Beauty's personal migrant worker

Chapter 663 Green Clothes' New Ability

"Thanks to this sword relic, not only have I returned to my previous state, but I have also made great progress." While speaking, a burst of breath flashed across Lvyi's body.

However, this fleeting breath was still clearly captured by Chen Feng.

"What a powerful breath..."

Chen Feng clearly felt that this breath was absolutely powerful!

Mahayana period!

The breath of the Mahayana period!

Chen Feng roared in his heart, and a look of disbelief bloomed in his eyes: "What kind of monster are you in green, and you have reached the Mahayana stage in such a short time?"

Seeing Chen Feng's shocked expression, Lvyi's eyes turned into crescent moons with a smile: "Hahaha, this sword spirit is very powerful, what you see is just the tip of the iceberg of my strength, when I finish absorbing this sword Relic, your strength will definitely increase tremendously!"

Looking at Lu Yi's villainous expression, Chen Feng had a solemn face, and after a long time he said quietly: "Lu Yi, you really got shit luck!"

Lvyi immediately jumped up, and loudly defended: "What, you think I'm the only one who gets the benefit? In fact, the biggest beneficiary is you!"

"Really?" When Lvyi said that, Chen Feng immediately regained his energy: "Lvyi, tell me quickly, what benefits can I get?"

Lu Yi glanced at his mouth, and teased contemptuously: "You bastard, you are really a mother if you have milk!"

"Hehehe..." Chen Feng smiled evilly, his eyes staring evilly at the small breasts in the green clothes.

"Rogue!" Lvyi cursed in a low voice, then turned around, leaving Chen Feng with a beautiful back view.

Afterwards, she spoke slowly in a clear voice: "Sword relics gather the lifelong sword comprehension of kendo masters. If those who get the sword relics refine it, they will be able to gain the insights of kendo masters, no less than Enlightenment."

"Although I absorbed the sword relic, I also gained the understanding of the sword. But this does not mean that you can't get the understanding of the sword. On the contrary, through my teaching, you can better learn the knowledge of the sword."

Chen Feng listened and nodded in his heart.

It's like two people studying the same book.

One is entirely self-taught, the other is taught systematically by a teacher.

The learning progress and knowledge mastery of the two are definitely different.

The person who is self-study may only have learned superficially in the end, but the other person has the teacher's guidance and can get in touch with the essence of knowledge more directly.

That's the difference!Besides, as a sword spirit in Lvyi, her understanding of the way of swords is definitely deeper than that of the master here, so if she calls herself, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

"Have fun!" Lvyi turned around and looked at Chen Feng in a high-profile manner, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Uh. Green clothes, when will you teach me?" Chen Feng rubbed his hands, his tone a little anxious.

"You think it's so fast? When I finish absorbing this sword relic, I can start teaching you! Well, it won't take long, it will be almost ten or eight years." Lv Yi said teasingly, his eyes were full of vengeance. happiness.

"Okay..." Chen Feng knew that Lv Yi was angry with him, but he had no choice.


In a flash of space, Chen Feng's figure appeared in the cave.

Green Yi, who had initially absorbed the sword relic, had already mastered the method of leaving the hall.

Chen Feng didn't stop, he ran wildly, and soon he came out of the cave at the bottom of the water.

Coming out of the cave, Chen Feng jumped out of the water, and flew towards the direction of the Bi Luo School along the water surface of a line of sky.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng came to the entrance of Yixiantian.

"Boy, stop!" A cold voice came suddenly, causing Chen Feng's figure to pause.

Chen Feng stabilized his figure, stood firmly on the water with both feet, and calmly looked at an old man with a goatee in the air.

As early as just now, Chen Feng had already sensed his existence, but he still did not change his route and chose to meet him.

"Boy, are you coming out of here?" Seeing Chen Feng's tactful stop, the sheep-bearded old man's expression softened a bit.

"Yes! I don't know what your Excellency stopped me for?" Chen Feng asked loudly without blushing or panting.

Seeing Chen Feng's calm expression, the sheep-bearded old man frowned, but still raised his voice and asked, "You can see six monks inside?"

"Six monks?" The corner of Chen Feng's mouth curled up, knowing the identity of the sheep-bearded old man.

In the sky, apart from the wolf walker and his party of six, where are there other monks?

The old man mentioned the wolf walker and his party, so he must know them.Such a person is either an enemy of the Heaven and Earth Sect, or a gang with the Wolf Walker.

The actions of the Heaven and Earth Sect this time are secretive, and it is obviously impossible for the enemy to know. There is only one explanation. This person is with the Wolf Walker and the others, and with the strength of this person in the middle of the catastrophe, it is very likely that the wolf walker The deacons mentioned by these walkers.

Sure enough, the Heaven and Earth Sect sent masters to follow Wolfwalker and the others.

"I see." Chen Feng nodded and said honestly.

The sheep-bearded old man frowned: "Where are they, why haven't they appeared yet?"

"It's not that they don't want to appear, but they can't." Chen Feng sneered, "Because they're all dead!"

"Dead?" The sheep-bearded old man's eyes widened, and a fierce murderous aura suddenly exploded from his body: "You said you were dead, can you see who killed it?"

"I see." Chen Feng nodded.

"Who, who killed them?" the sheep-bearded old man asked, a manic breath permeated from his body.

This time the action is very important, if it fails, I will have to suffer some hardships.

"It's me!" Chen Feng laughed, his face was full of hatred: "You lackeys of the Heaven and Earth Sect, death is not a pity!"

"It's you?" The sheep-bearded old man's eyes became extraordinarily gloomy: "Boy, although I don't know how you killed my subordinates in the late stage of fusion with mere half-step distraction, but since you took the responsibility into your own hands Come on, my old man will help you too!"

"You, go to hell." While speaking, the goatee old man's stature skyrocketed, and a pair of thick big hands grabbed Chen Feng fiercely.

In the middle stage of the tribulation, he had already passed the first tribulation of the tribulation period, and his strength was incomparably superb. Once he caught it, Chen Feng felt that the surrounding space became stagnant.

Chen Feng remained calm, but he shouted to Lu Yi in his heart: "Lu Yi, don't lie to me, I can't hide from this one!"

"Who cares to lie to you?" Lvyi waved her fist angrily, and said disdainfully, "Look at me!"

As he said, bursts of cyan energy suddenly shot out from the small body in green clothes, and this energy quickly rushed into Chen Feng's limbs and bones, instantly making Chen Feng's strength burst.

"Haha, come on, let me try Lvyi's new ability!" Chen Feng laughed, and a black sword appeared in his hand.

"Kill me, break the sky with a sword!"


I went back to the hospital. My dad has to work the night shift, so I have to accompany him to the bed.

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