"What are you doing, what are you doing?" A middle-aged woman hurried out from the luxury villa.This woman is well dressed, with heavy makeup on her face, and a rather slender figure, but she still has a charm, and she has no aura of a mountain village woman at all.

But at this moment, this woman looked like a shrew, and without any explanation, she stretched out her blood-red fingernails and grabbed a brother from the Xinhe Gang on the face. Judging by how fierce she was, it seemed that she was going to grab a piece of flesh .

How could that brother from the Xinhe Gang make him get what he wanted? He immediately stretched out his hand and pushed the woman to the ground, no matter where it was pushed.However, what was embarrassing was that the push happened to hit the woman's plump breasts, and it also left a muddy handprint on the clothes on the woman's chest.

This time, the woman became even more aggressive. She yelled loudly, then quickly stood up, trotted into the hall, and started rolling on the spot.While rolling, he was crying and shouting: "Hooligan, raped, murdered!"

At this moment, the brothers of the Xinhe Gang were dumbfounded and didn't know what to do for a while.If the demolition continues, the woman is lying in the hall and refuses to leave. If a brick or stone falls and kills her all at once, it will be difficult.

Under Guo Xiangqian's signal, several Xinhe Gang brothers pulled the woman and tried to drag her out.However, the woman struggled fiercely, and the young men were afraid that the other party was a woman, so they didn't dare to make too much movement. They couldn't bring the woman out for a while, but made the woman's cries even louder.

At this moment, quite a few villagers had already surrounded them. They were pointing one by one, and looked at Chen Feng and the brothers of the Xinhe Gang with unkindness in their eyes.Some of them are close friends of the village party secretary Chen Lei. Although they dare not step forward to stop them, they are still allowed to speak ill of Chen Feng and the Xinhe Gang.

After their instigation, it actually aroused the anger of a group of villagers, and each of them wanted to step forward to stop these "outsiders".However, under the cold and stern eyes of the dozen or so brothers guarding outside, they finally flinched.

"Boss Chen, it doesn't seem to be easy. Look, do you want the brothers to forcibly throw that woman out!" Guo Xiangqian saw the scene in the yard, immediately jumped off the excavator, walked quickly to Chen Feng, and asked for instructions. road.

"Don't worry about her, since she likes to stay there, let her stay as long as she wants!" Chen Feng's tone was full of sarcasm, he knew this woman very well.The woman's name is Liu Guihong, Chen Lei's wife, and the younger sister of Liu Defang, director of the Cultural Bureau.This woman is notoriously stingy in Chenjiagou, and is called the "iron hen" by the villagers.

How could such a person not cherish his own life?

When Guo Xiangqian heard the words, he also smiled, turned around and left.If it weren't for Boss Chen's hometown, with his temper, he would have thrown a woman into the river to drink water in front of them.

"Brothers, since this woman likes to stay there, let her stay there forever and don't come out. Let's just tear it down!" After finishing speaking, he took the lead in controlling the iron wall of the excavator, and with a sweep, the wall of the garage was destroyed. A hole was punched.Bricks and cement fragments splashed down in front of the hall like raindrops, smashing the marble floor.

"Oh my god, I'm really going to kill someone!" Liu Guihong yelled even louder. Now, there was some anxiety and fear in her yelling.However, in the bottom of her heart, she still thought that the other party was just scaring her, and she didn't dare to come.

However, with the joining of the boys from the Xinhe Gang, Liu Guihong was finally stunned.

I saw these young men vigorously swinging the hammers in their hands one by one, beating the wall fiercely.All of a sudden, broken bricks and tiles continued to splash, and the originally smooth tiles also cracked one after another, turning into pieces of sharp fragments, splashing everywhere.After a while, Liu Guihong had already been cut into two holes by these fragments.Fortunately, it was winter and the clothes were thicker, so no more damage was done!

"Everyone back up 50 meters!" Suddenly there was a shout, and a gangster from the Xinhe gang was running out of the villa. Behind him, he was holding a long wire and connected to the wire. Yes, is a simple switch.Many people are familiar with such a switch. Many years ago, it was often used in many quarries in Shan County.

"****, even the detonators are used, everyone run!" With the yell of a well-informed villager, other people ran to the distance one after another, looking for bunkers one by one, trying to avoid the explosion of the detonators power.

Chen Lei was also anxious for a while. On the one hand, the opponent's detonator made him want to retreat to a safe position. On the other hand, his wife was still in the house and refused to come out.I don't know when these lunatics will detonate the detonator. If it suddenly explodes while going to save his wife, won't it kill him?

In a blink of an eye, Chen Lei made up his mind, but he suddenly turned around and started to run quickly.Compared with my own life, my wife is nothing, I just want to marry a young and beautiful one after my death.

"Chen Lei, you have no conscience, you don't care about my life or death!" Liu Guihong was also terrified by the detonator at this time, just stood up and wanted to run outside, but suddenly saw her husband running for his own life, completely ignoring her life and death, I was suddenly angry and angry in my heart, and I ran away like Chen Lei chasing him.

In the blink of an eye, everyone around the villa was completely removed, only Chen Feng and Guo Xiangqian were left standing not far from the villa.They are skilled and bold, and they are not afraid of the sand and stones splashed after the explosion.

"Boom—" The detonator exploded violently, and a burst of fire burst out from the window of the luxurious villa, and then, amidst bricks splashing and rubble flying, the villa collapsed and turned into a cloud. ruins.

"It's over, it's over..." Chen Lei said nastily, this villa cost him more than 100 million. Although he has been greedy for more than that over the years, the sudden loss of the villa still makes him It hurts so much.

"Chen Feng, you who killed a thousand swords, even brought outsiders to bully the villagers, are you still from Chenjiagou?" Liu Guihong wiped away her tears, pointed at Chen Feng and yelled.

"Bullying the villagers?" Chen Feng sneered, and said sarcastically, "Now you know what it's like to be bullied, don't you? Back then, when you sold the lives of the villagers in Chenjiagou to outsiders, did you ever think that you would be so bullied?" Do you feel sorry for Chenjiagou? When you brought outsiders to beat the villagers, did you ever think about whether your actions count as bullying the villagers?"

"That's right, ****, my father is still in the hospital, and he was killed by you, the bastard village party secretary."

"Damn it, you swallowed up the money allocated by the county to build tap water, so we have to fetch water from the well every day!"

"Chen Feng, well done!"

All of a sudden, the villagers in Chenjiagou shouted, and the scene gradually became uncontrollable.

"It's not good, the seedling boss has brought a large group of people, and we have already reached the village entrance." Suddenly, a villager held up his mobile phone and shouted: "Those people are all carrying knives!"

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