Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 662 Sword Relic


A hasty and powerful sound sounded, it was Chen Feng's heart beating rapidly.

A strange force spread from his heart, flowing to his fingertips alternately.

"This is... the origin of the sword body?" Chen Feng's heart moved, and a strong confidence was born spontaneously.

"Next, let's see how I can subdue you!" Chen Feng's eyes were full of excitement, and he shouted loudly!

His hands were the same as before, with blue veins exposed and real essence boiling.It's just that the difference from before is that his fingertips are shining with traces of blue light, just like the eyes of the blue halo are not bad at all.

This is the original power of the sword body. With the addition of these sword body sources, Chen Feng's hands, which had been stagnant for a long time, moved slowly.Although the cyan halo also repels the origin of the sword body, but the degree is reduced many times.

Slowly, Chen Feng's hands penetrated the blue halo and reached inside.

A smooth bead was touched by Chen Feng's fingertips, and a strong tingling sensation made Chen Feng frown.

However, Chen Feng didn't pay attention to the sudden tingling sensation, he grabbed it with both hands, and immediately grabbed the thing in the blue halo in his hand.

Then, his muscles tightened violently, and he pulled his arms!


There was a burst of anger, and Chen Feng broke free from the shackles of the blue halo, carrying the mysterious ball in the palm of his hands.

In an instant, the mountainous pressure exerted on Chen Feng disappeared instantly!

"That pressure is really due to this round bead!" Chen Feng was sure, and became more curious about the round bead.

With Yuanzhu's departure, the cyan halo suddenly dimmed, and gradually became silent as time passed, until it disappeared without a trace.

As the cyan halo dissipated, Chen Feng's gaze shifted to the round bead in his hand.

The ball is not big, it is about the size of a handful in both hands, and when the hands are closed, it is just enough to completely wrap the ball.

The whole body of the bead is cyan, with some lines on it.These lines are not carved, but grow on the body of the ball itself. It seems to be chaotic, but when you look closely, there is a feeling of elusiveness.

"Lvyi, I got it!" Chen Feng sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and whispered to the weak sword spirit Lvyi.

"Mmm." Lvyi raised her beautiful eyelashes, her haggard look made Chen Feng feel pity.

"What should I do next, how can I help you?" Chen Feng asked softly.

"Swallow it!" Lvyi's voice was very soft, as if he was struggling to speak.

"What? Eat it, are you sure?" Chen Feng trembled, looking at the ball in his hand, hesitant.

Although this ball is not big, it is also not small, it is as big as an adult's fist, will it cause indigestion if you eat it?

Lu Yi opened her mouth, but she didn't make a sound. It seemed that it was extremely difficult for her to even speak now.

Chen Feng thought for a while, then suddenly opened his mouth, and then stuffed the ball into his mouth!

Because the ball was too big, Chen Feng couldn't stuff it into his mouth for a while, there was no other way, Chen Feng could only choose to bite off a piece first.

However, as Chen Feng bit down his teeth, the ball seemed to melt, and it was automatically poured into Chen Feng's mouth with a "grunt", and actively penetrated into Chen Feng's throat.

"It doesn't seem to have any taste?" Chen Feng said in a low voice.But the next moment, his expression changed.

He clearly felt that the ball didn't enter his stomach after he swallowed it, but somehow came to his sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, the ball was spinning in front of Sword Spirit Lvyi's body.

"Damn, what's going on here?" Chen Feng was inexplicably horrified, his own sea of ​​consciousness was related to his own life, if something bad happened, he would kill someone, he didn't dare to let this unknown orb enter it.

However, the next moment, Chen Feng chose to keep his mouth shut.

Because he saw that at this moment, the bead was slowly separating strands of blue light, and these rays were being absorbed by the green clothes without a trace.

Under Chen Feng's gaze, Lvyi's originally pale face gradually turned rosy, and his originally ethereal body also gradually solidified, and soon returned to the state before he was not weak.

However, Lvyi didn't stop absorbing the cyan light. She closed her eyes, and her beautiful little eyelashes fluttered from time to time, reflecting the excitement in her heart.

Seeing the appearance of the green clothes, Chen Feng did not bother him, but wandered around the hall.

However, the entire hall was empty, except for the stone sword still standing in the center, there was nothing else.

Chen Feng walked around the stone sword, and found that the stone sword was made of ordinary bluestone, and there was nothing mysterious about it. Presumably, the thing that appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness is the only treasure here.

Seeing that there was nothing else to gain, Chen Feng didn't force it, and immediately sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated.

He had just controlled the ** sword array to fight the wolf walker, and he still had to relish the details, learn from each other's strengths, and draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

Soon, Chen Feng was completely immersed in the comprehension of the sword array, oblivious to the passage of time.

Time passed bit by bit, and Chen Feng finally woke up from this comprehension.

After this aftertaste, Chen Feng's comprehension of the sword array has improved again. Chen Feng believes that if he meets the wolf walker again, he is absolutely sure to kill him faster.

"Lvyi, how are you doing?" Chen Feng sank into the sea of ​​consciousness and saw Lvyi.

At this moment, Lvyi was sitting quietly beside Yuanzhu, with big eyes as bright as stars, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Huh, Lvyi, have you changed?" Chen Feng immediately noticed the difference in Lvyi.

Although the green clothes in the past were also elegant and dusty, they were definitely not as agile as they are now.

At this moment, the green clothes exude a sense of agility, which makes people unable to help giving birth to a hint of kindness.

"Haha, Chen Feng, it's all thanks to you taking down this sword relic." Lvyi frowned, and smiled at Feng Chen, moist and beautiful like a blooming hibiscus.

"Sword relic?" Chen Feng looked at the round bead, only to see that the round bead has become smaller at this moment, it must have been absorbed by the green clothes.

"Yes, the sword relic!" Lu Yi was in a good mood, smiling sweetly: "The sword relic is the condensed will of a kendo master before his death. Inside the sword relic, there is a kendo master's comprehension of kendo, which is extremely precious. "

"Thanks to this sword relic, not only have I returned to my previous state, but I have also made great progress." While speaking, a burst of breath flashed across Lvyi's body.

However, this fleeting breath was still clearly captured by Chen Feng.

"What a powerful breath..."

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