Looking at the shattered corpses, Chen Feng stepped over and continued walking towards the depths.

However, after walking a few steps, there was a sudden sound of footsteps from the depths. It sounded like many people were approaching.

"Zombie group? Watch me tear you into pieces!" Chen Feng licked Zhui Chun, with the flaming long sword in his hand, showing awe-inspiring killing intent.

The sound of chaotic footwork was getting closer and closer. Through the analysis of the footsteps, Chen Feng estimated that there were at least fifty zombies.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, a group of dark figures rushed out from the depths of the cave.

"Sure enough, it's a group of zombies, all purple-haired zombies. In terms of strength, none of them is inferior to the one I killed before." Looking at the group of zombies a hundred meters away, Chen Feng knew it clearly: "No wonder the volleying thing It stops here, and it turns out that if you enter again, you will encounter this group of zombies.

Fifty or so purple-haired zombies above the early stage of distraction, even ordinary half-step fit monks would have a headache.

However, these were not a problem for Chen Feng.

Whether it's his Heavenly Spirit Orange Fire or his Lightning Power, they can completely overcome zombies in terms of attributes.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng had transformed into a bolt of lightning, and quickly charged into the crowd of zombies.

There was a flash of lightning in the group of zombies, and the flames soared into the sky. Immediately afterwards, there were cries of anger and pain accompanied by the sound of limbs being broken. The zombies surrounding Chen Feng were constantly beheaded and killed by Chen Feng's sword.

After drinking a cup of tea, Chen Feng scattered the flames and flying swords, and stood there calmly.

Around him, there were severed arms and limbs everywhere, and green, stinky blood flowed all over the ground, looking extremely disgusting.

"Hey, let me see you off for the last time." Chen Feng let out a long breath, and threw out a little flame with his hand.


The flames quickly rushed to the corpse of the zombie, making crackling noises, and a smell of burnt smoke rose up.

Soon, the corpses all over the ground were burned to ashes.

"It seems that the entrance of this cave seems to be very deep. I don't know what dangers are waiting for me inside." Chen Feng thought in his heart, but he walked forward firmly.

Sure enough, as Chen Feng walked in, wave after wave of zombies appeared.

These zombies are all purple-haired zombies, and their strength is at the level of the initial clone.However, in terms of quantity, it has increased compared with the previous ones.Especially after Chen Feng entered the entrance of the cave, the number of zombies increased sharply, reaching more than [-] at one point.

Five hundred opponents in the early stage of distraction, not to mention others, even Chen Feng did not have as much difficulty as before.

Under the siege of the group of corpses, Chen Feng's clothes were scratched in several places, and many scratches appeared on his skin.It was also fortunate that Chen Feng's body was strong, otherwise the group of corpses would not have caused any skin trauma, and it might not necessarily have been directly pierced through the chest.

Fortunately, Chen Feng possessed the strength to restrain the opponent, otherwise, even Chen Feng would not be able to persist here, and he might have been buried in the endless sea of ​​corpses long ago.

Finally, after Chen Feng resisted the No.30 wave of corpse attacks, he finally reached the end of the deep cave.

There, an old door appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes.

This door is made of a special kind of wood from Cangzhou, which can be preserved for a long time without rot.On the doorknob, a thick layer of dust had long since formed as hard as a rock.It can be seen that this door has not been opened for a long time.

It seems that behind this gate is the secret of this tunnel.

Out of caution, Chen Feng didn't go directly to open the wooden door, but used his true energy to form a big hand with real energy, and the big hand opened the wooden door.

"Quack quack..."

The wooden door made a harsh sound and slowly opened.

"This is..." Chen Feng's eyes narrowed, "It turned out to be just a tomb."

Inside the gate, there was a black coffin lying quietly, and there was nothing else.

"It seems that this person only had time to dig this tunnel for himself before he died, and he died before he even had time to prepare some funeral objects. Those green-haired zombies, could it be the workers who dug here, after nourishing countless dead energy, they gradually evolved into Like this?"

While thinking in his mind, Chen Feng had already walked to the side of the coffin.

Standing close, Chen Feng could feel a strong death energy emanating from the coffin.Just a little feeling, I feel cold all over.

"What is the cultivation level of the owner of this coffin, and why does he still have such power after death?" Chen Feng thought in his heart, and stretched out his hand to touch the outer wall of the coffin.

"Squeak, squeak—"

The moment Chen Feng's hand touched the coffin, the coffin trembled slowly.

Moreover, the trembling seemed to become more and more intense as time went on, as if something was struggling hard in the coffin.

"No, there is danger here!" Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis rose from Chen Feng's heart.Without any hesitation, his body quickly retreated outside.


There was a loud explosion and the coffin was instantly torn apart.Inside the coffin, a figure suddenly rushed out from among the fragments, rushing towards Chen Feng as fast as lightning.

Sensing the imminent crisis behind him, Chen Feng tensed up.

He rolled forward with all his strength, and immediately rushed forward dozens of meters.

And at this moment, there was a powerful explosion sound behind him. Chen Feng looked back, and saw a deep pit appeared in the place where he was just now, and above the deep pit, a thin figure was standing there.

Judging from the state of the figure, it should be a zombie.However, he has no purple hair all over his body. He is wearing a robe of unknown material. Although his skin is dry and flat, it is different from the dryness of a zombie, and is closer to the skin of an elderly person.now,

He even looked at Chen Feng evilly with a pair of dead red eyes.

"What a powerful zombie." The strength of the zombie is far from what the previous corpses can match.Just based on the breath, Chen Feng can be sure that the strength of this zombie is above the fusion stage, and it is even very likely that it is a late fusion existence.

This kind of strength is far from what Chen Feng can resist, even with the Potian Sword.

"What should I do, should I run or fight?" Chen Feng looked at the zombie standing not far away, thinking in his mind.

However, the zombie didn't give Chen Feng any time. Before Chen Feng could make up his mind, the zombie had already jumped in front of Chen Feng, and stretched out its black armored claws towards Chen Feng's dantian.

Due to the speed of the zombies being too fast, Chen Feng wanted to dodge again, which would obviously make him more passive.

"If you really want to fight, then I'll come and meet you!" Chen Feng shouted in a low voice, and Chen Feng had already held the jet-black Sky-breaking Sword in his hand.

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