Tu Sheng didn't care about the location of the treasure house.

He cupped his fists at Chen Feng: "I have one more important thing to do, so I'm leaving."

"Brother Tu, if you're free, come and sit on Biluo Peak!" Chen Feng smiled and didn't want to keep him.

He could see that Tu Sheng had thoughts about Liu Yiyi, and he must be very upset now.At this time, if he keeps him, he will be suspected of showing off.

"Definitely!" Tu Sheng nodded to several people, and then flew away with his sword without looking back.

"Chen Feng, what's wrong with him, he seems very unhappy." Liu Yiyi poked her head and asked suspiciously.

"You didn't cause trouble." Chen Feng lovingly scratched Liu Yiyi's nose, and said softly.


Under the leadership of Qing Kong, Chen Feng and others soon came to a mountain wall.

This mountain wall looks like a cliff from a distance, and there is nothing else beyond the steep bluestone mountain.However, under Qing Kong's guidance, Chen Feng quickly discovered the unusual features of the mountain wall.

I saw a protruding red stone ten feet above the mountain wall.

Although this red stone is very different from the look of the mountain, but placed in such an environment, everyone will only regard it as a strange stone, and will never think that it is the switch to open the treasure house.

"I also came here with Master once, and I only found out after observing how Master entered the treasure house." Qing Kong explained, looking at Ling Kong who was controlled by Zhang Yang.

Chen Feng nodded, and the next moment, he soared into the air, climbed up the mountain in the blink of an eye, and landed beside the red stone.

The brilliance of the redstone is flat, just enough to cover it with one hand.However, no matter whether Chen Feng looked at it with his eyes or explored it with his mental power, the red stone was just an ordinary stone, nothing special about it.

After searching to no avail, Chen Feng stretched out his hand and covered the red stone.

As soon as he got it, Chen Feng felt a little different.

Redstone is so hard!

Under Chen Feng's strength, ordinary stones have long been crushed by him.But this piece of red stone didn't move at all, no matter how hard Chen Feng tried, it wouldn't be damaged at all.

"It's really extraordinary!" Chen Feng's heart moved, the strength in his hands became heavier, and he slowly twisted towards the red stone.

"Quack quack—"

There was a sound of surprise, and as Chen Feng twisted the red stone, the originally plain mountain wall twisted slowly, and a small hole as tall as a person appeared out of thin air.

The small hole was extremely deep, and from time to time there was a cold breath exuding from it.

"To be able to achieve such a delicate field with the technique of mechanism, the senior who arranged this mechanism must be extraordinary." Chen Feng sincerely praised.

Naturally, he would not believe that this mechanism was made by Ling Kong.If Ling Kong really had such a mechanism, he would definitely not be defeated by himself.In his previous life, he once saw a person who was intensively practicing the art of mechanisms, fighting with others, with a flash of the storage ring, dozens of powerful mechanism puppets appeared out of thin air, beating the enemy until he was wiped out.

And these, Ling Kong obviously did not.

"Zhang Yang, protect Yiyi for me, I'll go in and have a look!" Chen Feng called out to Zhang Yang below.

"Okay." Zhang Yang grinned, not worried.

"Chen Feng, be careful!" Liu Yiyi was still caring and did not forget to remind her.

Chen Feng nodded, and then, with a movement of his body, like a civet cat, he slammed into the cave.

As soon as Chen Feng entered, the cave was closed quickly, and there was no trace of it anymore.

"It's such a powerful Yin Qi." Entering the cave, Chen Feng immediately felt a strong Yin and Cold Qi filling his surroundings.

However, he is not worried.Since Ling Kong regards this place as his treasure house, it means that there must be no danger here.

Sure enough, Chen Feng saw a lot of treasures inside.

Spiritual stones, treasures of heaven and earth, elixir, all kinds of treasures, and low-grade spiritual weapons are all there.

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng took all these into the Tiandan Immortal Mansion.These things, out of the spirit stone, are still useful to him, and the rest are of little value to him.However, it is of no value to him, but it is very valuable to everyone in Bi Luofeng.

With these resources, Bi Luofeng's strength can be greatly improved in a short period of time.

Soon, Chen Feng brought everything piled up around him into Tiandan Immortal Mansion.

"There isn't a single good thing. It seems that the real good things are still on Ling Kong's storage ring. Forget it, let's check his storage ring after we go out." Chen Feng thought in his heart, but his eyes turned to something more far-reaching. place.

This stone cave was excavated very far, like a huge tunnel, leading to no one knows where.

Chen Feng probed all the way to the depths, collecting the things left by Ling Kong all the way.However, when Chen Feng went down to about ten miles, there was nothing on the ground anymore.

It seemed that Ling Kong's footsteps stopped here.So, what made Ling Kong not continue to move forward?

Just when Chen Feng couldn't figure it out, there was a roaring sound from the depths of the cave. That sound was lifeless, not like it was coming from a living thing.

"Zombie?" Chen Feng's heart moved, and his eyes looked into the deep darkness like lightning.

Chen Feng's strength is already able to see things at night.Under his gaze, he saw a black shadow staggering towards here in the distance.

Although Hei Ying staggered when he walked, his speed was extremely fast, and soon he was only a few hundred meters away from Chen Feng.

"Sure enough, it's a zombie. Moreover, it's a thousand-year-old purple-haired zombie!" Looking at the zombie in front of him, Chen Feng judged the strength of the zombie at a glance.

The purple-haired zombie is already a thousand-year-old zombie.Once it reaches the level of purple hair, the strength of zombies is no less than that of masters in the general reason period.Moreover, as time goes by, the strength of the purple-haired zombie will continue to improve.Just like the zombie in front of him, with long hair and dark color, it has obviously lived for thousands of years, and its strength has reached the level of the distraction stage.

Seeing Chen Feng, the eyes of the purple-haired zombie glistened with blood, opened its mouth and roared, and its two white fangs looked extremely shocking.

Without any thought, the purple-haired zombie who flocked to the living things rushed towards Chen Feng without saying a word.

Without fear, Chen Feng sacrificed the orange fire of the sky spirit, turned into a flaming long sword, and slashed towards the purple-haired zombie.

Flames are already restrained against evil things like zombies, not to mention the orange fire of the sky spirit, which is already an extremely powerful flame, and it is deadly against evil things.

With one strike of the sword, Chen Feng successfully broke through the zombie's physical defense, and cut off one arm of the purple-haired zombie.


The purple-haired zombie groaned in pain, and swung its other arm to grab Chen Feng.




A few sword lights flashed, and the purple-haired zombie was chopped into pieces by Chen Feng.

To kill this distracted zombie in the early stage, Chen Feng didn't need to waste too much energy.What's more, there is also Tianling Orange Fire, which restrains zombies, making Chen Feng's offensive like chopping melons and vegetables, and it is always against the odds.

Looking at the shattered corpses, Chen Feng stepped over and continued walking towards the depths.

However, after walking a few steps, there was a sudden sound of footsteps from the depths. It sounded like many people were approaching.

"Zombie group? Watch me tear you into pieces!" Chen Feng licked Zhui Chun, with the flaming long sword in his hand, showing awe-inspiring killing intent.

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