Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 3 Asking for Salary

The sun is still hot, and the heat is still unbearable.

The construction site is still in full swing as usual.Although, because of Chen Feng's matter, everyone knew that Zhou Papi would not even pay for the medical expenses, and they were worried that they would be injured by accident, so there was nothing to reason about.However, the pressure of life is like a mountain on their shoulders, forcing them to engage in this high-risk occupation.

Chen Feng and Gazi walked into the construction site against the scorching sun.

"Hey, isn't that Chen Feng and Gazi?" Sharp-eyed workers had already recognized the two.

"Hey, it's really the two of them." With one cry, many people noticed it, and they waved their hands to signal to Chen Feng and the other.

Not long after, the two of Chen Feng were surrounded by migrant workers.

"Chen Feng, I didn't expect you to be so lucky to fall like this."

"That's right, Chen Feng's lucky star shines brightly, how could something happen?"


The people around you asked each other about their cold and warmth, which warmed Chen Feng's heart.Although these migrant workers live at the bottom of the society, they are more sincere than those so-called upper class people, and their concern is without any impurities.

When they heard that Chen Feng and Gazi had come to ask for wages, several older workers became anxious.

They grabbed Chen Feng and Gazi one after another.

"Chen Feng, in my opinion, let's forget about this month's wages. That week's skinning is not an easy way to save fuel. It is said that he has recently become very close to the nearby underworld." A worker who is usually close to Chen Feng has a serious face. reminded.

"Yeah, last week, the daughter-in-law of the stupid family was about to have a baby, and she wanted to go to Zhou Papi to settle her wages so that she could go home early. But Zhou Papi insisted that she wouldn't pay her wages before one month had passed." The person next to him said Before he finished speaking, the conversation was picked up by another person.

"Later, the idiot got angry and got into a tough fight with Zhou Papi. As a result, Zhou Papi called a few gangsters, beat the idiot violently, and broke his hand!" The man was a little scared Said: "The idiot called the police, but when the police came, they didn't deal with the matter at all. Instead, they scolded the idiot."

"These days, rich people can run amok. Chen Feng, uncle advises you, forget about half a month's wages, don't go to pick them up that week." One of the oldest workers said worriedly, smoking a cigarette.

Hearing the advice from the workers around him, Chen Feng's heart was even more deeply moved, even the Dao heart that had been cultivated for thousands of years with the soul of Danzu's fusion was also slightly moved, and a sense of enlightenment spontaneously emerged.As the Taoist ancestor, he has always been aloof. Everyone respects him and flatters him. Even the closest disciples follow the rules. When did you experience such friendship?

The world of mortals really has experienced people's hearts. In the last life, it was because of the lack of these true human feelings in the heart of the Tao that at the critical moment, he fell into the Tao of the heart demon, and finally fell short, and the body died and the Tao disappeared.

In this life, let me enjoy these friendships.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng was already full of thoughts.However, he quickly suppressed his racing thoughts, bowed his hands to the workers, and said, "Uncle Li, everyone, thank you for your concern. However, I, Chen Feng, also have my principles in doing things. It should be mine, and others Don’t even think about taking it away!” Saying that, he waved to the workers around him again, and walked to Zhou Papi’s office.

Chen Feng knew in his heart that if he was timid when encountering difficulties and chose to back down when encountering difficulties, then he didn't have to ask questions in cultivation!

"Gazi, you should try to persuade him." Uncle Li hurriedly pulled him back and said anxiously.

Gazi looked at Chen Feng, who was walking firmly, with a flash of determination on his face, and said, "Uncle, what Chen Feng got is right, we deserve it, so we can't take advantage of others!" Saying this, Gazi trotted a few steps, caught up with Chen Feng, and he Walk shoulder to shoulder.

"These two children..." Uncle Li looked at the backs of the two and couldn't help but sigh.

"Uncle, what Chen Feng said makes sense!" Behind him, several young people murmured. Uncle Li looked back and saw the panic in the eyes of the migrant workers behind him. .



Pushing open the simple iron door, a cool breeze rushed over.Compared with the heat outside, it is like heaven here.

