Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 540 So It Was Robbery?

"What did you say? You say it again?"

Meng Qiuling's beautiful eyes under the black cloak glared at the red-haired young man, who had already held the white jade beads in her hand.

"Yo, my lord, you're not convinced, are you?" The red-haired young man became more and more arrogant when he saw Meng Qiuling's actions: "You, a monk in the early stage of out-of-body, dare to bring an ant in the early stage of Nascent Soul into the world of beasts!" Ta, such a foolish behavior is really ridiculous!"

Chen Feng touched his nose with helpless eyes.

Unexpectedly, this conflict actually involved him.

"You should be a woman by the sound, you must want to learn from your little lover?" The red-haired young man said sarcastically, looking at Meng Qiuling and Chen Feng with a hint of schadenfreude.

However, these words obviously touched a certain nerve in Meng Qiuling, she straightened her body, a powerful coercion radiated violently, and directly charged towards the red-haired man.

"How dare you come to show off in front of me?" The red-haired man was obviously not a simple character, and immediately confronted Meng Qiuling with great momentum.

The movement here caught the attention of many out-of-body cultivators present.

Unexpectedly, just after entering the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts, there was a conflict.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Meng Qiuling and the red-haired young man, and even Chen Feng, who was standing by the side, was also paid attention to by everyone.

"That kid is really lucky. He was protected by an out-of-body monk to enter the Ten Thousand Beasts Tower. However, in this way, the out-of-body monk who protected him will inevitably be dragged down by him, making it difficult for him to move forward."

Seeing Chen Feng's cultivation, most of the monks had a look of gloating on their faces.

"Huh? It turned out to be him!" Among the crowd, a feminine young man in white suddenly shot out a gleam of light in his eyes, waiting for Chen Feng's eyes to flash a killing intent: "If you can't kill him, he even entered the Ten Thousand Beast Tower, but That's fine, let's see where you can escape this time!"

This person was none other than Liu Tianming who was once defeated by Chen Feng.


The auras of Meng Qiuling and the red-haired youth collided suddenly, and the strong wind blew in all directions, extremely violent.

Under this collision, Meng Qiuling and the red-haired young man fought evenly.

"Bitch, hand over all your demon pills, and I don't have to argue with you!" the red-haired young man said solemnly.

"So it was a robbery." A strange smile appeared on Chen Feng's face.No wonder this red-haired young man came to provoke Meng Qiuling for no reason. It turned out that he had this wishful thinking in mind.

"If you want the demon pill, you can get it yourself!" Meng Qiuling did not show any weakness, and the character of the female tyrannosaurus made her violent.

With a wave of the white jade buddha beads, endless power suddenly hit the red-haired young man with a magnificent momentum.

"Two tricks!" Facing Meng Qiuling's blow, the red-haired youth's eyes became sharp.

With a wave of his hand, a cyan flying sword sliced ​​away, equally powerful.

The moment he swung his sword, the red-haired young man glanced at him and gestured to the people behind him.

Immediately, three people jumped out of the crowd and walked towards where Chen Feng was with unfriendly expressions.

These three people were all monks at the out-of-body stage, and it was easy to capture Chen Feng if they wanted to.

However, neither Chen Feng nor Meng Qiuling had any panic in their eyes.

"Boy, don't resist, I promise you will suffer less!" A person in the early stage of out-of-body had already come in front of Chen Feng, and stretched out a slap to cover Chen Feng's shoulder.

"Idiot!" Chen Feng looked at the palm that was getting closer and closer, and suddenly smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth. Then, a blush passed by, and he saw the palm that had just come out of his body fell in response. On the finger of the palm, there was a green The storage ring is extremely obvious.

"How is it possible?" The out-of-body monk looked at Chen Feng who was still smiling in horror, full of disbelief.The latter, however, bent down slowly, took off the storage ring from the fingertips of the broken palm, and put it in his Tiandan Immortal Mansion without haste.

"Boy, court death!" The other two rushed forward when they saw their companion's hands, and the magic weapon in their hands struck Chen Feng's Tianling Gai extremely sharply.


Jian Guang moved again, and the two palms danced again.

The next moment, another two storage rings were in hand.

"How is it possible? Is that person a monster? How could it be possible to cut off the palms of three out-of-body stages in an instant in the early stage of Nascent Soul?"

All the monks present widened their eyes, full of disbelief.Only Liu Tianming, who had fought against Chen Feng before, looked at Chen Feng fiercely, two flames shot out from his eyes: "I never thought that this person's strength has improved even after such a short period of time!"

He gritted his teeth, turned around resolutely, and walked towards the stairs on the first floor of the Beast Tower.

"Trash, a bunch of trash!" The red-haired man cursed at the people on his side, but Meng Qiuling was waving white Buddhist beads and pestering him, making it impossible for him to separate himself to teach Chen Feng a lesson.

"This is the end!"

Suddenly, Meng Qiuling yelled softly, and the white Buddhist beads in her hand grew in the wind, and rushed towards the red-haired young man.

"Huh—interesting!" Looking at Meng Qiuling's appearance, Chen Feng felt strange in his eyes.

Just now, Meng Qiuling's aura has skyrocketed again, making her strength much faster.

"This violent woman really has an unknown trump card!" Chen Feng thought in his heart.


The red-haired young man was caught off guard, and was thrown flying by the white Buddhist beads, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Meng Qiuling was so powerful that she used the Buddhist beads in her hand as a long whip, and beat the red-haired young man who was lying on the ground, causing the latter to scream.

Many out-of-body monks around looked at the red-haired young man being beaten up, all shrank their necks, and looked at Meng Qiuling full of fear.

"Hand it over!" After a long time, under the cover of the black cloak, a small hand as white as jade stretched out towards the red-haired young man, the meaning of which was self-evident.

"You..." The red-haired young man with a bruised nose and swollen face looked at Meng Qiuling in fear, and hurriedly threw the storage ring in his hand.

Putting away the storage ring casually, Meng Qiuling didn't even look at the red-haired young man, and went straight to Chen Feng's side to stand still.

"Hehe, everyone, if you still want to rob the two of us, we will accompany you at any time!" Chen Feng smiled warmly, like a big boy next door.

However, when the surrounding monks saw Chen Feng's smile, they suddenly felt chills and lowered their heads involuntarily.

These two people are both monsters, one pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and the other is so violent, it's unlucky to touch anyone!

Seeing the three bloody palms on the ground and the red-haired young man with a bruised nose and swollen face, they felt a tinge of joy in their hearts.

Fortunately, they preempted it!

"Let's go, those who are truly capable have already ascended the tower!"

Seeing everyone around him avoiding his gaze, Chen Feng felt bored and greeted Meng Qiuling.

Meng Qiuling nodded slightly, and walked towards the stairs on the first floor of the Ten Thousand Beasts Tower together with Chen Feng. Wherever they passed, many monks avoided them, fearing that they would suffer such unreasonable disasters.

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