong man among the top ten masters of the elite hall who was full of anger, everyone else sat in their seats with a blank expression, as if the face of the team leader was nothing in their eyes. nothing average.

In fact, it's no wonder that although Ji Xin, the leader of the dragon team, is the leader of the dragon team, she has the lowest qualifications among all the people present.From joining the dragon group to ascending to the throne of the leader of the dragon group, it took only five years.Five years ago, they were already in high positions, so they wouldn't pay attention to a little girl.However, Ji Xin, a girl, has made amazing progress. In just five years, she has already survived the tribulations and became a strong person in the Golden Core stage.In the election of the new team leader, Ji Xin defeated all the experts and became the new team leader.

Ji Xin's strong rise made these old guys feel unhappy, and since Ji Xin didn't have any power behind her, the elders of the Dragon Group isolated Ji Xin with a tacit understanding.

However, since Ji Xin can take the position of team leader, how can she be incompetent.Although she didn't get the approval of the high-level, she quickly recruited team members with no background at the bottom to her banner, and quickly secured her position.

"Elder Zheng Song, stay safe for the time being!" Ji Xin frowned, and gave Zheng Song a cold look, her eyes were full of coldness.

Elder Zheng Song shuddered in his heart, although he was full of disdain for Ji Xin, but when he saw her cold eyes, he couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.

Ji Xin's gaze moved away from Elder Zheng Song, and slowly swept over everyone present. The powerful aura contained in that gaze made the others tremble in their hearts: Unexpectedly, after seeing each other for a few days, the team leader has another huge improvement.

In the end, Ji Xin's eyes finally fell on Sun Guang, and she spoke without haste, with an irresistible coercion in her tone: "Tell me about the situation at that time!"

Under Ji Xin's gaze, Sun Guang lowered his head apprehensively, quickly sorted out the words he had thought up a long time ago, and began to tell.Since Sun Guang hated Chen Feng secretly, he had to add fuel and vinegar to this story, saying that Chen Feng and the Qingcheng faction were in collusion, and that his own defeat was Chen Feng's shameless sneak attack. In short, after speaking, Chen Feng has become A total villain, a traitor.

For a moment, except for Ji Xin's intoxicated face, everyone in the field frowned.Such a traitor appeared in the organization, it was a naked slap in the face of the leaders present.

"Team leader, let me catch this dog." The strong man among the elite disciples stood up, full of anger.This strong man was the only top ten elite disciple who supported Ji Xin just now.

"Kuangmang, sit down!" Ji Xin said in a low voice.Her voice was very soft, without any smell of fireworks, but Kuang Mang sat down simply as if he had heard the imperial decree, and stopped talking.

"Everyone, this matter is definitely not so simple, there must be some other reason." Ji Xin tapped the meeting table lightly with green fingers, and there was an unquestionable thought in her words: "This Chen Feng is absolutely reliable, There is no doubt about that.”

"Does the team leader mean to protect that kid?" Elder Zheng Song's sinister voice sounded: "I know that Chen Feng is an exception for the team leader to accept, but just because of this, can he be judged innocent?"

What Zheng Song said was very meaningful. On the one hand, he called out Ji Xin for not following the rules and recruiting people at will.On the other hand, she directly pointed out that Ji Xin was careless in employing people, and refused to admit that she had lured wolves into the house.The people present are all old foxes, who can't understand the meaning of these words?Immediately, except for the brawny man, everyone looked straight at Ji Xin, wanting her to give him an explanation.

"I also ask the team leader to give you a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, the team leader will be dereliction of duty due to emotion and reason. As elders, we can discuss the dismissal of the team leader." Zheng Song finally showed his fox tail. He knew that not only I don't accept this little girl's film, and the other elders have the same idea as me.Although these elders usually do a lot of intrigue, but in the face of this problem, they will definitely unite with a tacit understanding and dismiss the team leader.

There was no trace of panic on Ji Xin's face, her eyes looked at Zheng Song as ridiculously as if she was looking at a clown.

Seeing Ji Xin's calm expression, Elder Zheng Song's heart skipped a beat: "Could it be that Chen Feng has some backing?"

"Everyone, it's not the little girl who recommended Chen Feng, but someone else." After speaking, a letter appeared in Ji Xin's hand.On the envelope, a big fiery red seal stands out: Huaxia State Council!

"Could it be smell..." Seeing the fiery red seal, Zheng Song's body trembled, and he was instantly ashamed.

"It's Prime Minister Wen..." Ji Xin's face was full of seriousness.

For a moment, the meeting room was silent, and everyone seemed to be thinking about something.


Warm sunlight poured in through the gaps in the curtains, and it was another fine day outside.

Chen Feng leaned on the head of the bed, his naked body looked strong and vigorous.In his arms, a woman as soft and beautiful as a Wang Qingtan is sleeping soundly.The slender eyelashes fluttered slightly with the even breathing; the plump lips were slightly pursed, evoking a touch of cuteness; on the cheeks that could be broken by blows, the blush that had not dissipated was like a gorgeous morning glow, which was extremely beautiful.That slender waist, that beautiful curve, that snow-white skin, that turbulent fullness... There is nothing that does not declare the graceful beauty of a woman.

Looking at the beautiful woman in his arms, Chen Feng felt satisfied for a while, and couldn't help but increase his strength, hugging Mu Wan'er a little tighter.Last night, from the shyness of Pogua, to the fiery catering, to the pitiful begging for mercy, Mu Wan'er, who was a new wife, saw the strength of Chen Feng, and experienced the joy of sex.It wasn't until the sky was bright that she fell into a deep sleep unbearable.

"Hmm—" Perhaps feeling the warmth of Chen Feng's embrace, Mu Wan'er rubbed her face against Chen Feng's chest, like a coquettish kitten, indescribably cute.

Seeing such a stunner, Chen Feng couldn't help but kissed Mu Wan'er's little face.

"I hate it, I played tricks early in the morning." Mu Wan'er opened her small mouth slightly, as if she was talking in her sleep, and also seemed to be coquettish.Looking at it again, Wan'er stared at Chen Feng's resolute and tender face with wide eyes: "Chen Feng, that thing of yours held me up all night, it's really uncomfortable."

Chen Feng laughed: "The little guy is not full yet, he is looking for his mother everywhere."

"Ah—" After a burst of exclamation, another beautiful love story began in the room.

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