Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 285 The Sleepwalking Man

Along the way, Ma Yilin kept her head down and said nothing, but she could vaguely see that her lowered face was full of blush.

How could Chen Feng not know what the reason was, and it wasn't caused by his little brother?For some unknown reason, Xiao Feng was very excited today, as if he was angry with Chen Feng, and he refused to go down the tent that was held high.Especially when walking, the majestic protrusion in front flickers, not to mention how eye-catching it is.For this reason, Ma Yilin gave Chen Feng a lot of rollicking eyes.

"Hey—the two masters are waiting for you in front, you can go there by yourself." The two came to a corner outside the hall and stopped.

Hearing this, Chen Feng bid farewell to Ma Yilin as if he was about to receive an amnesty, and was about to leave.There is no way, after such a long time, the tent has not weakened in any way, on the contrary, it has risen more and more.It provoked Ma Yilin's eyes to peek at Chen Feng's side.

"Hey, are you going out like this?" Ma Yilin called out hastily.

Chen Feng stopped and turned to look at Ma Yilin in confusion.

"Here, you won't be able to see it when you put it on." Ma Yilin slapped the storage bag, and threw a black windbreaker at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took the windbreaker, blushed for a while, and said in a puzzled way: "It's new, the sign hasn't been removed yet, where did it come from?"

"Put it on if you want, so much nonsense!" Ma Yilin blushed, turned around and ran away.

"This girl is really thin-skinned." Chen Feng shook his head, removed the sign, and put the windbreaker on his body.

I have to say that this windbreaker really fits well, as if it was tailor-made for Chen Feng, it is very comfortable and handsome to wear.The windbreaker was long and buttoned up, it just covered Chen Feng's tent.

Wearing a windbreaker, Chen Feng walked into the hall.

Both Master Lu and Master Zhu watched the entrance all the time, and when they saw Chen Feng coming, they rushed to greet him.

"Lu Hanshan (Zhu Xing) has met Master Chen Feng." The two stood still one meter in front of Chen Feng, and then respectfully gave a big gift.

Chen Feng hurriedly went to help him, and kept saying: "I can't do it, I can't do it. The two masters are famous far and wide. Aren't you trying to break me by doing this?"

"It's worth it, it's worth it!" Master Zhu said solemnly: "The so-called master is the first, Master Chen Feng's alchemy skills far surpass ours, and he deserves our great gift." After finishing speaking, he ignored Chen Feng's obstruction and insisted Apply it.

Chen Feng had no choice but to let it go.

"I don't know why the two masters are looking for me?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It's like this." Master Zhu could speak well, and got up while supporting Chen Feng's hand: "Master Chen Feng, the previous Xun Qingyang died in your hands, which made our dragon team lose one alchemy master. Master Chen Feng, if you are willing to take up this position, the two of us are willing to follow your lead."

Both of them are Taishan Beidou who would shake their feet three times in the alchemy world of China. It must take a lot of courage to say such words at this time.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, and agreed.This time Chen Feng showed his alchemy level, although it was for self-protection, but it was more for the dragon group's alchemy hall.

The murderer who planted Zhang Ruonan's spirit beast eggs will appear soon. Chen Feng must find the medicinal materials as soon as possible, refine them into pills, and increase his strength.

Seeing that Chen Feng agreed, the two masters were overjoyed, and brought Chen Feng to the alchemy room of the dragon group.

To be precise, this is not a room, but a courtyard.The courtyard house is located in a large group of courtyard houses. From the outside, there is nothing special about this place. It is as unremarkable as the most common courtyard house in the capital.

However, when he walked into this courtyard, the scenery in front of him surprised Chen Feng.

The dragon group is indeed a powerful organization.In such a courtyard community, such an alchemy base was actually built.

I saw that there is a stone pool in the courtyard part of the courtyard.Inside the stone pool is billowing magma.The magma roared, trying to break through the shackles of the stone pool, but was always blocked by a formation on the stone pool.

"I didn't expect the dragon group to have such a large absorption ratio. It actually dug through the center of the earth and attracted the fire of magma." Chen Feng tsk-tsk praised.This magma fire is no better than ordinary fire, its temperature is so high that even steel will melt immediately upon touching it.Using such flames to make alchemy can make alchemists get twice the result with half the effort.

Master Lu said proudly: "At the beginning, our ancestors spent a lot of manpower and material resources for this magma pool. However, it is because of this magma pool that a group of excellent alchemists will emerge every other generation in our dragon group .”

Chen Feng nodded, full of admiration in his heart.As long as they have this magma pool, the alchemists of the dragon group will never go downhill.

At this moment, a door next to it opened, and a young man wearing a vest and shorts came out, holding a strange cylindrical instrument in his hand, and staggered to the side of the magma pool.

What's even more bizarre is that this person actually closed his eyes when he walked, apparently still in a dream.

"Sleepwalking?" A word suddenly came to Chen Feng's mind, and he couldn't help but look at the young man with some amusement.

After the young man came to the side of the magma pool, he opened the cylindrical instrument in your hand, but inside was a space like a kettle.

"This is a fire storage pot, which is specially used to collect fire from the magma in the magma pool." Master Zhu hurriedly explained in fear that Chen Feng would not understand.

Sure enough, I don't know how the young man did it, the magma flames in the magma pool suddenly gathered into a jumping fire snake, and got into the fire storage pot.

At this moment, the magma pool was really churning, and a tide of magma suddenly gushed out from the ground.Immediately, the magma pool, which was already extremely turbulent, surged even more.

"Boom—" A huge fire wave squeezed against the wall of the magma pool, splashing countless sparks.

Chen Feng's heart tightened, because the sleepwalking man who was collecting magma just now was at the position where the magma was radiating.Perhaps in the next moment, this sleepwalking man will be riddled with holes in the fire of magma.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to wake up the man, Master Lu smiled playfully, shook his head and said, "Master Chen Feng doesn't need to worry, just keep watching."

Since even Master Lu said there was no problem, Chen Feng naturally didn't want to make fun of himself, but just stared at the sleepwalking man intently.

The magma was about to approach him, but the sleepwalking man still didn't notice it, and kept his eyes closed, concentrating on collecting the magma fire.

"Why don't you hide? Are you looking for death?" Chen Feng cursed inwardly, he had already made up his mind, if this sleepwalking man really couldn't hide, Chen Feng would step forward to save him.

A large piece of magma fire was about to fall on the sleepwalking man.At this moment, a red light suddenly flashed on the sleepwalking man, and the splashing magma fire, like a group of frightened children, automatically avoided the sleepwalking man.

"It turned out to be a body of flames." Chen Feng looked at the sleepwalking man in amazement, feeling excited.

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