One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 206 Strange Test [Part 4]

(ps: This is to make up for yesterday's update.)

In front of him, the marshland can't be seen at a glance, and behind him is the flat plain, which is also endless.

The aura here is extremely rich, and the richness is several times stronger than that of the Upper Boundary Mountain. Practicing here, taking a breath of the aura of heaven and earth, is probably as efficient as absorbing low-grade spirit stones directly.

Such an astonishing environment is probably enough to move anyone in the spiritual realm in front of them.

But Guo Zhengyang's face was full of wry smiles.

"Could it be that I really came to the test site of the real person? Ordinarily, this kind of test should be based on the cultivation base of each monk, right? Although the monster breath I released is comparable to a real person, my own cultivation base..."

"Forget it, it's okay even if it's a test site for real people. After all, I have a nest of demon worms. Even if I face real-level monsters or other dangers, as long as it's aimed at real people, the real people won't have no resistance. With the power of the monsters in my hands, Ping An is quite big, even if Liu Xia is probably still on the stone bridge now, with her strength,..."


After a wry smile, Guo Zhengyang was really helpless.

In fact, for him, even if he really enters the test site of the real world, because there are a lot of monsters in his hands, the difference should not be very big. He is just depressed, leaving Liu Xia alone on the stone bridge, which may be dangerous The surname will be greatly increased.

But now he seems to have nothing to do, he can only hope that the girl can live up to herself.

Fortunately, when Liu Xia was first rescued from Xueyou Mansion, although Guo Zhengyang asked her to discard everything in the storage ring, he then gave her a lot of treasures, whether it was spiritual weapons, pills or other things. She has been fully replenished with spiritual stones and the like, so she should have some self-protection power to face the test with the cultivation base of Juling Dzogchen.

No matter how much, no one can guarantee it.

Faced with the test left by the immortal-level powerhouses, these low-level cultivators are powerless to resist. It is not certain whether Guo Zhengyang can leave here alive. If you find the exit of the Immortal Mansion, you will be obliterated by the restriction left by the immortal-level powerhouse!

That kind of obliteration, even the Taoist Lord can't bear it.

So Guo Zhengyang quickly concentrated on looking around the environment.

But no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't find the slightest clue. It was all a scene that could not be seen at a glance. Where is the test?Could it be that there are many monsters in the depths of the swamp and plain?

But the problem shouldn't be that simple. The successors of the immortal-level powerhouses will never be as simple as letting monks enter the fairy mansion to hunt monsters.

Even the monster that was killed by Guo Zhengyang just now, its origin is worth scrutinizing, could it also be a monster that was sucked in by this fire mansion nearby?It is not a test set by the Immortal Mansion itself, but a little bit more difficult for the monks.

After thinking for a moment, Guo Zhengyang quickly set up his flying sword and quickly retreated to the rear. There were too many swamps in front of him, and most of them were sewage. I don't know how many dangers were hidden. It was really not as safe as the flat plain behind.

Just flying, the originally clear and cloudless sky suddenly became cloudy, and soon it started to rain heavily.

Guo Zhengyang also lowered the cloud head. It is obviously unwise to fly at high altitude in rainy days. Not everyone dares to fly randomly in rainy days. Those with advanced strength naturally don’t need to be afraid of natural thunder and lightning, but those with low cultivation level, never I hope that when I was flying, I was suddenly hit by an electric snake in the clouds.

The heavy rain lasted for a while before it gradually dissipated, and the sky gradually became clear again.

Guo Zhengyang was still walking on the boundless plain, but he still didn't find anything unusual. The test, he knew that this was the Immortal Mansion's test, but what kind of test was he in contact with now?

This is like a person who has been in an examination room. After thinking about it for a long time, he can't even understand the examination questions, let alone how to answer them.

He had already entered the arena, but for such a long time before, except that when he passed the stone bridge with Liu Xia, he accidentally encountered a monster attacking and killing him, other than that, everything was peaceful.

What is he encountering now?

After walking for a while, Guo Zhengyang set up his flying sword again and moved forward again, but then he ran for about half an hour, and the distance he crossed all the way could not be remembered clearly, but he still didn't find anything wrong except that the appearance of the plain was constantly changing. .

Quiet and empty!

The unobstructed wilderness plain, except for the occasional forests or ponds between the sky and the earth, is nothing unusual.

Guo Zhengyang's brows also furrowed deeper and deeper. What's going on?Doesn't it mean that some tests are also very dangerous, enough to be fatal?But why did he always encounter such peaceful scenes?

Just after a while, when he still got nothing, the sky on the left and right suddenly changed again, but the originally clear sky suddenly became colder, and not long after that, it suddenly snowed heavily again.

"Hey, something's wrong."

"I have been flying for so long, passing through so many places, but I haven't found any spiritual plants. The spiritual energy here is so rich, several times stronger than the richest place in the Upper Boundary Mountain. The efficiency of taking a breath of spiritual energy to refine it is comparable to Directly absorbing spirit stones, it is said that such an environment should be able to grow many good-grade spirit plants, but why can't we see any of them."

"Also, the weather changes. Sunny, heavy rain, sunny, heavy snow... Although the place where I encountered heavy rain is far away from where I stand now, the weather has changed too much."


When the goose feather snow fell in the sky, Guo Zhengyang suddenly had a flash of inspiration, as if he had noticed something was wrong.

