Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 399 Prostitute, don't come here!

During the speech, the form in the field changed.

Uncle Bai was caught off guard and received a sword strike on his right arm, and even the flying sword in his hand fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Uncle Bai!" Liu Yiyi shouted coquettishly, the green light in her hand flickered wildly, and suddenly blocked the flying swords that were stabbing at Uncle Bai.

"Girl, let's go, leave me alone!" Uncle Bai shouted with a dignified expression while his hands were bleeding.The sword just now directly injured his arm meridian, which greatly reduced his strength for a while.

Liu Yiyi gritted her silver teeth and kept silent, just dancing her long sword and fluttering her clothes, protecting Uncle Bai again and again, resisting the enemy's attack.

The attack formation, which could only be dealt with by two people, now exerts all its power on this girl.not for a while.She was already dripping with sweat and panting.

The one-eyed dragon looked at Liu Yiyi's graceful figure motionlessly, the only remaining eye was full of lust.He hissed and shouted: "You guys, take it easy, if you hurt this little beauty, I'll ask you."

Perhaps because of the majesty of Cyclops, after hearing his words, the battle slowed down, and the pressure on Liu Yiyi was also much less.

With this gap, Liu Yiyi hurriedly took out two Qi-returning pills, swallowed one by herself, and threw the other to Uncle Bai.After fighting for a long time just now, both Liu Yiyi and Bai Bo's inner qi were severely depleted.

However, a return to qi pill only made Liu Yiyi persist for a cup of tea.After a cup of tea, Liu Yiyi lost her strength again.

"Little beauty, as long as you surrender today and make an oath to be my slave from now on, I will not kill you." Cyclops looked at Liu Yiyi, who was no longer as dexterous as before, and grinned obscenely.

"Damn!" Liu Yiyi spat softly, and pushed back an enemy who was practicing at the sixth level of Qi training, and said disdainfully: "Even if you are a slave to a pig, don't be a slave to a blind man like you."

"Blind man?" Cyclops was suddenly annoyed.Ever since he was a child, what he hated the most was when others called him blind.

With a movement of his figure, the body of the one-eyed dragon appeared in front of Liu Yiyi, his big hands grabbed straight, and the target was Liu Yiyi's pair of round breasts.

"Stinky rascal!" Liu Yiyi saw the palms getting closer and closer to her chest, stomped her lotus feet, and the sword flower in her hand turned into a green lotus flower, hitting the hands of Cyclops.

"Hmph! How can mere sword energy hurt me?" Cyclops's only remaining eye was shining with a faint green light, and on the palm of his hand, he had already put on a pair of black gloves before he knew it.

There was a crisp sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang", Liu Yiyi's lotus flower sword energy suddenly burst, but Cyclops' big hands were not injured at all.The big hand came aggressively, and it was about to grab Liu Yiyi's breast.

Liu Yiyi's eyes were full of panic, and the girl's timidity was finally exposed. She saw her recklessly walking backwards, but tripped over a chair that had fallen on the ground.

Those big hands still didn't leave the direction of Liu Yiyi's chest at all, getting closer and closer.

"No!" Liu Yiyi finally yelled in panic, she also threw the flying sword in her hand, and hugged her chest with both hands.

At this moment, a black figure rushed in like lightning, and suddenly stood between Liu Yiyi and Cyclops.


Unprepared, the one-eyed dragon was thrown out suddenly, and smashed into the wall of the shop in embarrassment, causing a large cloud of dust to fall on the roof.

"One-eyed, you've lived longer and come back, aren't you ashamed to bully a little girl?" The man said kindly, with a gentle voice, Liu Yiyi could tell it was a young man just by listening to the voice.

Under Liu Yiyi's curious eyes, the man turned his head and smiled kindly at Liu Yiyi: "This fairy, are you okay?"

Liu Yiyi's eyes froze, her pretty face that had faded just now became even paler, and her small mouth couldn't help but chattered: " are the flower picker in the reward notice at the gate of the town,* *!"

** touched her nose, and said to Liu Yiyi in embarrassment: "This... can I say that I was wronged?"


There was a sound of falling stones, and one-eyed dragon was walking out of the groove in the wall with a gloomy face.

"****, I didn't expect you to dare to throw yourself into the trap?" Cyclops shouted fiercely: "Since you are here, then I will capture you together and hand it over to the mayor, which is considered a great achievement!"

"Just because of you?" ** The smile on her face just now disappeared suddenly, replaced by a strong disdain and aloofness: "You are not worthy to keep me!"

"Arrogant kid!" Cyclops was furious in his heart, he stretched out his hands suddenly, like a cheetah hunting for prey, he quickly and swiftly pounced on his body.Especially on the palms of his hands, a pair of black gloves exuded bursts of cold light.

Facing the full blow of Cyclops, ** stood in place like a statue, motionless.His head was raised slightly, and his eyes were full of sarcasm when he looked at the one-eyed dragon.

"It's just a trick!" He chuckled lightly, pointing quietly with his right hand hanging down by his side.

I saw a flash of silver light, and the one-eyed dragon's body suddenly stopped.

"How is it possible?" Cyclops stared blankly at the small flying knife stuck in his chest, his eyes full of disbelief.

The throwing knife didn't go deep, and to Cyclops, it could only be regarded as a skin trauma at best.However, what really surprised Cyclops was the speed and power of the flying knife.

From when the flying knife was fired from the gun to when the flying knife hit him, Cyclops didn't see the shadow of the flying knife at all.Moreover, when the flying knife stabbed him, the huge force made Cyclops think he was going to die.However, at the last moment, the power on the flying knife suddenly disappeared, this method of withdrawing power out of thin air completely shocked Cyclops.

"What a girl, she really has some skills, no wonder the mayor is being played around by you." Cyclops pulled out the throwing knife from his chest, and said in admiration: "However, this girl killed my brother-in-law, and I am one-eyed. She must be killed. I don’t know how long you can protect her.” After speaking, he waved his hand and led the members of the Pegasus Gang out of the Hall of Rejuvenation.

**The aloof look on his face disappeared again, he turned around, looked at Liu Yiyi with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Fairy, the bad guy was beaten away by me, don't be afraid!" , he involuntarily took a few steps forward, trying to get closer to Liu Yiyi.

However, when Liu Yiyi saw the woman approaching, she yelled in panic: "Ah, whore, don't come here!"

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