(ps: I woke up at six o’clock, coded a thousand words, and suddenly the power went out. I used the power stored in the notebook to complete one code, and the power came on twice, and it stopped for a few minutes each time, and until now, I’m so entangled, I don’t know Will there be another power outage in a few minutes this time.)

"Tsk tsk, who the hell is this Guo Zhengyang? He's so terrifying?"

"Brother Han, who is Guo Zhengyang? I've never heard of this name before."

"No way? You don't even know Guo Zhengyang's name?"


Mingjing Daofang City, waiting for a casual cultivator who had gathered spirits to complete his expression and walked on the streets of Fangshi with a strange face, and after he said a word full of admiration, a casual cultivator who was walking behind him also suddenly jumped Dazed, he looked at the monk surnamed Han in surprise, this one is the great consummation of spirit gathering, he already belongs to quite a position in the casual cultivator group, and he can be regarded as the No. He was naturally curious about what Guo Zhengyang said in admiration.

But when the casual cultivator spoke a word, the monk surnamed Han stared at him in disbelief, as if he was shocked that the other party had never even heard of Guo Zhengyang's name.Even though he didn't know who Guo Zhengyang was, that name sounded like thunder.

That shocking gaze also made the cultivator's expression pale, he was a little embarrassed, and muttered even more strangely in his heart, is this Guo Zhengyang very famous?Why haven't I heard this name before, as if I have committed some unforgivable sin?

"Haha, you're so outdated, you don't even know that one, that one is definitely the idol of all our spirit-gathering monks!" The monk surnamed Han laughed when the other party was in a daze. Countless gazes.


"Brother Han, are you bragging? Who is worthy to be the idol of all our spirit-gathering monks?"

"That's right, I haven't heard of Guo Zhengyang at all. Where is it? Could it be from our Mingjingdaofang City?"


Many people on the left and right didn't know this name, and they were immediately displeased by what the monk surnamed Han said, isn't it? Idol.

However, in the face of many surprised and questioning eyes, the monk surnamed Han curled his lips, and looked at everyone with contempt, "You are not convinced? That Guo Zhengyang, a mere monk in the spirit gathering stage, has played miserably with the five Taoist monarchs of Xueyou Mansion , do you have that kind of strength?"



A disdainful word swept half of the street like a tornado on the spot. Everyone was shocked by this sentence, dumbfounded, and did not respond at all.

A cultivator in the spirit-gathering period has played miserably with the five Taoist monarchs of Xueyou Mansion?How can this be?

"The Black Prison Patriarch of Xueyou Mansion is going to hold a ceremony for accepting apprentices in a month's time, and invite all powerful people to watch the ceremony. This is the most sensational event in our spiritual realm, right? But as far as I know, the Black Prison Patriarch will accept That disciple was actually snatched from that Guo Zhengyang. It is already shameless enough for Dao Jun to snatch a disciple from a cultivator in the spiritual gathering stage. After two months of preparation, it turned out that Guo Zhengyang somehow sneaked into the depths of the Xueyou Mansion, and rescued that disciple again under the eyes of the five Taoist monarchs in the Xueyou Mansion. Awesome! It’s so fucking awesome! Black Priest Patriarch invited all powerful people to watch the ceremony. How could he not be afraid that someone would snatch him away before the ceremony? He must have taken all precautions. Five Daoist Lords are in charge, and it is the core of Xueyou Mansion , was actually rescued by a spirit-gathering stage mixed in, this senior is simply a role model for all our soul-gathering stage monks, it is too fierce for the soul-gathering stage to play Daojun like this!"

When half of the streets in Fangshi were shocked by what the monk surnamed Han said before, the monk surnamed Han once again opened his mouth with joy, explaining the whole thing in detail, and forced a large group of monks nearby to listen to it. Silly.

"No way? The disciple that the ancestor of Hei Prison wanted to accept was robbed?"

"Impossible! They have been preparing for the apprenticeship ceremony for so long, and they have invited all powerful people to watch the ceremony. How could such a big event not be fully prepared to prevent accidents? It is impossible for a spirit gathering period to be held in Xueyou Mansion. In the most core place, the five Taoist monarchs rescued people under their noses!"

"My surname is Han, even if you brag, you have to find something reliable to brag about? You have the face to say such absurd and funny things?"


After being dumbfounded, there was a burst of rebuttal from the crowd. They couldn't believe this kind of thing, and they didn't dare to believe it.

The monk surnamed Han was annoyed when he refuted it all over again. These idiots didn't believe him?And what the other party refuted was not his idol?Also as a spirit gathering period, when he heard about this for the first time, he was also full of disbelief, but he heard this from the mouths of several great monks in the Upper Boundary Mountain. He just came back from the Upper Boundary Mountain At present, this matter has already been rumored in the mountains of the upper realm, so many monks from the giant sects are talking about it, and countless real people are full of admiration and admiration when they mention this name.

That can't be fake!

