Qinghe City, the City Lord's Mansion, is extremely lively at the moment.

A large number of masters from the two giant forces, the Xu family and the Wen family of Qinghe City, quietly surrounded the city lord's mansion.

In the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, City Lord Qinghe sat at the head, with an extremely gloomy expression on his face.

"How did the news spread so fast!" He patted the table angrily and shouted angrily.

"Father, what should we do now? The Xu family and the Wen family are not easy to dismiss. Is it possible that Sun Jing is really handed over to them?" A young man asked in a low voice, his tone full of anger.

This Sun Jing was captured by him himself. He asked himself that he didn't leak the news. He didn't expect that just half a day after returning to the family, the Wenjia and Xu's people got the news. Let them hand over Sun Jing.

"Impossible, Sun Jing must not hand it over!" Sun Wende, the lord of Qinghe City, yelled coldly, with a firm attitude: "This Sun Jing, but it is related to the "Danzu Handbook", absolutely cannot be handed over!"

While speaking, Sun Wende stood up suddenly, and told the young man below, "Qianlou, immediately mobilize everyone in the City Lord's Mansion to meet the enemy!"

Sun Qianlou nodded, turned around and was about to go down to prepare.He knew that his father was going to completely turn against the Xu family and the Wen family.

Right at this moment, two waves of strong coercion descended on the city lord's mansion, and then, a voice was like thunder, rolling down: "Sun Wende, why bother to die? Isn't it wonderful that the three of you and I share the Sun Well?" ?”

Sun Wende raised his head abruptly, his sharp gaze seemed to penetrate the barrier of rubble, and locked on the two people in the sky.

"Xu Guang, ask Long Shan, if you capture Sun Jing, will you share it with me?" While speaking, Sun Wende had stepped out of the hall in one step, rose into the air, and looked at the two of them coldly in midair.

The three auras collided suddenly in mid-air, causing the hearts of the people below to feel depressed for a while, and their breathing became heavy.

"The three most powerful people in Qinghe City met!" Everyone raised their hearts to their throats. If this battle really broke out, it might change the situation of Qinghe City.

"Sun Wende, do you really want to monopolize Sun Jing, even at the expense of my two families?" Xu Guang, the Patriarch of the Xu family, shouted coldly: "You know, once the war starts, your Sun family will definitely be removed from Qinghe City! "

"Yes, although the Sun family is powerful, it is still slightly inferior to my two families joining forces. Sun Wende, think about it clearly, as long as you share Sun Jing together, you can avoid such disasters." Unlike Xu Guang, Wenjia Patriarch Wenlongshan sang red faces.

"Where is this sacred Sun Well that provoked such a scramble among the three major families?" Down below, the people of Qinghe City were also talking about it.

"If you want to fight, then fight! Why do you need to say more!"

The war is about to start!

at this time.

"Father, it's bad, that Sun Jing is gone!" At this moment, Sun Qianlou's shout suddenly sounded.

"What?" Startled, Sun Wende jumped down and rushed towards the secret room where Sun Jing was imprisoned.

Wen Longshan and Xu Guang looked at each other, both seeing the doubt in each other's eyes.Without any hesitation, the two of them also hurriedly followed.

"How could this happen? Where are people?" Looking at the empty secret room, Sun Wende roared.

"Father, he was still there just now, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye!" Sun Qianlou hurriedly explained: "It really took a blink of an eye!"

"Report to the city lord, we have caught a group of suspicious people!" A group of guards came to report suddenly, with a dozen or so monks behind them.

"Hey, isn't this Xu Gao?" Someone immediately recognized those people and immediately shouted.

"Xu Gao?" Sun Wende's angry face was like a lion about to go mad, and he roared towards Xu Guang: "Xu Guang, you are so despicable, while threatening me, you sent someone to sneak into my city lord's mansion long ago people."

"Nonsense!" Xu Guang's face was ugly: "I still want to ask you, how come my Xu family is in your City Lord's Mansion?"

"You mean that I slander you?" Sun Dewen was furious: "If I, Sun Dewen, want to slander you, how can I use such a clumsy method?"

While speaking, he looked at the Patriarch of Wenjia and asked Longshan, "What do you think?"

Wen Longshan lowered his eyebrows and muttered. After a while, he suddenly raised his head and said to Xu Guang in a deep voice, "Brother Xu, you have to explain this matter to me!"

"Brother, do you doubt me?" Xu Guang sneered, and asked Xu Gao and the others: "You guys, tell me, why are you here?"

However, Xu Gao and the others showed bitter expressions and did not say a word.

"Bastard, don't say it!" Xu Guang was furious and roared.

Xu Gao and the others were frightened by Xu Guang, so they knelt down on the ground and shouted: "Patriarch, have you forgotten, didn't you ask us to come here to arrest people? They have already been sent to Xu's house, but we waited After breaking it, I was accidentally arrested!"

"Xu Guang, what else do you have to say?" Sun Wende yelled furiously, and shot directly, charging towards Xu Guang with great vigor.

"Bastards, I want you to talk nonsense!" Xu Guang dodged Sun Wende's blow with a flash, and then his true energy burst out, turning into a few wisps of energy and shooting towards Xu Gao and the others.These people are talking nonsense, they should be killed! "

However, a figure lay across in front of Xu Gao and the others, shattering several qi energies casually.

"Brother Wan, what do you mean by this? Why are you preventing me from killing the rebels?" Xu Guang's eyes were full of anger, and his tone was cold.

"Xu Guang, if you want to kill someone, you have to hand over Sun Jing first!" Wen Longshan's tone was cold, filled with irrepressible anger.

Feelings, he was being used as a spear by Xu Guang.Before he knew it, his name for Xu Guang had also changed.

"You really doubt me?" Xu Guang said angrily, "It's so, leave!"

"I want to leave now, can you go?" Sun Wende growled murderously. Losing Sun Jing is equivalent to losing the opportunity to get the "Letter of Danzu", how can he not be angry?

"I want to leave, can you stop me?" Xu Guang is also an arrogant person, finally he didn't bother to explain, he moved and went straight to the sky: "Everyone in the Xu family, quickly return to the Xu family!"

Xu Guang knew that this misunderstanding might not be solved for a while.

Seeing everyone in the Xu family receding like a tide, Wen Longshan and Sun Wende fell silent.

After a long time, the two of them looked at each other, as if they had finally made a decision.

The next moment, the voices of the two of them sounded at the same time.

"Everyone in the City Lord's Mansion listens to the order, and then they can get ready to attack the Xu family!"

"Ask all the disciples of the family to listen to the order and enter the Xu family!"

In an instant, the people below merged into a tidal wave, rushing towards Xu's house mightily.

Angrily asked Long Shan and Sun Wende, the two Patriarchs, never would have imagined that among the crowd below, Chen Feng was holding a touch of sarcasm, and softly said to Sun Jing next to him: "Next, let's go and see a dog biting a dog." How's the game?"

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