He had no idea what the test was going to be on this quiet and empty plain, but now he seemed to be aware of something different.In such a good environment, there is no spiritual growth, only some ordinary trees and weeds, which is unreasonable.

Another thing is that the weather changes seem to be getting faster.

Could it be that the tests he encountered were related to these?That's true, the voice said before that there are many tests that are very dangerous, but it doesn't mean that all tests are full of danger, maybe there are some tests of peace and tranquility, the test is about brain power, comprehension?

After discovering a little clue, Guo Zhengyang began to explore around this theme in the following time. After exploring and exploring, he discovered more unusual places.

This plain is huge, but the key point is that the weather in the plain changes frequently, and even different regions have different seasons.

With Guo Zhengyang's cultivation, he can fly a flying sword for half an hour, and he can easily run for hundreds of miles. Hundreds of miles away, there is a lazy spring atmosphere, or the sun is shining, or it is raining in spring, but you can walk a few more miles. A hundred miles away, you will suddenly enter a plain shrouded in summer, the sun is scorching, and the rain is majestic...

Or go further, but it is cold winter, covered with frost, or heavy snow.

"Every few hundred miles, there are different seasons, and the weather changes drastically. What does this imply?"

Standing on a small lake that had been frozen out of the ice, Guo Zhengyang stared blankly at the world, and countless thoughts emerged in his mind.

The test he is facing now should not be murderous, but should be related to everyone's understanding. He seems to have discovered something, but he doesn't seem to have much clue.


Just when Guo Zhengyang was standing on the frozen small lake and fell into deep thought.

Outside the Immortal Mansion, it has already become crowded with people, but that is also a place hundreds of miles away from the Immortal Mansion.

Within a hundred miles, as long as anyone accidentally takes a step, they will be directly absorbed by the light beams protruding from the Immortal Mansion, and will be instantly drawn into the mansion.

"Don't move, damn it, I don't want to be involved somehow."

"This Immortal Mansion seems to be full of precious light, absolutely extraordinary, but how could you take the initiative to involve people? If there were any Immortal Mansions in the world in the past, we often had to work hard to get in, and most of the time, we couldn't get in at all. How about this, whether you want it or not, as long as you step into its hundred-mile range, it will actively suck you in."


The sea of ​​people hundreds of miles away was not only on the ground, but also countless figures suspended in the air, accompanied by low cries of astonishment, there were obvious expressions of surprise and uncertainty in the eyes and faces of countless people.

It is also true, in the past, if anyone was lucky enough to find out that the Immortal Mansion was born, everyone was most worried about how to get in. There are many caves where you have no way to go outside. Then I can only look at the ocean and sigh outside.

But this time, why is this earth-shattering Immortal Mansion so weird?

In the beginning, a large group of high-cultivation monks rushed over, and suddenly a stream of light shot out while flying, engulfing the people and disappearing, and the entangled people entered the Immortal Mansion without any resistance.

And those who came the fastest were undoubtedly the Dao Lords of all parties, and several Dao Lords were unfortunately involved. They came with them, and those who were a few steps behind them stopped in shock and stopped a hundred miles away in the sky. observe.

Then, I saw the fast-running real-life cultivators rushing into the range of being sucked, and were involuntarily drawn into the mansion.

This kind of situation happened a lot, and the latecomers became cautious one by one.

In the end, as soon as they got close to the range of a hundred miles, they stopped their bodies, and after running various lookout spells to enhance their eyesight, they froze around the periphery.

Who made the strangeness of this Immortal Mansion in front of them so different from the ones they had come into contact with before.

"More than 100 people have been involved. What's going on?"

High above the sky, Zhou Yiqing in a yellow robe tightly frowned and looked towards the direction of the Immortal Mansion, with a wry smile all over his face. It was really difficult for him to enter such a strange mansion before he knew what was inside.

One of the two Upper Realm Mountain Daoist Lords who came with him was unfortunately involved. In addition to the Upper Realm Mountain, two of the several Daoist Lords in Xueyou Mansion not far away were also unfortunately involved.

Even Xiantu Mountain and Luohe Mountain, one or two Dao Lords went in each, but after the other two mountains came over, they saw that the Immortal Mansion would take the initiative to swallow people, and saw that the Xueyou Mansion in the Upper Realm Mountain already had Daoists. You entered, so although no one was swallowed by the Immortal Mansion at the first time, after a group of Dao Lords studied it, some people took the initiative to go out and be sucked by the Immortal Mansion.

After all, no matter why this thing actively sucks people in, this mansion is definitely not simple. Then seeing that someone has already entered the Blood You Mansion in the Upper Realm Mountain, they naturally can't wait, at least they have to send someone in first to have a look .

Even if there is danger, you have to rush through it. .

But other than that, more people have been waiting outside the Immortal Mansion without a clue, each with a surprised look on their faces.

Waiting and waiting, a bright light suddenly shone in the fairy mansion far away, and then a figure screamed and was thrown out.

All of a sudden, the surprised crowd was moved, and all eyes fell on the screaming and flying figure over there, until the other party fell before the crowd with a whoosh.

Among the four giant forces, Taoist monarchs of all parties appeared in front of that person, all of them were surprised.

This is the first time they have walked out of the Immortal Mansion. If they want to know something, the person in front of them is undoubtedly the best breakthrough point. (To be continued.)

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