"Come out, come out!" Not long after walking out of Zhou Papi's office, Chen Feng and Gazi were surrounded by workers.

"Are you okay?" Uncle Li asked repeatedly.

"It's more than nothing, you see!" Gazi raised a small stack of banknotes in his hand, and said with some pride: "That week's skinning was not a tough one, and I defeated it with two punches."

Immediately, there was a lot of praise around him, which made Gazi feel a little elated.

Only Uncle Li was smoking deeply, without saying a word.After pondering for a long time, Uncle Li threw the few remaining cigarette butts on the ground, raised his head, and said to Chen Feng and the two of them: "You guys beat Zhou Papi that time, Zhou Papi will definitely not let it go. Go quickly, just in case It’s over when people get stuck at the construction site.”

When everyone thought about it, they were right, and couldn't help but persuade the two of them to come.

"Haha, you still want to leave? It's too late!" At this moment, an arrogant voice sounded from behind.I saw that Zhou Papi rushed out aggressively, and regardless of the nosebleeds on his face that hadn't been cleaned up, he pointed at Chen Feng and Gazi and roared!

While speaking, a group of people suddenly poured in from the gate of the construction site, clamoring for the crowd to come.

If you don't want to die, get out of here.The leader, a burly man with long hair, waved the watermelon knife in his hand and shouted towards the crowd.


When the surrounding workers had seen such a scene, they all scattered.

In the blink of an eye, this group of people had already arrived in front of Zhou Bapi.I saw that all of them were vicious, walking staggeringly, shaking their heads, and all of them had tattoos of dragons and tigers on their bodies. They were obviously a group of gangsters.

"Brother Changmao, why did you come in person!" Facing this group of people, Zhou Papi no longer had the arrogant look just now.I saw him take out cigarettes with a mean smile on his face, and smoked them one by one. The flattering smell matched the bruises and blood stains on his face, not to mention how obscene it was.

Brother Changmao held back his smile, patted Zhou Bapi on the shoulder, and said grinningly: "The boss is in trouble, so I naturally have to go there myself. Why, what kind of bastard who doesn't have eyesight is messing up again today?" You're angry?"

Hearing Brother Changmao's words, Zhou Papi's face suddenly became gloomy and cold, pointing at Gazi, he shouted: "It was this little bastard who beat me, Brother Changmao, you have to avenge me. Also, the one next to him The kid is also an accomplice." Then, the fat man looked at Brother Changmao's face, gritted his teeth with a smirk, and said, "They also told me arrogantly that even if Brother Changmao came, you would still hit him!"

"What, these two little bastards are so arrogant, brothers, you bastard, let me abolish the two of them!" Said, the long-haired brother rushed forward first, the watermelon knife in his hand whistling, Cut towards Gazi.

Gazi grew up, and at most he fought. Whenever he saw a scene of real swords and guns, he froze and didn't know how to dodge.

"Be careful!" Chen Feng's eyes flashed coldly, and he pushed Gazi away.


Brother Changmao's watermelon knife went down the clothes of Gazi who was retreating again and again.Seeing that Chen Feng's tug made his sure-fire knife come to nothing, Brother Changmao snorted angrily, swung the watermelon knife in his hand obliquely, and wiped it towards Chen Feng's chest.

If it was in the past, Chen Feng would naturally not pay attention to this kind of gangster's desperate moves.However, now his own body has greatly restricted him, and he can't use some of the subtle moves in the past.

However, those subtle moves cannot be used, and there are still some superficial ones!

Seeing the flying light of the knife, Chen Feng suddenly bent back, bending his body into a circular arc.Brother Changmao's watermelon knife wiped his nose and passed.

Brother Changmao was startled when he saw Chen Feng's movements, and was about to continue attacking, but felt his wrist go numb, and the watermelon knife in his hand fell to the ground.It turned out that after Chen Feng dodged the knife, he quickly turned over and twisted Chang Mao's right hand holding the knife strangely with lightning speed, dislocating his joint.

"The Wrong Hand"!

This is not an exquisite move, but one of the few superficial fighting techniques that Chen Feng learned in his previous life.Tens of thousands of years of combat experience allowed Chen Feng to handle these things at his fingertips.

"Little bastard, you fucker..." Changmao saw that his right hand could no longer move, and when he was about to curse, Chen Feng's hands quickly touched his mouth.Brother Changmao felt his mouth go numb, and he couldn't speak anymore.

"Woo - woo - woo -" In Brother Changmao's frightened eyes, Chen Feng's hands seemed to have magic, and they dislocated when he touched them.A few seconds later, Chen Feng clapped his hands, and looked at the long-haired brother who was already limp on the ground in front of him with satisfaction.In the few seconds just now, Chen Feng instantly dislocated 17 joints of Brother Changmao.Even if the long-haired brother wanted to stand up at this time, it was impossible.

"Humph!" A muffled hum came, and Chen Feng turned his head to look, and saw a group of punks chasing Gazi vigorously and slashing fiercely.

The battle between him and Changmao was only a few seconds, and Gazi had already been hit with five or six knives.Fortunately, these gangsters only used ordinary watermelon knives, and the blades were not too sharp. Although the wounds on Gazi's body looked scary, they were actually just skin trauma.This is also the reason why these gangsters dared to slash people with knives unscrupulously, and they couldn't kill people anyway.

At this moment, those gangsters naturally saw that Chen Feng had subdued Brother Changmao. After being shocked, they immediately separated a few gangsters and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng would naturally not be polite to those who hacked his brother.There was a stern light in Chen Feng's eyes, and his hands flew up immediately.


In an instant, the watermelon knives of several people fell to the ground, just like Changmao, and the right wrists of several people holding the knife were instantly dislocated.Moreover, Chen Feng used a little more strength, after dislocating, he twisted hard.


Immediately, cold sweat broke out on the faces of the gangsters, and they howled like killing pigs. However, before they screamed for a long time, Chen Feng's hand brushed their chins. In an instant, there was a sound of dislocated jaws. It was quiet again.

"I'm Ciao, don't come here!" Seeing such a scene, the remaining gangsters couldn't care less about chasing the scorpion. They waved their knives and watched Chen Feng who was walking step by step, yelling harshly. However, from their slightly trembling thighs, one can see their tension at the moment.

With a sneer on Chen Feng's face, he still walked step by step, and an invisible pressure caused these punks to collapse at the same time.

"Ah, I'm quitting!" A little gangster threw away the knife and cried, running away like he was running outside the construction site.

With the leader, the other ones who were still able to move also dropped their knives one by one and ran away.

"Hmph!" Changmao looked at these fleeing gangsters with an angry expression, a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes!

"Damn, lunatic, when did you become so powerful?" Gazi looked at Chen Feng again and again, as if he had discovered a new world, he didn't even care about his own wounds.

Chen Feng walked up to Zhou Bapi who had a demented face, showed a kind smile, and said, "Boss Zhou, if you have any tricks, use them!"

"Hey, my grandpa, please forgive me a lot!" In Zhou Papi's eyes, Chen Feng's smile was like the smile of death, which directly broke Zhou Papi: "I said grandpa, I will treat these brothers well in the future, and I will never default on their wages again!"

Chen Feng looked around at the workers who were still in shock, and nodded, "If you let me know that you are still oppressing these workers, I will come back to you." After saying that, Chen Feng greeted and walked out of the construction site with Gazi.

The workers on the construction site looked at their backs gratefully.They are different from Chen Feng and Gazi, they need this job, no matter how hard and tiring they are, in order to support their family, they still have to go to work without hesitation.

This is the sorrow of every little person at the bottom of the metropolis.

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