Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 284 Ji Xin's Temptation

"Chen Feng, it's hard for you to hide it from me." In the empty meeting room, Ji Xin said to Chen Feng with a full of jokes: "I really misjudged, I didn't expect that you are not only a master of alchemy, but also able to refine alchemy." A elixir that defies the heavens, such as the Golden Elixir."

"Haha, it's just a fluke, it's just a fluke." Chen Feng said modestly.

"C'mon, if you are lucky enough to be able to refine the top-quality cross-evil golden elixir, then you are really a genius." Ji Xin gave Chen Feng a blank look, and said strangely: "You really dared to come before, so you are not afraid of me trying to appease you." Xun Qingyang's anger directly killed you?"

It turned out that after getting the news that Chen Feng had cut off one of Xun Qingyang's eyes, Ji Xin immediately asked Ma Yilin to contact Chen Feng.After Chen Feng learned about it, he rushed to Ji Xin's office. The two talked for a long time before the scene happened just now.

Chen Feng chuckled: "Of course I'm scared to death, but if I don't come, I guess I'll die sooner."

As the leader of the dragon group, Ji Xin naturally puts the interests of the dragon group first.If Chen Feng really had no way to deal with it, then in order to keep Xun Qingyang, she would really kill Chen Feng to keep Xun Qingyang.This is the sorrow of those in positions of power, who often do things against their conscience.

"Hmph, good to know!" Ji Xin nodded.Immediately, her face became serious, and she looked at Chen Feng, full of puzzlement: "Chen Feng, as a smart person like you, you should know the truth about how a big tree attracts wind. It's fine for Bei Mingzong to know your alchemy level, but why do you still Do you want to spread it like this?" Don't you fear that your great reputation will bring you danger? "

Chen Feng looked deeply at Ji Xin, and suddenly he laughed: "Isn't there still a dragon group? I think the leader of the group will never let me suffer any harm, right?"

There was no lightness on Ji Xin's face, but it became more and more heavy: "Chen Feng, maybe you think that in China, the strength of our dragon team is already very strong. Indeed, for any country, the strength of the dragon team is absolutely indisputable." The leader of the suspected world. However, this is only the power controlled by the country. In this world, there are many mysterious forces, and any one of them has the strength not to lose to the dragon group. Just like the North Mingzong is actually the bottom one among the mysterious forces. But even the bottom one has the strength to compete with the dragon group."

Ji Xin smiled wryly and continued: "If these forces really show up against you, even our Dragon Group won't be able to protect you."

"Hehe." Ji Xin's words did not make Chen Feng feel discouraged in the slightest. On the contrary, Chen Feng's eyes sharpened suddenly, and his tone was filled with strong confidence: "Opportunities coexist with danger. If I, Chen Feng, are timid, When will I reach the state in my heart?"

"The realm in your heart?" Ji Xin looked at Chen Feng carefully for a long time as if she had just met Chen Feng, before she let out a sigh of relief: "You think farther than I do about the future."

Chen Feng laughed lowly, without explaining anything, he just casually threw out a elixir, which was the top-grade golden elixir.

Ji Xin reached out to take it, full of astonishment: "Give this to me? I don't have anything good to exchange with you." Immediately, a charming smile suddenly appeared on her face: "How about, sister, I will give you my body." Repay you. "

Unknowingly, Ji Xin also called Chen Feng more intimately.

Chen Feng looked at Ji Xin with a hint of amusement in his eyes.I have to say that Ji Xin is definitely a beauty.The long fiery red hair is unrestrained like a flame, and the maturity between the brows is even more fatal to men.

"Hey, why don't we both study body art now? I think you are about to break through, why don't I wish you a helping hand with the double cultivation method, plus crossing the golden pill, it is quite appropriate to achieve the Nascent Soul Yes." Chen Feng said with a smirk, and there was a hint of lust in his tone.

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he thought that Ji Xin would be red-faced and scolded Chen Feng on the spot.But Ji Xin gave a charming smile, and then walked lightly with lotus steps, she arrived in front of Chen Feng.Under Chen Feng's surprised gaze, she gently pulled down the zipper of her clothes, and the fiery red coat fluttered to the ground.

"Uh, you..." Chen Feng's eyes widened, and a hot feeling suddenly rose up all over his body.In the winter, this woman only wore a coat, and inside, there was only a bright red hood.That not-so-small part was restrained by the mask, extruding a bottomless orifice.

"Why, isn't my body pretty?" Ji Xinwan'er smiled: "Or, I have to take this off too?" While speaking, Ji Xin really raised her hands behind her back and fiddled with it, as if she was really unbuttoning the row of buttons.

Chen Feng only felt a surge of desire in his lower abdomen, and the strong desire was instantly ignited.Ever since he understood that the "Dragon Desire Xuanhuang Sutra" is a rare dual-cultivation method, Chen Feng's desire for this aspect has become more and more high.

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?" Ji Xin peeked sideways at Chen Feng's big tent, her little face was also red, but the teasing look in her eyes became more and more intense: "Do you want me to touch it, sister? "

"Haha, well, I still have something to do, so I'll go first." Chen Feng dodged Ji Xin with one stride, hurried to the gate, opened it and rushed out.

"Hehe, this guy is so cute..." Looking at Chen Feng's distressed back, Ji Xin hooked her finger, and the red coat was automatically put on her body as if it had a spirituality.

Looking at the dazzling golden elixir in her palm, Ji Xin sighed, "This guy, I'm really willing to..."


"Huh-huh-huh-" Chen Feng leaned against the corner of the meeting room, panting heavily.

"This team leader is really open, but that figure is really great." Chen Feng looked down at the bulging tent, thinking with some aftertaste.

To be honest, with Ji Xin's beauty, it would be a lie if Chen Feng wasn't tempted.However, Ji Xin's attitude towards her changed too quickly, making Chen Feng somewhat uncomfortable.If it was any one of the girls like Mu Wan'er, Xiao Lin, Zhang Ruonan, Li Li, and Ru Lan, Chen Feng would have already become so beastly, and he would have fought for [-] rounds.

"Hmph, you're laughing so loudly, you must be thinking something bad, right?" Suddenly, a beautiful female voice sounded not far from Chen Feng. Hearing the voice, there was some dissatisfaction.

"Uh, Yilin, why are you here?" Chen Feng was taken aback, but felt ashamed in his heart.Just now I was disturbed by Ji Xin, but I didn't realize that Ma Yilin was not far away.

"Hmph, I've been waiting here for you, okay?" Ma Yilin's gaze swept across Chen Feng's big tent, and she blushed and said, "Come with me, Master Lu and Master Zhu are waiting for you in the lobby." It's been half a day."

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