One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 205 Immortal Realm Inheritance

"Welcome to the old man's Fire Mansion."

In a foggy space, looking forward, you can't see the side. After Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia were sucked into the Immortal Mansion by two beams of light, they immediately found that they were standing on a huge platform. I know what kind of material it is made of. It is as flat as a fiery red jewel. It covers an area of ​​several miles. It is roughly semicircular and radiates forward. Behind and to the left and right of the semicircle is a foggy area. , but the spiritual consciousness was blocked by those fog layers and could not penetrate.

Before the semi-circular platform, there was a straight downward, bottomless abyss. Spiritual consciousness could explore it, but it couldn’t reach the edge. I couldn’t see clearly what was on the other side of the empty abyss. I could only see blocks two or three meters away. The multi-width stone bridge stretches forward from the platform, boundless.

Guo Zhengyang then experimented and found that he couldn't even fly on this platform.

Although the spiritual sense can be explored, but he can't use any spells, and he can't even open the storage ring. When he was looking around the environment in surprise, a vicissitudes of life suddenly sounded in the void.

The voice was loud, but it didn't seem harsh at all. On the contrary, it had a neutral and peaceful taste. Look to the right, but still can't see anything.

"Fire Mansion? Is this the name of the Immortal Mansion? Is it that simple?"

Suspicion faltered, and a trace of suspicion flashed in Guo Zhengyang's eyes. There was a lot of movement in the Immortal Mansion before, but he thought it was just an empty Immortal Mansion. Why are there people in the Immortal Mansion?

"This old man has practiced Taoism for more than 130 years. He has been diligent and cautious all his life, and finally reached the longevity realm by chance. If he takes another step forward, he will become a fairy and can truly live forever, but he is not sure about the catastrophe. I have seen too many My comrade fell under the slaying of the Heavenly Tribulation, in order to avoid the loss of my life's orthodoxy, so before I cross the catastrophe, the old man..."

In the midst of Guo Zhengyang's surprise, voices sounded again in the void.

After the voice explained, Guo Zhengyang froze suddenly, completely dumbfounded.


This, this voice turned out to be from an Immortal Realm expert?

The supreme way that monks pursue in cultivation is to transcend life and death, no longer restricted by life essence, and those supreme beings who need to face the catastrophe and be slaughtered, and can ascend in the daytime after surviving the catastrophe, are the immortals.

However, cultivating to the Immortal Realm doesn't mean that one can live forever. After crossing the Immortal Realm, one can ascend in the daytime, transform into a fairy, and possess endless lifespan.

If you can't cross it, you have to endure all kinds of sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death, and you can't escape the shackles of heaven.

But the problem is the longevity level, how many years have there been no strongmen of that level in the earth's cultivation world?

After being dazed for a while, Guo Zhengyang listened carefully to the voice in the void, and after listening to it, he gradually realized what he had finally understood.

It turns out that this fire mansion is the inheritance left by the immortal-level strong man. Before crossing the catastrophe, the other party feared that he would die under the catastrophe, so he put Taoism in the cave mansion he refined! !

Knowing this, Guo Zhengyang became excited again on the spot. It is impossible not to be excited, immortality, this is already the strongest existence in the Xingyu world before him under the immortal!

Even in his previous life, he had heard that many monks obtained various opportunities and found various ancient caves, but he had never heard of anyone who had obtained the inheritance of the cave from a strong immortal.

For a monk to cultivate the truth, the first step is to gather spirits, and then go up to be a real person, and then the Daojun, but above the Daojun, there is the God of Transformation. Another name is Wenxian.

That kind is the terrifying existence that can turn the world upside down with a wave of the hand, the planet collapses, and the void is shattered. The current world can no longer accommodate a strong man of that level, and only then will he face the catastrophe.

On the earth in front of us, if anyone can get the immortal mansion left by a strong person in the state of transformation, it is already a great opportunity. It has become a dominant existence in a blink of an eye.And even if there is any inheritance of the cave in the spiritual realm, most of it is left by some strong people in the state of transformation and Taoism a long time ago.

The Shang Leizong in his previous life only got the cave left by a strong Daoist who majored in lightning magic, and then he rose all the way. Tu Mie Xue Youfu replaced it and became the third giant in the spiritual realm.

So I suddenly learned that this Immortal Mansion was left by the Immortal Realm, and that the other party was still deliberately looking for a descendant...

Guo Zhengyang was not only excited, but also shocked.

This kind of giant is indeed a terrifying figure who can easily destroy the earth with a single thought.

"The old man left the Taoism to select the successor. He didn't look at the realm and aptitude, but only whether he was destined to be with the old man. Whether you have just stepped into the journey of cultivating immortals, are just a small role in the spirit gathering stage, or you have already reached the transformation of the gods and the Taoism, it is barely considered a good one. But the monks are all treated equally, all candidates will start from the same place, go through various tests, until finally a successor is selected, but since the monks of different realms are also very different, so the tests of monks of different realms are also different, A cultivator in the spirit-gathering period enters the old man’s fire palace, and what he faces is only a test for the spirit-gathering period, and a monk in the real-life realm enters the fire palace, and what he faces is only a test for the real-life realm..."