So after concluding that this is the real thing, Guo Zhengyang, who has never been masked, has become his idol in a short period of time. The spirit gathering period, let alone in the eyes of the Taoist Lord, is an ant in the eyes of real people , They have always lived with trepidation, and they are full of awe and apprehension for any strong person above the real person, and now they suddenly hear that the spiritual gathering period can be so awesome, and they can make a group of high-ranking ancestors feel ashamed. , indeed made him very honored during this spirit gathering period, after all, he was only in the spirit gathering period...

As a result, this group of blind-eyed guys didn't believe what he said, and they were still slandering his idol.

"You idiots, such a big matter is related to the Daoist powerhouse of the Xueyou Mansion. Do I dare to talk nonsense? Besides, this matter has been spread in the Upper Realm Mountain. I just submitted an innovation. Then But I heard it from the mouths of a few real people in Shangjie Mountain, and there are more than one or two who said so, can I talk nonsense?" In a fit of anger, the monk surnamed Han yelled at these monks .

What he said stunned many people on the spot. Yes, the monk surnamed Han has a certain status and reputation in their group, but after all, he is just a casual cultivator who gathers spirits and Dzogchen, and dares to slander the Taoist-level powerhouse at will thing?If these things are not true, he would not dare to slander Daojun even after eating gentian.

Is it true?

Some people were silent, but some people still didn't believe it, and they quarreled with the monk surnamed Han. The whole city was completely confused because of this sudden topic. In the chaos, figures suddenly rushed from the periphery of the city. back.

There were not many people who came back, only seven or eight people, but as soon as they came back, they immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"Reverend Li, it's Reverend Li and the others!"

"They're back? Hey, is the battle near Qingxi Island over?"

"They guys are really brave. They dare to stay and watch such a terrifying battle."

"These are all the most powerful real-life experts in our casual cultivators. As long as they hide far away and dive into the deep sea immediately when they see something wrong, there is still a good chance of saving their lives."


Isn't that right, before the appearance of monks surnamed Han, the most heated topic on Fangshi Island was undoubtedly the earth-shattering battle in the waters near Qingxi Island hundreds of miles to the north. At that time, there were hundreds of monks Those who searched for the colorful carp demon in that area, but the others were scared and ran back long ago.

But being scared back in advance doesn't mean that they are not curious about that terrifying battle, and everyone is even very curious about who is fighting.

Seeing the return of a few bold real-life bystanders now naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

But amidst the attention of the crowd, the real people who came back were all amazed or even slightly collapsed... and they were still whispering to each other.

When these words fell into the ears of other monks one by one, countless people were stunned.

"Who the hell is it, a monk in the gathering spirit stage can actually trap the five Taoist monarchs of Xueyou Mansion like this?"

"Jing Lingqi can save people under the noses of the five Taoist ancestors? It's bullshit."


The voices of the few real people who came back were indeed not loud, but the monks basically all had strong physical strength, so there were still a lot of people who heard the matter clearly, and as a result, everyone was completely silent again.

After all, what the monk surnamed Han was still preaching just now, it’s just that many people couldn’t believe it at all, but now after hearing what these real people who watched the battle said, the giants like the Xinghe ancestors have personally said that there are monks in the spirit gathering period who put the black prison ancestors, etc. People are miserable?Rescue people in front of a group of ancestors?

This is real?It can't be fake! !

Can the old ancestor say it is false?The previous battle was the ancestor of Xinghe and the ancestor of Heilong?Patriarch Xinghe said that, but Patriarch Hei Prison still acquiesced?

A dead silence suddenly began to spread in Fangshi Island like a plague, and then the entire Mingjing Island Fang City fell into absolute silence.

It was only a short moment before the entire city was completely blown up.

"Really? It turned out to be true!"

"That Guo Zhengyang is really so fierce? Can he be so fierce during the spirit gathering period?"

"Tsk, the Xueyou Mansion is finished, and the apprentice acceptance ceremony is going to be held vigorously. It has been so long since the invitations have been sent out, but the five people who were guarded by the ancestors were rescued by a spirit gathering period. All of a sudden, the blood Youfu is about to become a laughing stock."


After confirming the truth of the matter, the whole city was in a state of excitement. Many monks suddenly brought up Xueyou Mansion without knowing it, and they really lost the awe they had before. You must know that the insect disaster that caused a sensation in the spiritual realm not long ago, and Many people thought that it was created by the Xueyou Mansion. At that time, even a giant like Xiantu Mountain was afraid of the Xueyou Mansion, and the fear was not light. When they mentioned it, they became more sincere and frightened to the limit. .

But now I am suddenly convinced of such a thing, no matter how weak the cultivation base is, there is a feeling of wanting to laugh out loud. Thinking about how the majestic giants were played like that by a gathering spirit, how could they not want to laugh?

This is an instinctive reaction that cannot be suppressed!

When countless monks wanted to laugh when they mentioned Xueyou Mansion, they immediately became full of fascination and admiration when they mentioned Guo Zhengyang. Although no one knew that guy, he was too monstrous.

What the other party did is definitely a historical sensation that has never been seen before or since!

And this incident is not only spread in Mingjing Island Fang City at this moment, but has begun to spread in the entire spiritual realm. In a short period of time, such an explosive incident has spread throughout the entire spiritual realm. Guo Zhengyang's name is also the shortest There was a sensation in all directions within a short time. (To be continued.)

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