
Chen Feng's body touched the halo of the Beast Tower.

At this moment, a burst of powerful pressure flooded the sky and covered the sky.

Chen Feng only felt a burst of pressure on his body, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back.

"With such pressure, even the monks who have just entered the out-of-body stage may not be able to withstand it all at once, let alone those monks who are still in the Nascent Soul stage. Unless, like me, they have the same strength as me in the out-of-body stage. "

Chen Feng immediately understood the reason why those monks exploded and died, and at the same time, he became even more in awe of the Beast Pagoda.

A huge tower, the halo of the guard tower alone is enough to make people under the out-of-body period collapse instantly, so what level of beast tower exists?

"Swipe brush-"

There are constantly monks in the out-of-body period breaking through the halo of the Beast Tower and entering it.

Suddenly, Chen Feng was slightly taken aback, and saw not far from him, a figure in a gray cloak walking slowly towards him.

"You violent woman, aren't you afraid that your nuns and junior sisters won't be able to resist the attack of monster beasts?" Chen Feng couldn't help teasing as he looked at the looming pretty face covered by the cloak.

"Hmph, I have come to Shuiyun Temple for two out-of-body periods this time. Besides me, there is also a junior sister who has just entered the out-of-body period. With her protection, those monster beasts are not to be feared!" Meng Qiuling said coldly, It could be heard that there was a bit of anger in her voice.

Chen Feng looked at Meng Qiuling's appearance, and suddenly grinned: "By the way, when will you call 'good brother' twice to me? I was waiting impatiently."

"You still said, I'll fight with you!" Meng Qiuling was like a female Tyrannosaurus whose scales had been touched. With a wave of Qianqianyu's jade hand, a string of white jade Buddha beads hit Chen Feng. Dodging into the gate of the Beast Tower.

"Damn thief, don't run!" Meng Qiuling followed, chasing after him without hesitation.

As soon as they entered the gate of the Beast Pagoda, Chen Feng and Meng Qiuling only felt a trance in front of them.

In the next moment, the scene in front of them gradually became clear.

The inside of the Ten Thousand Beast Tower and the outside of the Ten Thousand Beast Tower are simply two worlds.

The exterior of the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts looks so old and vicissitudes.But the decoration inside the tower is so magnificent.Comparing the two, the huge contrast made Chen Feng think he was hallucinating.

"Don't be fooled by the magnificence inside the Ten Thousand Beasts Tower. It's actually a hundred times more dangerous than the monster beasts outside!" Meng Qiuling stood in front of Chen Feng and said in a low voice.

Chen Feng looked at Meng Qiuling's pretty face covered by the cloak, and asked curiously: "You seem to know a lot about this Tower of Beasts?"

Meng Qiuling turned her head, although she looked down on her expression, but Chen Feng still heard a strong sense of ridicule from her tone: "Some information about the Tower of Beasts, didn't those contestants who participated in the Cangzhou Grand Competition before you tell you? "

"Uh, this..." Chen Feng was speechless.

A player from the Cangzhou Grand Competition?None of them seem to have come back alive.This time Chen Feng came to participate in the Cangzhou Grand Competition, he only knew that the Cangzhou Grand Competition was extremely dangerous, and he didn't get any useful information at all.

"It seems that you grew up in an extremely weak force. I really don't know how such a pervert can appear in such a force!" Meng Qiuling seemed to be gnashing her teeth in her tone.

"Quickly tell me about the situation of the Ten Thousand Beasts Tower!" At this point, Chen Feng could only ask Meng Qiuling brazenly.

"Hmph, do you ever ask for help?" Meng Qiuling seemed extremely dissatisfied, but she still explained slowly.

"The Tower of Beasts is a mysterious place in this secret realm, and it will only be revealed at a certain time. Moreover, it only lasts for half a day."

"Although the Ten Thousand Beast Tower was revealed for a very short time, it is full of magic and danger. Every Cangzhou Grand Competition, a large number of monks enter the Ten Thousand Beast Tower, but those who can really survive in the Ten Thousand Beast Tower, But there are only a very small group of people. However, everyone who walks out of the Beast Tower will receive great benefits."

"There are some benefits. Even in the stage of distraction, integration, and even the stage of crossing the catastrophe, the top masters of the Mahayana stage are all greedy. However, the great man who built the Ten Thousand Beast Tower has restrictions. He is only 30 years old. Only monks below the age of 30 can enter the Tower of Beasts. Other monks who are over [-] years old will be attacked by the power of the Tower of Beasts even if they are close to the Tower of Beasts. It is said that there was once a senior of the Mahayana I once wanted to enter by force, but I exploded and died without even entering the gate of the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts. So far, no one has dared to violate the rules of those who built the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts."

Chen Feng was moved when he heard it, and his face was full of shock.

As a monk who was once a monk in the late Mahayana period, no one can understand the strength of monks in the Mahayana period better than him.That is the existence that can open mountains and mountains, move mountains and fill seas with one hand.

Even such a strong person can't enter the gate of the Ten Thousand Beast Tower, so what kind of strength should the person who builds the Ten Thousand Beast Tower be?

Faintly, Chen Feng had some guesses in his mind.

Seeing Chen Feng's silent appearance, Meng Qiuling seemed very proud, and continued: "It is said that there are nine floors in the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts, and each floor has benefits beyond imagination. However, from ancient times to the present, even talent No matter how evil people are, they can only enter the fifth floor. And the vast majority of out-of-body monks can only enter the second floor and cannot go any further.”

"However, there are rumors that if someone can climb to the ninth floor, they will get the inheritance of the person who built the Tower of Beasts. However, it is more difficult to climb to the ninth floor than to climb to the sky. Maybe , give those evildoers who have climbed to the fifth floor a few more decades, and they may succeed. However, the rules of the Myriad Beast Tower stand there, and people over the age of 30 will no longer be able to enter."

There seemed to be some regret in Meng Qiuling's words.

"Then violent girl, which floor can you climb to?" Chen Feng asked suddenly.

"Me?" Meng Qiuling suddenly felt extremely confident: "I only know that I will never stop at the second floor! My limit should be... the third floor!"

Chen Feng looked at Meng Qiuling, and his heart skipped a beat.

Meng Qiuling has such self-confidence, maybe she still has some unknown trump cards.

"Tch, because you also want to go to the third floor?" Suddenly, a mocking cold snort came from around Chen Feng and Meng Qiuling.

Chen Feng frowned and turned his head to look.

I saw a red-haired young man looking at him and Meng Qiuling, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, showing indescribable contempt and contempt.

"In the early stage of being out of the body, I just wanted to set foot on the third floor. Didn't your mother give you a brain when she gave birth to you?" After finishing speaking, he and a few companions around him laughed unscrupulously.

Vulgar, nasty, naked contempt and insult!

"It's over—" Chen Feng rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache.

"What did you say? You say it again?"

Sure enough, after hearing the red-haired man's words, Meng Qiuling under the cloak suddenly raised her head, and he had already held the white jade beads in his hand.


get some flowers darlings

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