One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 203 What Are You Doing?

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In the dark underground world, a stone path that has just been opened up not long ago allows only one person to bend over to pass through. Apart from the creaking sound of demon insects devouring the stone wall and almost inaudible footsteps, there is only darkness left.

This situation lasted for about ten minutes before a suppressed whisper suddenly sounded from behind Guo Zhengyang. [

Guo Zhengyang, who was walking, was taken aback for a moment, looked back at Liu Xia behind him in surprise, and then said with a smile, "You will also say sorry?"

He was indeed a little surprised, did this girl know she was wrong?

Since rescuing her, she was in a daze at first, and then laughed all the time. Facing the scene of him fleeing from the aftermath of the monster fight with her behind his back, she whispered something exciting. Such a performance, It really made Guo Zhengyang a little annoyed, and he even felt that his master was really a failure. Even if he had no experience in accepting apprentices in his two lifetimes, teaching an apprentice so carelessly is enough to fail.

He also felt that this disciple was hopeless, and it would be difficult to teach him well in the future.

So I really didn't expect that when the two of them hid deep underground in the mountain and quietly walked along the path opened by the demon insects, she would suddenly say sorry.

Guo Zhengyang made a joke, but in return there was silence, and Liu Xia stopped talking, and he didn't care if he didn't hear a response, but continued to walk along the path opened up by the monsters.

He didn't know about the outside world, so what he did at this time was to prevent being caught up by the ancestor of the black prison, so he kept digging deep tunnels underground. The passage made underground here is deep enough, even if it is really discovered by the ancestor of Heilong.He can also rely on the brood and monster worms to protect himself.

So at this moment, under Guo Zhengyang's control, not only have they been far away from the ground, but they have also continued to go deep underground in the mountain. The monsters have opened up caves extending in all directions under this mountain, which are as cumbersome as cobwebs.

In the face of Daojun-level pursuit, Guo Zhengyang can't feel at ease if he doesn't do this.

It's just that he was walking, but suddenly there was a soft cry and a slight knocking sound from behind.Guo Zhengyang turned around in astonishment, frowned and glanced behind him, "What are you doing?"

But no, Liu Xia is still a monk of Dzogchen Juling no matter what, even if it is very dark here.But what about the spiritual sense of Juling Dzogchen?Walking and walking, you can touch the stone wall, which is too embarrassing, and the sound of knocking is not light...

"It's okay, hehe." After being scolded, Liu Xia spoke happily, listening to the movement and wind, she stretched out her hand to cover her forehead at the moment.It seemed to be hurt by the touch, but the sound was all right, but it was full of joy and small comfort, which also made Guo Zhengyang speak again.

Was the forehead broken?

Shaking his head in English.Guo Zhengyang really didn't understand, how could she smile so much since seeing her.It wasn't enough to laugh all the way, now that I knocked on the stone wall, I was still smiling so much.

After shaking his head, Guo Zhengyang didn't bother to talk to her again, and just continued to follow the path opened by the demon worm.Just walking, the left and right stone walls suddenly shook.Guo Zhengyang stopped abruptly, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

what happened?

The stone wall and the ground shook a bit?After being stunned, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes again, isn't it so unlucky?Did you encounter an earthquake?

Just thinking of this, the left and right stone walls and the ground under his feet shook violently again, this time the shaking was more violent than last time, and Guo Zhengyang also suddenly felt a creepy feeling in his heart, damn it, there is no real earthquake, right?

It's impossible not to be creepy. Although I know that the mountain where he is located is very majestic, let alone a small earthquake, even a major earthquake should not shake the entire mountain, but the entire mountain will not collapse. Whether this underground cave will collapse or not Not necessarily, if the underground cave collapsed, it would be miserable. [

If the upper mountain falls a few meters more during the collapse, it is estimated that they will not be killed, but they will also make people peel off their skins. After all, they are only in the spirit-gathering period.

In the horror, Guo Zhengyang immediately ordered the brood to stop the bugs from opening their way. During the earthquake, he really didn't dare to let the bugs bite randomly, but when he gave the order, his mood was really full of depression. Could it be that he was so unlucky?After finally escaping from the Taoist Lord, he was trying his best to avoid being chased and killed, but he encountered a natural disaster like an earthquake?


The left and right stone walls and the ground under his feet shook again, and this time the shaking was also very violent. Guo Zhengyang propped up the defensive star, just about to ask Liu Xia to also prop up the defensive star, but he didn't expect the little girl behind him to react. Not slow, not only propped up the defensive star device, but the protective luster of the star device jumped over all of a sudden, covering Guo Zhengyang, and then the little girl suddenly stretched out her hand, and gave Guo Zhengyang a hard... Perhaps it is not appropriate, but to describe it more accurately, it should be that the little girl suddenly reached out and grabbed his shoulders, pressing forward and downward, as if she wanted to press him down, and Liu Xia's body was also pressed against him. It seemed that he wanted to press Guo Zhengyang down first, and then lie on top of him.

