Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 625 Humble Empty

Chen Feng didn't make things difficult for Ling Kong's disciples, grandchildren and handymen.

In the final analysis, the reason why Chen Feng and Ling Kong met was entirely because the other party captured Liu Yiyi.If it wasn't for this matter, Chen Feng would never pay attention to this person.

Seeing that Chen Feng did not embarrass them at all, these people left gratefully.However, there are still some people who stay here.These people are all servants and handymen.

The reason why these people joined Ling Kong's sect was entirely to pursue the path of the strong.Among them, if they are lucky, they may be able to be appreciated by Ling Kong and his disciples, be accepted as disciples, and learn advanced exercises.Now that Ling Kong was captured, they had other thoughts.

Chen Feng ignored them, and his eyes looked into the distance.

There, Zhang Yang was running with a sack on his shoulders.

Within a few breaths, Zhang Yang had already come to Chen Feng's side, and threw the sack on his shoulder to the ground.

"Ouch—" A painful moan sounded from inside the sack, with a hint of crying.

Hearing this voice, Chen Feng knew who was in the sack.

"Uncle, I searched all over here, but I didn't find any trace of Yiyi. However, I saw this short-sighted guy." Zhang Yang said guiltily, his face was a little anxious.

"Let go of me quickly, I am my master's most beloved disciple, if my master knows that you have treated me like this, he will definitely chop you to pieces!" The man in the sack screamed and threatened.

"How dare you speak hard! Damn it, I'll kick you to death!" Zhang Yang's face became angry, and he raised his foot and kicked viciously at the sack on the ground.He didn't use real energy in these few kicks, he used pure physical strength.However, the monks in the late stage of distraction, how far can they go.A few feet down, the cursing in the sack turned into wailing and begging for mercy.

"Hey... Big brother, let me go, I will never make things difficult for you when my master is out of the gate." The person inside shouted.

"Damn, you still dare to threaten me?"

Zhang Yang was furious and kicked harder.

"Brother, big brother, no, uncle, don't kick it, don't mention it, I know my master's treasure house, as long as you stop, I will take you there, ouch, don't kick it..." The people inside wailed loudly stand up.

Hearing the sound of begging for mercy in the sack, Ling Kong's eyes in Chen Feng's hands were filled with ashes: "You evil beast, thanks to the fact that I treat you like my own child..."

"Okay." Chen Feng's heart moved, and he told Zhang Yang to stop.

Zhang Yang didn't talk nonsense, and immediately stopped doing anything.

Chen Feng condensed a sword energy, and lightly stroked on the sack. Immediately, the sack spread out like a flower, revealing the man inside.This person was none other than Qing Kong who had been taught by Chen Feng.

"I'll ask you something, if you answer truthfully, I can let you live!" Chen Fengsen said coldly.

Qing Kong was freed for the first time, and before he could catch his breath, he saw Chen Feng.For Chen Feng, he naturally had a deep memory.From childhood to adulthood, Chen Feng was the first to deal with him severely.

However, when he saw the volley in Chen Feng's hand, he couldn't help opening his mouth: "Master... Master, you..."

"Bastard!" Ling Kong didn't talk nonsense, he gave Qing Kong a cold look and turned his head away.

Seeing this, he cleared his eyes and turned around. The next moment, he hugged Chen Feng's thigh and cried out with snot and tears: "Brother, I didn't ask my master to take revenge on you, it was this The old man insisted on standing up for me. I persuaded him at the time, but he just didn't listen!"

"Bastard... a beast with wolfish ambitions!"

Hearing Qing Kong's words, Ling Kong's face flushed red, he cursed a few times, and then spewed out a mouthful of blood, obviously very angry.

Unexpectedly, the apprentice I have worked so hard to cultivate will actually make trouble in the end!

Chen Feng couldn't understand what was going on at this time, he raised his foot and kicked Qing Kong three meters away, and said coldly: "Give you three seconds, tell me where Liu Yiyi is being held, otherwise, her head will fall to the ground!"

While speaking, a substantial sword energy suddenly appeared and rested on Qing Kong's neck.

"I said! I said! Don't kill me!" Seeing this, Qing Kong hurriedly called for mercy: "The woman was locked in a secret room by the master, and I will take you there!"

"Then lead the way!" Chen Feng snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay!" Qing Kong stood up like a humble servant, bent over and replied cautiously.

At this moment, two figures rushed towards this side.

"En?" Chen Feng frowned.

Of those two figures, one of them was Liu Yiyi, but who was the other young man?It seems that he is not very old, but his strength is not bad, and he has reached the initial stage of integration.

"Chen Feng, I'm here." Liu Yiyi waved her hands desperately while running, the eagerness and longing in her eyes made Chen Feng's heart feel warm.

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng threw the volley to Zhang Yang, but in a flash, he came to Liu Yiyi's body, and hugged Liu Yiyi heavily into his arms.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang felt very uncomfortable.

He is also Liu Yiyi's admirer, but the other party obviously likes Chen Feng, besides, Chen Feng is also the savior of his Zhang family.

Also uncomfortable was Tu Sheng who came with Liu Yiyi.

I thought that Liu Yiyi would definitely have a good impression of her as a hero to save the beauty. With this good impression, Tu Sheng could gradually win Liu Yiyi's heart.But now the person he likes is in someone else's arms.

"Hmph!" Tu Sheng snorted coldly, and turned his head away.

"Chen Feng, I miss you so much!" Liu Yiyi leaned into Chen Feng's words, telling her longing for many days.

Chen Feng didn't speak, but gently stroked Liu Yiyi's long hair, his movements were extremely gentle.

However, Liu Yiyi was a little embarrassed to hug Chen Feng in front of so many people.

She blushed pretty, like a child who made a mistake: "Oh, let me go, so many people are watching.

Chen Feng laughed, and changed the subject: "Yiyi, who is this little brother, don't you introduce him?"

Hearing what Chen Feng said, Liu Yiyi realized that he had neglected Tu Sheng.

"This is my savior, called Tu Sheng. If he hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid I would have killed myself!" Speaking of this, Liu Yiyi's eyes flashed with grievance.

Chen Feng touched Liu Yiyi's little head, and nodded to Tu Sheng with a smile: "Thank you, brother."

The attitude is very grateful.

Tu Sheng nodded with a stiff expression, and said uncomfortably: "Hehe, you're welcome, it's just a little effort." Speaking of which, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Chen Feng chuckled secretly and didn't care about it.Liu Yiyi is likable, which shows her charm.Now that Liu Yiyi's whole heart is on her, why would Chen Feng care?

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Chen Feng looked at Qing Kong again: "It seems that you are useless."

"" Qingkong shook his head in panic: "I know the location of my master's treasure house, I will take you there, don't kill me!"

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