Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 638 The Small Village Under the Cliff

"Actually, I came here today to ask for peace on the one hand, and to ask Elder Chen Feng for help on the other hand."

Hei Ri said bitterly, with a bit of anxiety in his tone.

"Help?" Chen Feng was taken aback, and the others looked at Hei Ri curiously, with a questioning look on their faces.

"Yes, help." Hei Ri nodded, with a bit of bitterness in his words: "I, Black Wind Village, am in great trouble!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and their faces became serious: "What do you mean, Hei Ri, please explain clearly."

Although Heifengzhai had a bad reputation in the past, it was still a first-class force in Yunlong Mountain.If the ordeal that even Heifengzhai could not resist spreads, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Everyone, please take a look." Hei Ri waved his hand and took out an memory crystal, and input a piece of real energy.

Immediately, scenes were projected from the memory crystal, like a movie, appearing in front of everyone.

In the picture, a group of monsters are rampaging, and they are disciples of the slaughterer Heifengzhai.Even though several Nascent Soul stage masters of Heifengzhai work together to stop them, they can only barely resist. There will still be many disciples of Heifengzhai who will be taken advantage of by monsters and torn to pieces.

Seeing such a scene, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

"Hei Ri, where did these monsters come from?" Yang Long asked in a deep voice, eyes full of fear.

It can be seen from the screen that these monsters are powerful, and most of them are in the Jindan stage, among them, there are also monsters in the Nascent Soul stage.If such a group of monsters really disperse the Black Wind Village, they will definitely wreak havoc towards the surrounding area in the next step.

"These monsters came from the Heifeng Mountain Range!" Hei Ri said solemnly: "For some reason, a large number of monsters suddenly appeared in the Heifeng Mountain Range a few days ago. Located on the edge of the Black Wind Forest, it is naturally their first target."

"Moreover, this group of monsters is only a small part of them. Among these monsters, I even feel an aura that surpasses the Nascent Soul stage!"

There was a bit of panic and fear in Hei Ri's dignified words.

"Above the Nascent Soul stage?" The faces of many masters suddenly became fearful: "Could it be that there are monsters in the out-of-body stage among these monsters?"

"It's absolutely true, although I didn't fight against it, but based on the aura of that monster, I can conclude that it has definitely surpassed the Nascent Soul Stage. Because of this, I asked everyone for help on the day of the Bi Luo Sect's grand ceremony! I also ask everyone to recite the forces of the same Yunlong Mountain Range, and save me Black Wind Village."

After finishing speaking, Hei Ri sincerely bowed to everyone.

"If it's really a monster in the out-of-body period, it's really a troublesome thing." The man who spoke was masculine. He broke through the out-of-body period in Cangzhou City, and naturally understood the power of the out-of-body period.If the monsters during the out-of-body period really make a move, it is only a matter of time before the destruction of Heifengzhai.

"This matter cannot be delayed. If Heifengzhai is really destroyed, the next thing to face the monsters is the villages and towns behind Heifengzhai!" The head of the Light Sword Sect said in a deep voice, while looking at Chen Feng.

Here, Chen Feng is the most important person.

"In that case, I'll walk with you." Chen Feng nodded without refusing.

"Thank you Elder Chen Feng for your kindness!" Hei Ri was full of excitement, and there were tears in his old eyes.

"Let's go together, this is a catastrophe in the Yunlong Mountain Range, and our sects should deal with it together!" Yang Long proposed loudly, which immediately aroused a lot of responses.

"Thank you all." Hei Ri's eyes were full of gratitude, and his voice trembled a little.

Soon, the personnel from all parties were assembled.For the purpose of training disciples, most of the sects are led by sect masters with some outstanding disciples.

After half an hour, Bi Luofeng suddenly calmed down.Although there are still a large number of monks staying, these people are innocuous existences, and those who really matter are on their way to Heifengzhai.


A day later, the people of the Biluo Sect came to the boundary of Heifengzhai, and in the distance, the outline of a village appeared.

This time, more than [-] people from the Biluo Sect came, all of them were disciples with outstanding aptitude in the sect, and they were led by the deputy head, Dugu Jian.

Vaguely, Chen Feng felt that this matter was full of weirdness.Heifengzhai has been safe and sound for hundreds of years, and the appearance of these monsters is too abrupt.Therefore, he did not involve the three confidante.

"There is a village there, let's go there to rest first, and find out what's going on in Heifeng Village by the way." Chen Feng instructed the people behind him.

"Yes! Elder Chen." The group readily agreed.

After a day of non-stop driving, everyone felt a little tired.Adjust it, and you can be more confident in the next battle.

After a while, everyone has come to the top of the village.

"Huh?" Chen Feng frowned, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

"Why is there no one in the village?" Dugu Jian also noticed the unusualness of the village.

"Go down and have a look!" Chen Feng gave an order and landed with everyone.

As soon as it landed, a strong smell of blood came to the nostrils.

On the ground of the village, there were still wet bloodstains everywhere, and some scraps of meat could be seen scattered on the ground.

A female disciple couldn't help retching when she saw the bloody pieces of meat.

"We're late." Such a thought suddenly came to everyone's minds, and a sense of sadness arose spontaneously.

"No, there are still people alive." Chen Feng raised his eyebrows suddenly, and before everyone could react, he shot towards a corner of the village.

When the rest of the people saw it, they hurriedly followed.

To the east of the village is a cliff.The whole village was built under the cliff.

At this moment, under the cliff, a group of bloodthirsty monsters were roaring ferociously at a cave under the cliff with red eyes.

At the entrance of the cave, a young man was standing there like a huge tower, no matter how vicious the monster was, he would not retreat a step.

However, looking at the man's teetering appearance, it was obvious that he couldn't hold on for too long.

"Brother Zhi, are you okay?" A clear female voice came from inside the cave, which shocked the man and made his body firm again.

It seemed that this female voice gave him infinite motivation.

"I'm fine, take care of everyone!" The young man nodded firmly, his eyes full of death-defying brilliance: "Unless I die, these beasts will never want to enter the cave."

While speaking, a breath surged from the young man.It was the aura of Jindan's early stage, but this aura was very weak, as if it would dissipate at any moment.

"Ouch—" a demon wolf at the Jindan stage rushed out, grinning with fangs, and rushed towards the young man guarding the entrance of the cave.

"Come on, beast, as long as I, Shen Shaozhi, am alive, I won't let you step into the entrance of the cave!" The young man roared loudly, and a powerful force burst out from his weak body!

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