"Come on, beast, as long as I, Shen Shaozhi, am alive, I won't let you step into the entrance of the cave!" The young man roared loudly, and a powerful force burst out from his weak body!

"Oh--" The demon wolf seemed to be provoked by the sky, and the fierceness became even more fierce.

His speed was very fast, like a flying arrow, in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Shen Shaozhi, and his huge wolf mouth bit Shen Shaozhi's shoulder fiercely.


It was the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, and it was especially clear in this quiet valley.

"Brother Zhi!" Inside the cave, the soft female voice seemed so anxious and uneasy, and along with the exclamation, there was a rush of footsteps. Obviously, the girl was running out of the cave quickly.

"Don't come here! This bastard still can't kill me!" Shen Shaozhi yelled violently, his eyes full of sternness.

The next moment, his left hand turned around abruptly, tightly wrapping around the wolf's neck.His right hand was clenched into a fist, and with the remaining strength, he slammed the demon wolf's forehead fiercely.


The demon wolf struggled vigorously, trying to get out of Shen Shaozhi's control.However, Shen Shaozhi's left hand seemed to be like an iron hoop, no matter how much the wolf struggled, it couldn't get away.

Shen Shaozhi's fist also aroused the viciousness of the demon wolf, since you can't break free, then bite your shoulder off!

There were bursts of ear-piercing sounds of bone shattering, and the monster wolf's bloody mouth was clenched tightly, and its sharp fangs pierced deeply into Shen Shaozhi's bones. It seemed that Shen Shaozhi's shoulder would be bitten off in the next moment. !

"Wolf, go to hell!" Shen Shaozhi's face was extremely ferocious, and the bite of the wolf made him suffer endless pain.

But with an obsession in his heart, Shen Shaozhi endured this inhuman pain abruptly!

He gritted his teeth, and just greeted the demon wolf's brow with his fist again and again.

Now, he is competing with the beast in front of him for endurance and vitality, whoever can't stand it first will die first!




The sound of fists hitting repeatedly repeated, and the wolf's body gradually softened.

The rest of the monsters quietly looked at the scene in front of them, not only did not step forward to stop them, but stood quietly watching from the sidelines, their eyes full of schadenfreude.


Finally, the demon wolf let out a miserable howl, and its body fell down completely powerlessly.Its forehead had already been smashed into a piece of meatloaf by Shen Shaozhi, and it couldn't tell where the eyes were and where the mouth was.


Seeing that the demon wolf finally died, Shen Shaozhi immediately collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

The life-and-death struggle with the demon wolf just now has exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, and now it is extremely difficult for him to even move his fingers.

"Brother Zhi!" A slender figure rushed to Shen Shaozhi's side, helped Shen Shaozhi up with pity, hugged him in his arms, tears in his eyes.

"Xiaolan, this is the first time you've hugged me, cough...cough..." Shen Shaozhi looked at the pretty girl in front of him and coughed up a mouthful of blood, but his eyes were still extremely gentle.

"Brother Zhi, why are you so stupid, you can escape by yourself!" the girl called Xiaolan cried, looking at Shen Shaozhi's young face with indescribable sadness.

Shen Shaozhi grinned, as if he had touched the wound on his body, sweating profusely from the pain.His eyes were full of determination: "I told you once, I will never abandon you!"


Watching the two confess their love to each other, the monsters surrounding the cave rioted again.

This time, they seemed to have lost their original patience, instead of going forward one by one, they surrounded the two of them at the entrance of the cave together.

Immediately, a wave of fierce and barbaric breath rushed towards the two people at the entrance of the cave.

"Xiaolan, back off!" Shen Shaozhi, who was at the end of his life, stood up again with strength from nowhere. With firm eyes, he pushed Xiaolan behind him. His originally weak body seemed to suddenly become majestic.

"Brother Zhi..."

Xiaolan murmured, looking at Shen Shaozhi with firm eyes: "Brother Zhi, I'm with you!"

"Okay!" Shen Shaozhi let out a long laugh, then turned his head and shouted at the monsters: "Beasts, if you want to eat me, you have to pay the price!"

After all, a trace of true energy suddenly gushed out from the exhausted meridians.Shen Shaozhi actually made a breakthrough at such a critical moment!


All the murderers roared and approached Shen Shaozhi, their eyes were more fierce than before.

Even if Shen Shaozhi breaks through, he will definitely become their food!Because, among them, there is a monster in the Nascent Soul stage!


Just when the monster was about to drown Shen Shaozhi and the girl Xiaolan beside him, a sudden sigh came.

The next moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed to the front of Shen Shaozhi, like a huge wall, resisting the barbaric spirit of all monsters.

"This is..." Shen Shaozhi stared blankly at the black figure in front of him, a feeling of deja vu arose spontaneously.

"You are... Xiao Hei?" Shen Shaozhi opened his mouth and said hoarsely.

"Roar—" Xiao Hei turned around and growled a few times at Shen Shaozhi, his eyes narrowed.

In the past, Xiao Hei was brought out from Heifeng Village by Chen Feng together with Shen Shaozhi.Speaking of which, Xiao Hei once used his strength to play tricks on Shen Shaozhi.

"Hahaha, it's really you!" Shen Shaozhi laughed suddenly, for some reason, seeing Xiao Hei's appearance, he felt a sense of security.

Xiao Hei has appeared, so that person should also come.

Shen Shaozhi looked into the distance, and sure enough, he saw a cyan figure standing proudly in midair, smiling warmly at him.


Seeing Xiao Hei's appearance, the pace of many monsters finally stopped.They looked at Xiao Hei with fear, and there seemed to be a hint of panic in their eyes.


Xiao Hei glanced contemptuously at the monsters, and suddenly let out a long growl. The next moment, it threw its body and fiercely rushed towards the surrounding monsters.

Pounce, scratch, scratch, bite...

Xiao Hei's movements are very ordinary, but each blow can take away the life of a monster!

In the hands of Xiao Hei in the out-of-body period, not a single monster is an all-in-one enemy.

Broken down!

Only this word can describe the scene at this time.

"Xiao Hei, you pervert!" Shen Shaozhi stood there in a daze, rubbing his eyes from time to time, with an expression of disbelief.


Xiao Hei snorted coquettishly, and then slapped a late Jindan fox demon into a meat paste.

In the blink of an eye, many monsters didn't even have a chance to escape, and the entire army was wiped out.

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