Zhou Bapi was lying on the boss's chair with his feet up, playing Doudizhu, with a very comfortable expression on his face.Seeing Chen Feng and Gazi push the door in, a smile appeared on his face.

"Yo, Chen Feng, the injury is healed. I knew, you have such a strong body, what would happen if you fell!" Zhou Papi said with a fake face, still lying comfortably on the boss's chair.

"It's okay, I can't die yet!" Chen Feng's face was calm, but his tone was slightly cold.

As if he didn't understand what Chen Feng meant, Zhou Papi still had a hypocritical smirk on his face and said, "Since the injury is healed, then go back to work. You must know that you have been absent from work for half a month."

"You don't need to go to work. This time, Gazi and I are here to resign, so we can settle this month's salary by the way." Chen Feng's tone was surprisingly calm, without any fluctuations.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Zhou Papi's face suddenly turned cold!

"What, it's fine to resign, and you still have the nerve to come to ask for salary? You think I'm a shantang here?" Zhou Papi was aggressive, and stood up while slapping the table: "I tell you, you absent from work for half a month, and the first half of the month Salaries have been deducted."

"Aren't you cheating!" Hearing this, Gazi immediately pointed at Zhou Papi and cursed.

"What's wrong with me, what's wrong with me!" Zhou Bapi shouted domineeringly: "This is my territory, and whatever I say is what I say. Either you get out, or stay and continue working!"

"I'm an idiot!" Gazi became angry immediately, and punched him with a fist.


Zhou Bapi received a solid punch on the face, and his head was hit hard against the wall by the force of Gazi's punch.

"Ouch!" Zhou Papi screamed in pain, and saw him squatting on the ground motionless with his hands covering his left face, tears and snot streaming down his nose, it took a long time for Zhou Papi to stand up.

Covering his swollen and red left face, Zhou Bapi yelled angrily: "You little bastard, how dare you hit me. I'll kill you today!" As he spoke, he picked up the ashtray on the table and slapped Gazi .

"Ci'ao, you fat man, I'm going to fight it out today! Either give us a salary, or I'll beat you until your mother doesn't know you!" Gazi's body flashed, and he let Guo Zhou pick the ashtray, and then grabbed the ashtray. He grabbed Zhou Papi's collar and said loudly!

"Little bastard, I just won't give it to you!" Zhou Papi was rather stubborn, his eyes widened, and the ashtray in his hand slapped Gazi's head from the side.

Be careful, Chen Feng just wanted to stop him, but found that the speed of his body could not stop Zhou Papi's movement at all, so he could only remind him loudly.

Hearing Chen Feng's reminder, Ga Zi hurriedly turned his head to one side.But it was still too late. Although the vital parts were passed, the square edges and corners of the ashtray still sliced ​​across Gazi's face like a knife.

Suddenly, a warm stream of heat flowed slowly on the face accompanied by a burst of tearing pain, and Gazi's face was cut with a big gash.

"I'm an idiot!" Stimulated by the blood, Gazi's blood was immediately aroused, he raised his fist, and punched Zhou Papi in the face.


Zhou Bapi let out a scream, and the ashtray in his right hand suddenly fell, and he covered his nose and mouth with his free hands.A streak of blood flowed continuously from between his five fingers, and Zhou Bapi spit out a few gray teeth.

Gazi seemed very angry, and grabbed Zhou Bapi's hair again, and was about to punch him.

"Don't hit, don't hit! I'll give you the money, isn't it enough!" Zhou Bapi couldn't care less about covering his nose with his hands anymore, and hurriedly stood in front of Gazi, shaking uncontrollably, the nosebleed all over his face made him It looked so miserable.


"Aren't you a bitch, you'll be fine if you take it out earlier!" Gazi grabbed the money in Zhou Papi's hand, counted it carefully, and nodded: "Well, that's right, half a month's salary is 800 per person, just right 1600."

"Okay, let's go!" Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Chen Feng waved his hand and walked out of Zhou Papi's office first.

"Hmph!" Gazi gave Zhou Papi a hard look, and hurriedly followed him out!

"You two bastards, I want you to get out!" Zhou Bapi shouted viciously, then quickly picked up his cell phone and made a call.

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