The Xu family is in purgatory.

Gathering the two forces of the Sun family and the Wen family of the city lord's mansion, the Xu family finally collapsed. A large number of family children continued to fall, and their bones covered the ground of the Xu family's courtyard.

In mid-air, Xu Guang's mouth was bleeding, and his face was ferocious.

"Ask Longshan, Sun Wende, I've already said that this matter was definitely not done by my Xu family, why did you persecute me so far?" Xu Guang roared resentfully, the aura on his body was extremely tyrannical.

The breath of the early stage of the fusion has a faint tendency to break through the mid-stage of the fusion.

This aura strongly suppressed both Wen Longshan and Sun Wende.

However, Wen Longshan and Sun Wende didn't show the slightest fear on their faces. They watched Xu Guang's rising aura coldly, with a sneer on the corner of their mouths.

It's just the end of the crossbow, and the temporary strength obtained by overdrawing the vitality, why be afraid of Taoism?

"When you are about to die, aren't you honest?" Sun Wende sneered again and again: "Your juniors have clearly explained that hand over Sun Jing, and the two of us will let you live. After a few years, you can still make another one." The Xu family."

"Hahahaha..." Xu Guang laughed bitterly, with a strong sense of sarcasm on his face: "Now, no matter whether Sun Jing is in my Xu family or not, you will not let me go. If that is the case, why bother?" hypocritically?"

Wen Longshan and Sun Wende's eyes froze, and then endless killing intent burst out of their eyes.

What Xu Guang said is right, the three families have reached the current field, and they are already dying.There are three families in Qinghe City, and now one is missing, which means that the other two have more resources to divide up. How can Longshan and Sun Wende not seize such an opportunity?

The war broke out again, Xu Guang used one against two, and by overdrawing his vitality, he could barely suppress the two.

However, this kind of suppression is only temporary. When Xu Guang's vitality is seriously overdrawn, his strength will inevitably continue to decline, and he will be counterattacked by the two immediately.

How could Longshan and Sun Wende not understand this truth?The two of them were not eager for quick success, but spent steadily with Xu Guang, waiting for the moment when Xu Guang's momentum faded.

"I'm not reconciled!" After half an hour, Xu Guang yelled sharply, and his body retreated a thousand meters.

A big hole was pierced through his body, and even his vitality was completely deprived, and it only took a moment for him to fall.

"I'll give you one last chance, Sun Jing hand it over, and we'll let you die with dignity!" Sun Wende yelled violently, but Xu Guang gave him a mocking smile.

"Don't say that Sun Jing is no longer in my hands, even if it is really in my hands, I will not give it to you!" While speaking, his eyes gradually dimmed, and death was approaching.

"What a dog-eat-dog show!" At this moment, a laugh sounded, and a man was walking up in the air, holding a young man by his hand.

Seeing this young man, the three Patriarchs all stared blankly.

"Sun Jing!" A flash of unwillingness to ridicule suddenly flashed in Xu Guang's gloomy eyes: "We beat you to death, but we didn't expect that it was all someone else's scheme!"

After finishing speaking, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and his body fell to the ground, smashing into a puddle of flesh.

The overlord of Qinghe City has fallen!

"Boy, you designed all of this?" Sun Wende and Wen Longshan said coldly as they looked at Chen Feng who was striding forward in the air.

With the appearance of Chen Feng and Sun Jing, how could they not have imagined that they were being tricked?

"Yes, what a beautiful play." While speaking, Chen Feng pointedly glanced at Xu Guang who fell to the ground, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

"It really was you, why did you do this?" Wen Longshan shouted furiously, his eyes had the urge to swallow Chen Feng alive.

Although the Xu family was wiped out in this battle, his Wen family also suffered heavy losses.If it was really the Xu family who hid Sun Jing, that would be fine, but in the end it was discovered that this was a conspiracy, and all three of their powers were tricked.

This made Wen Longshan extremely angry!

"The Rejuvenation Hall in Qinghe City was destroyed by the three of you, right?" Chen Feng's gaze was serious, and he didn't answer the question of the two of them, but instead asked suddenly.

"Rejuvenation Hall?" The two men's gazes were fixed: "An abandoned shop will be destroyed when it is destroyed. But you, quickly hand over Sun Jing, and the two of us will let you live, how about it?"

At this moment, the two also suppressed the anger in their hearts, and used their mental strength to probe Chen Feng's cultivation.This investigation surprised them a bit, Chen Feng actually had the strength in the middle stage of fusion at such a young age, stronger than the two of them.

"Abandoned strength?" Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Whoever said Huichuntang was abandoned, if you use Huichuntang, you must be prepared to be exterminated!"

While speaking, Chen Feng breathed out, murderous.

"Do you really think that the two of us are afraid of you? In the middle stage of the fusion, the two of us can be killed together!" Sun Wende's eyes were sharp, and he was secretly on guard.

"Behead me? Then you all have a try." Chen Feng laughed, and suddenly a burst of Lingtian Qi bloomed, and he looked down at the two of them condescendingly.

"Do it!" Since the other party deliberately came to find fault, Sun Wende and Wen Longshan were no longer polite, and both summoned their own spiritual weapons, and they all rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Sun Jing, look at me avenging your grandfather today!" Chen Feng smiled lightly at Sun Jing, and then his eyes suddenly turned sharp, as if two divine lights flashed.

The next moment, a beam of sword light cut across, turned into a shocking horse, and fell towards the two of them.

Sun Jing clenched his fists, feeling extremely excited.

Is grandpa's revenge finally going to be avenged?

"Break it!" Seeing the sword light coming, the faces of the two patriarchs changed color in horror, and the next moment the spiritual weapons in their hands suddenly resisted in front of them, and the true essence in their bodies shot into the spiritual weapons desperately, Inspire the maximum power of the spirit weapon.

"This sword light is so strong, you must block it, otherwise, I will die!" The two patriarchs only had this thought in their hearts. Under the approach of death, they were like authors fighting a trapped beast.


The sword light was cold, and the two spiritual weapons were shredded in a flash, and then the momentum continued unabated, and the two overlords of Qinghe City, Sun Wende and Wenlongshan, were cut off in an instant.

Looking at their broken bodies, the eyes of the two patriarchs were full of unwillingness and regret. Before they died, their heads were raised, and their eyes looked at Chen Feng with resentment: "Who the hell are you? Why are you against us! "

"My name is Chen Feng, the master of the Hall of Rejuvenation!" Chen Feng looked at the two fallen corpses and said seriously.

"Chen Feng? No. 1 Chen Feng in the Cangzhou Grand Competition?" The pupils of the two shrank, and then completely slackened and lost their light.

They dared to go to the Rejuvenation Hall in Donglin Town to arrest Sun Jing, how could they not know that the Rejuvenation Hall in Donglin Town had Chen Feng as the backer?It's just that none of the three masters took Chen Feng seriously in their hearts. Just a rising star, it was not enough for the three masters to give up "The Handbook of Dan Zu".

It's just that they couldn't believe it until they died, that Chen Feng from the Cangzhou Grand Competition had grown to this extent.

One sword, cut two people!

Sad, deplorable!

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