In addition, when Liu Xia propped up the defensive star device, Guo Zhengyang was also enveloped in it all at once, so this situation is somewhat strange.

Guo Zhengyang didn't move at all, but turned his head strangely amidst the shaking of the mountain, "What are you doing?"


Liu Xia was taken aback for a moment, but suddenly became a little embarrassed, "No, I didn't do anything."


The two were still talking softly, and the left and right mountains suddenly shook more violently. This time, it was still shaking continuously. When the mountain shook, even if Guo Zhengyang was physically strong, he couldn't stand still anymore, and he immediately carried forward with the shaking. After all, the stone path he let the demon worm open up was only for people to bend over and lean forward. The trend of falling forward threw him to the ground, and the little girl pressed down on him again, pressing him down as a cover.

Just as Guo Zhengyang wanted to react, the entire mountain shook more and more violently, causing the two people to tremble in the cave, and directly threw them into the air.With a plop, Liu Xia from above knocked on the top of the cave, and then fell hard again.

And at this moment, a strange ray of light suddenly came from the front, illuminating the entire cave a lot. The ray of light was reflected through many bends, and it became very dim when it was reflected here. , but it has indeed temporarily illuminated the cave, at least with the physical strength of the two of them.It is enough to see everything clearly in the eyes,

Looking up instinctively, what Guo Zhengyang saw was only a curved cave, and in this glance, his and Liu Xia's bodies have been trembling back and forth with the violent shaking of the mountain.Flying up and down in the cave, during the period, there were hula-la gravel falling from the top and left and right in the stone path.

The situation lasted for several seconds before everything gradually calmed down.

Even the cave has returned to darkness.

This is not absolute darkness, but there are faint traces of light, which is difficult for normal people to see with the naked eye, but with Guo Zhengyang's physical strength, he can still vaguely see things around.

So soon.He turned over on the ground with a strange face, and drove away Liu Xia who had been holding out his arms to cover him underneath.

What happened just now was indeed full of thrills, at the bottom of the deep mountain, if the mountain collapsed near the stone path.He would really bury him alive. He was not afraid of being buried alive, but he was afraid that when layers of rocks collapsed, they would be killed or seriously injured.But fortunately, although the tremor just now was not small.It also caused some things near the cave to collapse, but not large sections.But only sporadic stones and soil clods fell.

It's just that during this time, Liu Xia's reaction...

"Are you okay?" When Guo Zhengyang opened the door, Liu Xia also felt that the left and right seemed to calm down again, so he stood up with a pale face, and said in surprise.

With the help of the weak light source, Guo Zhengyang found that she was a little embarrassed by the bumps and impacts just now, but it was just a mess, and she was not really injured. The pale face should be just scared.

"It's okay, go ahead and have a look." After staring at Liu Xia for a few times, Guo Zhengyang helped her up, stooped to stand firm, glanced at Liu Xia again, then turned and walked forward. [

This girl, just now when the cave was shaking and collapsing, actually wanted to use her own body to help him resist what?

The mood became a little weird, and Guo Zhengyang quickly became extremely depressed again while walking. Their luck was too bad, so bad that he couldn't help but collapse, and dug caves to avoid the road at the foot of the mountain. Jun chasing and killing, can encounter such a thing?

It was this depression that quickly turned into doubt.

Because as I walked, the light in the cave became brighter and brighter.

This kind of light is not dazzling, but it soon becomes bright like daytime, allowing him to clearly see everything in the entire stone wall, but this is definitely not sunlight, but...

After a while.

Going around quickly along the curved stone path and reaching the end of the cave, Guo Zhengyang raised his head in astonishment and stared at the sky blankly, completely bewildered.


Liu Xia, who had been following him all the time, also stood beside him and looked at him blankly, his eyes full of shock and surprise.

At the end of the cave in front of the two of them, there is a huge and terrifying open space, bottomless. It seems that the mountains in this area have been hollowed out, but in fact, this is not really hollowed out by someone, but that the mountains in this area have risen up. , suspended in mid-air.

On a large section of suspended rocks, a majestic Immortal Mansion building that can be called magnificent, is blooming in all directions with moving precious light.

"Damn it, it's not an earthquake, but the fairy mansion hidden in this mountain? Hiss... What a big fairy mansion, there is actually a fairy mansion here?? Could it be that when I commanded the monster worms to dig out the space, some monster worms just devoured it?" When it came to the Immortal Mansion's protective house restriction, the restriction was triggered, which led to the Immortal Mansion's present?"

Staring blankly at the Immortal Mansion suspended in the sky, Guo Zhengyang smiled wryly. He thought he was too unlucky to encounter natural disasters such as earthquakes when he was evading pursuit. related to him.It is estimated that the monsters that do not swallow have swallowed the hidden Immortal Mansion's restriction, which led to this thing appearing in the world.

And the mansion has already lifted a large rock from the ground, and it is thousands of meters away from where the two of them are.

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