Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 641 The Battle on the Black Wind Village

Chen Feng nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he lifted the old man up and asked solemnly: "I ask you, do you know the situation of the monsters raging around?"

The village chief was just an old man in the Yuan Condensation Stage, and he seemed very restrained under Chen Feng's aura.

However, from his mouth, Chen Feng still got useful news.

"Half a day ago, a large group of monsters rushed from the east, and the number was several thousand. Those who besieged our village were part of this group of monsters. Most of them rushed towards the west. .”

Hearing this, Chen Feng's heart sank suddenly.

To the east of this village is the Heifeng Forest, and to the west of this village is the Heifeng Village!

It seems that there is no time to delay to help Heifengzhai!

"You guys, the villagers who are in charge of moving here, must move everyone to a safe place!" Chen Feng immediately ordered several disciples of the Bi Luo Sect.These few disciples, including the masters of the Nascent Soul stage, should be able to deal with even a small group of monsters. It should be no problem for them to transfer the disciples.

"The rest of you, follow me to the Black Wind Stronghold!" Chen Feng ordered to the remaining disciples.

"Yes, Elder Chen Feng!" The members of Biluo Peak agreed in unison without any hesitation.

"Brother Chen Feng, what about me?" Shen Shaozhi said anxiously, with an eager look on his face.

"You?" Chen Feng looked at Shen Shaozhi and said with a smile: "You are familiar with the people in the village, so you should also escort them together. With you here, many things are much more convenient. Besides..."

Chen Feng smiled narrowly: "Are you willing to let your little lover stay alone?"

"This..." Shen Shaozhi blushed, scratched his head, peeked at Xiao Lan who was also shy, and said with a smile: "Then you all be careful, I will wait for your good news at the rear."

Chen Feng nodded, then looked at the disciples solemnly, and said, "Let's go!"

As you can see, a pair of men and horses quickly stepped on the flying sword and flew towards the west.


The great formation of the Heifengzhai's mountain protection was constantly stirring up ripples, as if it would shatter at any moment.

Outside the mountain protection formation, there are densely packed monsters and beasts entrenched. At a glance, it is dark and dense, and the number is at least tens of thousands.

Most of these monsters are around the Jindan stage, but there are a few Nascent Soul stage monsters among them.These Nascent Soul stage monsters each lead hundreds of younger brothers to attack the mountain guard formation from time to time.

Although the power of one monster is insignificant to the Great Mountain Protector Formation, thousands of monster beasts attacking at the same time still make the Great Mountain Protector Formation crumbling.

Inside the mountain protection formation, a group of monks from Heifengzhai had tense faces. They nervously looked at the shaking mountain protection formation, guessing how long the mountain protection formation could last.

A few days ago, nearly a thousand monsters rushed into Heifeng Village. Because of the sudden incident, these monsters caught the disciples of Heifeng Village by surprise, and many disciples died here.

However, after all, Heifengzhai is also a first-class force in the Yunlong Mountain Range. After only a moment of panic, many Nascent Soul stage high-ranking officials appeared together and led their disciples to fight back. After a day and a night, they finally repelled all the invading monsters .

Seeing more and more monsters gather, Heifengzhai opened a large formation to protect the mountain, and the leader Hei Ri went to Biluo Peak to rescue soldiers.

A few days passed, and more and more monsters were entrenched in the mountain protection formation, and the hearts of the disciples in Heifengzhai sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Disciples, don't panic. The master has already gone to rescue the soldiers. I believe that the crisis in the Black Wind Village will be solved soon!" Heilong raised his arms and shouted, comforting the emotions of all the disciples.

However, Heilong's words didn't seem to have the slightest effect. A group of Heifengzhai disciples' faces were ashen, and their eyes were full of despair.

"It's useless, it's useless, the head of the family has been away for a few days and there is no news, maybe he has abandoned us!"

"Ugh—I don't want to die..."

One by one Heifengzhai disciples said to themselves, the atmosphere was extremely depressed.


At this moment, the mountain guard array shook violently, and then emitted a burst of brilliance.

"It's not good, the mountain protection array is about to break!" Some disciples shouted in panic.

Such a bright streamer from the mountain guard formation is a precursor to its imminent shattering!

"All disciples, get ready to fight! Hold on for a while, and the rescuers will arrive!" The black dragon shouted loudly, encouraging the emotions of all the disciples.

Under the threat of death, the disciples took out their magical weapons one after another, preparing to resist the impact of monsters.But it can be seen that they have no confidence in their hearts.

"Bang bang—"

The mountain guard formation turned into fragments of broken vitality fragments, which dissipated invisible.

With the shattering of the mountain protection formation, many monsters showed fierce eyes, and slowly pressed towards the many disciples of Heifengzhai.

"Disciples, defend the Black Wind Stronghold, kill!" Hei Long shouted, and the long whip in his hand stirred for a while, and immediately sent a group of monsters flying.

The black dragon is extremely brave, but it can't arouse the fighting spirit of the disciples.

Most of the disciples were waving the magic weapon flying swords and struggling to resist, their fighting spirit was extremely low.

"Ah—" With a scream, a disciple of Heifengzhai was torn into pieces and eaten by monsters.

The stimulation of the blood made the monsters even more fierce, and their attacks became more ferocious.

But the disciples of Heifengzhai were even more fearful.Everyone in them is in danger, and they only want to save their lives, not to hurt the enemy.

Under the ebb and flow, the disciples of Heifengzhai were constantly being slaughtered.

The black dragon bravely whipped away a group of monsters and saved a disciple.However, more disciples were devoured.

Heilong sighed, he understood that it was only a matter of time before the entire army was wiped out.

"Brothers, these beasts want our lives, we have to kill them back. Killing one is enough money, killing two is profitable!" Heilong's eyes were red, he roared, completely gave up defense, and only knew to wave his spear The whip repeatedly smashed the monster in front of him into pieces.

The bravery of the black dragon finally aroused the fighting spirit of a group of people.They also roared and launched a counterattack!

"Ouch——" The black dragon's bravery finally caught the attention of the Nascent Soul monster.

Several Nascent Soul stage monsters gathered together in a very tacit understanding, and started to encircle the black dragon.


Surrounded by monsters, the black dragon slammed the head of one monster away, but his body was also slapped away by another black bear monster.

Suddenly, the black dragon lost its fighting power.

Several Nascent Soul stage monsters roared, rushing towards the fallen black dragon.

Looking at the ferociously pounced monster, the black dragon let out a long sigh, and then, a powerful energy emanated from his body.

Blow up!

At the end of his life, the black dragon willingly gave up the chance to re-enter reincarnation and chose to blew himself up!

"Black Dragon, no!"

At this moment, there was a burst of violent shouting, and in the eyes of the black dragon, a huge spaceship appeared a thousand meters away.

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