"Xiaolan, we are saved!" Shen Shaozhi held Xiaolan's hand tightly, smiling like a survivor after a catastrophe.

Xiaolan's eyes were full of tears, and her eyes were full of happiness.

Today, she finally witnessed Shen Shaozhi's love for him.That is undying love.He met a man who was willing to die for him.

"Xiaolan! Haha, we're saved!" At this moment, a man rushed out of the cave behind him full of surprises, walked up to Xiaolan's side, and grabbed Xiaolan's hand, looking extremely intimate.

This person's cultivation base in the later stage of Jindan seems to be several times more imposing than Shen Shaozhi's on the wall.

The man's name is Liu Neng, and he is Xiaolan's former lover.

Xiaolan used to be so infatuated with this man.But now, Xiaolan looked at this man with contempt.

She quietly withdrew her hand from Liu Neng's, and leaned into Shen Shaozhi's arms.

"Xiaolan, what's the matter with you? Today is our wedding day, now we are out of danger, let's continue to hold the wedding ceremony." Liu Neng smiled brightly, and went to grab Xiaolan's hands with both hands.

It was only then that everyone realized that Xiao Lan was wearing a red dress today, looking extremely festive.

Xiao Lan slapped Liu Neng's hand away, and said coldly, "Liu Neng, please respect yourself!"

Liu Neng blushed intermittently, but soon, he suppressed his emotions, smiled apologetically at Xiaolan, and said, "Xiaolan, don't be angry with me, boy, come to me .”

"Liu Neng! Shut up!" Xiaolan said angrily, "You greedy and afraid of death!"

"When the monster almost ate me just now, where did you go?"

"When the monster wanted to enter the cave just now, where did you go?"

"Where did you go when Brother Zhi could barely keep it?"

A series of three questions made Liu Neng's face turn pale.

Xiaolan smiled mockingly: "You once said that you can die for me? But will you really die for me? You won't, you will only put me in front of the monster for yourself to live, you like this Is the person worthy of my love?"

Xiaolan smiled miserably, looked at Shen Shaozhi, her eyes were full of tenderness: "I hate that I was blind and rejected a person who truly loved me. Fortunately, he still came back to me!"

Saying that, Xiaolan's delicate body was nestled in Shen Shaozhi's arms, feeling extremely happy.

Shen Shaozhi was full of satisfaction, he caressed Xiaolan's hair, and sighed: "Xiaolan, my persistence for these years has finally paid off!"

While speaking, this man who was just like an iron tower shed two lines of tears.

"He is not good enough for you!" Liu Neng pointed at Shen Shaozhi with a black face and cursed: "I am the core disciple of Heifengzhai, with outstanding aptitude, and I will definitely become the ancestor of the Nascent Soul Stage in the future. What is he, just a casual cultivator , you will not be happy if you follow him!"

Xiaolan shook her head, ignored her and said, "Is power and status really that important? If you can treat me sincerely, even if you are a first-order mortal, I will be willing!"

"No, he's not worthy!" Liu Neng yelled violently, raised his true energy, and angrily slapped Shen Shaozhi with his palm.

"Brother Zhi, be careful!" Xiao Lan shouted anxiously.

Now that Shen Shaozhi is weak, how can he resist Liu Neng's angry palm?


At this moment, a figure crossed between the two of them and waved his hand casually.


Liu Neng, who was in the later stage of Golden Core, flew upside down like a piece of rag, and slammed into the mountain wall behind him fiercely, leaving a human-shaped depression.

"Brother Chen Feng!" Looking at the figure in front of him, Shen Shaozhi called out in a low voice, with mixed feelings in his heart.

This is the second time Chen Feng saved him.For the first time, he was rescued from the devil's lair in Heifengzhai, and he was given a large amount of resources to make his cultivation improve by leaps and bounds.

This time, if Chen Feng hadn't arrived in time, he and the people in the cave behind him would have been eaten up by monsters.

"Shaozhi, not bad!" Chen Feng smiled lightly and nodded to Shen Shaozhi.

Just a word of approval, but Shen Shaozhi felt infinitely satisfied.

"Hey, Brother Chen Feng." He scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

On the other side, Liu Neng, who was driven into the mountain wall by Chen Feng, yelled angrily, shot out, and glared at Chen Feng!

"Who are you, and why are you meddling in my business!" Liu Neng said sullenly, full of resentment.

Chen Feng looked at him disdainfully, and said softly, "I'll give you three breaths to get out, otherwise, die!"

As if to match Chen Feng's words, Xiao Hei also roared in a brazen manner.

Liu Neng wished to tear Chen Feng's body to pieces, but he didn't dare to act rashly.The man in front of him could knock him into the air with one blow, at least he was a half-step Nascent Soul master.Not to mention that black tiger, the monster just now had no strength to fight back in front of it.The lineup in front of him was not something he could afford.

Thinking of this, Liu Neng's eyes flashed with timidity.Immediately put down the cruel words: "Boy, wait, I will always find this hatred!"

After finishing speaking, he leaped into the air, raised his flying sword and flew towards the sky.

Chen Feng looked at the flying figure and just responded with a sneer.

At this moment, everyone from the Bi Luo faction has arrived.

Seeing so many people, Xiaolan seemed a little timid and hid behind Shen Shaozhi.It was Shen Shaozhi who looked at Chen Feng with admiration.He could see that among the many people behind Chen Feng, none of them had a lower level of cultivation than him, but each of them seemed to listen to Chen Feng's words.

"Dugu Jian, what are your thoughts?" Chen Feng smiled.

"Elder Chen, this person has a firm and resolute character, and he is indeed a talent to be made!" Dugu Jian praised.

"Shaozhi has some fate with me, so let's accept it in my Biluo sect." Chen Feng nodded and said with a smile.

Dugu Jian was full of emotion, he looked at Shen Shaozhi, hesitantly said: "I don't know if he is willing."

Then, Dugu Jian's face became serious, and he said to Shen Shaozhi: "I am Dugu Jian of the Biluo sect, and I have a cultivation level in the early stage of leaving the body. Are you willing to worship me as a teacher?"

Shen Shaozhi was taken aback for a moment, then fell to his knees full of ecstasy: "Disciple Shen Shaozhi, pay homage to Master!"

"Hahaha, get up, get up!" Dugu Jian was very happy, and kindly helped Shen Shaozhi up.

It seemed that Shen Shaozhi was very happy with Dugu Jian.

Just then, there was another sound of footsteps.The sound of footsteps seemed very chaotic. Obviously, there were many people.

After a while, a large number of people really came out from the depths of the cave.

They are all the old and weak women and children of this village. When the monsters attacked, they fled to the cave under the escort of the village's young and strong, until now.

Seeing Chen Feng and the others, the old man in the lead bowed his head immediately: "Heifeng Village Chief Liu Xi thanks the Immortal Chief for saving his life!"

Chen Feng nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he lifted the old man up and asked solemnly: "I ask you, do you know the situation of the monsters raging around?"

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