Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 541 Level 2 Entrance


Stepping up the stairs of the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts, a strong sense of oppression suddenly hit.

"Is this the first layer of oppression?" Chen Feng felt the pressure on his body, and smiled lightly.

The sense of oppression on the first level was not a threat to him at all.

Looking back, Meng Qiuling climbed up the stairs very easily, as if she didn't feel any pressure at all.

Chen Feng stepped to catch up, and the two entered the first floor of the Beast Tower together.

When he stepped up to the last step, the scenery before Chen Feng's eyes suddenly changed.

This is a huge grassland, as if it is boundless, it is very vast.

"Each floor of the Ten Thousand Beasts Tower is an independent space!" Meng Qiuling, who was wearing a black cloak beside Chen Feng, explained.

"Independent space?" Chen Feng frowned, his eyes showing infinite reverence.

The founder of the Ten Thousand Beast Tower was able to refine such a huge independent space into the Ten Thousand Beast Tower, which shows how powerful his means are.

"Let's go, the first floor of the Ten Thousand Beasts Tower is not so easy!" Meng Qiuling moved forward and ran forward.

Chen Feng followed quickly, and vaguely felt the surrounding space fluctuate rapidly.


The surrounding space made trembling sounds, and the next moment, two spatial cracks suddenly appeared above Chen Feng and Meng Qiuling, like two hideous wounds were cut open in the surrounding sky.



Almost at the same time, a giant roar of a monster suddenly came from the crack in the space. The strong aura in the roar made Chen Feng and Meng Qiuling's scalps tingle for a while.

"This is definitely the coercion of monsters above the late stage of out-of-body. Could it be that this is the first test?" Chen Feng was horrified, under the powerful coercion of the monster, his heart was thrilled.

If it was a monster in the middle stage of out-of-body, Chen Feng could still fight against it with all kinds of means.But the monsters in the late stage of leaving the body are not something that Chen Feng can contaminate at this moment.


There was another roaring sound, and at this moment, the space crack in the sky widened again, and a huge head poked out from it.

This is a head full of fangs, somewhat similar in shape to the extinct dinosaurs in the secular world.

"That's a horror beast?" Chen Feng's eyes froze, and he smiled wryly: "The first level of the test, don't you want me to kill this horror beast?"

An adult Horror Beast has the strength in the late stage of its body, and the attack power of the Horror Beast can definitely rank among the best among the monsters in the late stage of its body.

At this moment, the gigantic body of the Horror Beast had also exposed a crack, and it suddenly fell several hundred meters away from Chen Feng.

At the same time, a monster emerged from the crack in the space above Meng Qiuling's head.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came into Chen Feng's mind: "Under the pursuit of the beasts, find the exit on the second floor, and you will get unexpected gains!"

The voice came so suddenly, even though Chen Feng's mental strength was extremely strong, he didn't realize how the voice entered his mind.

But Chen Feng didn't care about these things, he was relieved at the moment.It's much easier to just avoid the pursuit of the terrifying beast!


Chen Feng and Meng Qiuling drank together, and the next moment, their bodies turned into a stream of light, flying towards the distance.

At the moment they set off, the two terrifying beasts showed fierce eyes, howled in unison, moved their huge legs, and chased them in the direction they were running, causing the ground to tremble.

The speed of the Horror Beast was not much slower than Chen Feng and Meng Qiuling.

Chen Feng and Meng Qiuling ran with all their strength while searching for the entrance to the second floor.

After half a cup of tea passed, a scene appeared in front of Chen Feng.

In the distance, a huge terrifying beast happened to trample a monk who was in the early stage of OBE into a pile of meat, and even Nascent Soul could not escape.


As if the task had been completed, the Horror Beast raised its head to the sky and roared, and there was a sense of relief in its fierce eyes.

The next moment, a space crack appeared in the sky, and the terrifying beast jumped into the crack and disappeared, leaving only a huge footprint on the grass. Under the footprint, where is a mass of bright red minced meat? It looks extremely dazzling.


"No, the Horror Beast is catching up again!" Meng Qiuling drank in a low voice, but found that Chen Feng was actually flying towards the pile of minced meat, she couldn't help but asked anxiously, "What are you doing?"

Chen Feng groped on the minced meat for a while, then raised his palm and said with a smile: "Waste is shameful!"

On that palm lay a blood-stained storage ring impressively.

"The guy who wants money but doesn't care about life!" Meng Qiuling cursed in a low voice, and with a jerk, she passed Chen Feng and shot towards the distance.

"Oh—wait for me!" Chen Feng yelled, and hurriedly ran after him.

If you are caught up by the horror beast, it's no joke, and if you don't make it right, your life will be lost here.

"Boom boom boom——"

Chen Feng and Meng Qiuling had been running non-stop in the grassland for half an hour.

The extremely cruel world inside the Ten Thousand Beasts Tower is like a huge stone mill, crushing countless lives.

In just half an hour, Chen Feng and others saw no less than a hundred broken corpses.This was only what Chen Feng saw, but more corpses were devoured by those terrifying beasts.

Chen Feng once saw with his own eyes that a strong man who was at the peak in the early stage of his body was swallowed by the horror beast, violently chewed and swallowed.

For half an hour, Chen Feng was always on the verge of death.He conscientiously collected and scraped the corpses of every dead monk. After half an hour, Chen Feng obtained hundreds of storage rings.

And the price he paid was that he was almost overtaken by the horror beast several times. If it wasn't for the incomparable subtlety of Chen Feng's Lingbo Weibu, he would probably become one of those corpses.

Meng Qiuling had a relatively pertinent evaluation of Chen Feng: "A miser!"

Regarding this, Chen Feng just laughed it off.It's not that he's greedy for money, in order to ensure that he has enough demon pills to allow him to enter the top [-] smoothly, these risks are worth taking.

The Horror Beast didn't seem to know what exhaustion was, and it was still chasing after it.

"Look, there is a halo ahead!" Chen Feng who was running suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted.

Meng Qiuling raised her eyes and saw that there was indeed a white halo spreading in the distance. Even if she was far away, she could still feel a holy aura rushing toward her face.

The two chasing monsters also saw this white light, and panic flashed in their fierce eyes.

The next moment, they roared in unison, and their speed suddenly increased by a notch.

"Be careful, the Horror Beast is going crazy!" Chen Feng raised his aura suddenly: "If I'm right, it should be the entrance to the second floor!"

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