When Guo Zhengyang was full of shock, the vicissitudes of life in the void sounded again, and what the other party said this time made Guo Zhengyang's face change again.

After listening to everything carefully, his face was full of weirdness.

It doesn't even feel weird.

To sum up the passage just now, it means that if you want to get the inheritance of this immortal-level powerhouse, strength is not important. , the difference is not large.

Because the test in this Immortal Mansion is divided into six levels, when the spirit-gathering period comes in, it will appear on the road for the monks of the spirit-gathering period, and no monks above the spirit-gathering period will be seen at all.

Even if the same immortal-level powerhouse comes in, they will also encounter the prohibition formation against the immortal-level. Unless they have the strength to break through this fairy mansion, they will be restricted by the means left by the master of the fairy mansion.

Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia are in the spirit-gathering period, and what they encountered after entering was the test of the monks in the spirit-gathering period. I don’t know what their test is, they just go forward from this platform and choose a stone bridge to advance. There are nine stone bridges in total here. The bridge and the situation ahead are also different.

What it is specifically, you will not know until you explore and encounter it.

Moreover, the test of selecting successors in the Immortal Mansion also has certain dangers, maybe you may be obliterated by those test methods while you are in the test.

And this test is only for three months. From the moment the Immortal Mansion appears, if you go through various tests within three months and finally control the Refining Immortal Mansion, then you will get everything, and you will get the inheritance of this immortal-level powerhouse. If you can't get...

At this time, there will be two situations. The first situation is to leave. As for how to leave?The previous voice said that there are many exits in the Immortal Mansion, and you can leave after finding those exits and return to the outside world.

And if the three-month time limit is reached and you haven't found the exit at all, then the Immortal Mansion's ban will be activated automatically, obliterating all living beings in the mansion!

This, isn't this a pit?

The words just now just said that there are many exits in the Immortal Mansion.

But I didn't say where it is at all. I only said that the monks who participated in the test should look for it by themselves.In a cave left by a strong man in the immortal state, the means in it are absolutely beyond the imagination of all the spiritual monks in front of him. Even if the Taoist ancestor came here, it is impossible to have the strength to resist.

This is also nonsense. Although the spiritual domains of the various Taoists in front of you can be called the ancestors, but you have really encountered a pervert who can destroy the planet by waving your hand at the immortal level. superior.

That's why Guo Zhengyang felt weird.

If you don't get the inheritance in three months here, or if you can't find the exit, you will die, and there are many kinds of test methods that can be fatal. This powerful person is really cruel enough.

But the only good thing is that Guo Zhengyang is only facing the test of the spirit-gathering period right now. Six or seven times the cultivation base of a cultivator in the spirit-gathering period, and with the monster brood in hand, at least it is more reliable in terms of safety, right?

After serious thinking, Guo Zhengyang looked at Liu Xia, and Liu Xia was also looking at him at the moment, as if waiting for him to speak and give orders, and then just follow through.

"Nine roads, each of which is a different test, whether it is difficult or easy, which one should we choose?" But Guo Zhengyang has no idea at the moment, after all, this is the cave left by the longevity realm, and he has never been here before. What should we do now? I really don't know what to do.

Everything in this Immortal Mansion is unknown, and facing the nine different paths, it seems that it can only depend on luck.

"You can choose whichever you want." After Guo Zhengyang's words fell to the ground, Liu Xia spoke quickly, but this answer directly made Guo Zhengyang roll his eyes, staring at Liu Xia, and he said helplessly, "Let's try our luck." , let's take the middle one."

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked forward, and Liu Xia followed quickly.

Afterwards, the two of them went deep into the stone bridge all the way, and walked in the clouds and mist ahead. It was only after they stepped on the stone bridge that Guo Zhengyang suddenly discovered that the spells that were unable to be used on the platform and the spirit weapons that could not be controlled had recovered one after another. to a normal state.

Just in case, he immediately propped up the defensive star device, and Liu Xia did the same.

After the two of them propped up the stellar device, they walked faster. This walk lasted for an hour...

After walking for an hour, they didn't know how far they had traveled given their physical strength, but the stone bridge seemed to be boundless, with no end in sight, and a bottomless abyss below, and gray mist on the left and right .

Guo Zhengyang's brows gradually frowned, but he didn't say much. He just continued to walk steadily. Just as he was walking, a roar suddenly came from the sea of ​​fog on the left, and then a strange thing rushed down from the cloud and mist towards the two of them. .

Relying on the sense of breath, Guo Zhengyang realized that it was a fourth-grade monster, and its strength should be close to Juling Dashen, so he directly waved his hand and released a few monsters of the real world, and wiped out the corpse of the monster in the blink of an eye.

That is, just after the monster was killed, a strange force of space suddenly appeared beside Guo Zhengyang, wrapped around Guo Zhengyang and disappeared in the local area.

When he reappeared the next moment, Shiqiao had disappeared, and Liu Xia had also disappeared... He himself was on the edge of a continuous swamp.

"What's going on??" Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a few seconds before his face suddenly changed. Could it be that he showed himself a monster in the Realm Realm, and was automatically moved to the testing place of the Realm Realm by this Immortal Mansion?

If that's the case, that's too bad. (To be continued.)

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