"Unlucky, really f**king unlucky."

"The Xueyou Mansion is too deceitful, blatantly occupying and expelling it, and I don't know what's in there."

"Forget it, hurry up and look for the next opportunity. Now it's more than 20 days before the opening of the Immortal Mansion. There is no need to get angry with those giants. There are at least dozens of real people from the Blood You Mansion gathered in the valley over there. How can we have the right to compete?" Rob, it’s not bad to be able to escape alive.”


Over a certain mountain forest in the Immortal Mansion, several streaks of light fled away cursing from the low altitude, until the light disappeared completely in the sky and earth, and from a stream in the forest, a figure suddenly appeared stepping out of the stream, looking up. Looking at the direction in which several people disappeared, a strange color flashed in the eyes of the figure.

"There are dozens of monks from the Blood Youfu, occupying a certain valley in front? What treasures are there?"

"Hey, it's been more than 20 days for dozens of monks from the Blood Youfu, and it's the first time I've met so many people from the Blood Youfu. It's not rude to come and go. It's time to give them a little bit of sweetness!"


After the strange color flickered, the figure smiled lightly. Although the laughter did not bring about fluctuations in the voice, the handsome and flying face showed a trend of getting brighter and brighter.

Undoubtedly, the figure was Guo Zhengyang after he got the Huolingtu and left Jubaoya. It has been another day since he left Jubaoya. The Immortal Mansion and the outer mansion are too big, feeling the completely unfamiliar surroundings, Guo Zhengyang wandered aimlessly for another day, during which...he killed another monk who tried to assassinate him, refined a lot of sins again, and then continued on his way When looking for the test, he suddenly saw a few lights and shadows escaping from the mountain forest in front of him. Those lights and shadows were extremely fast. According to Guo Zhengyang's judgment, he might not be a few real people in the late stage or Dzogchen. Yaopu turned into a colorful carp demon and hid in a small stream.

Originally, he just planned to avoid these real people, but he didn't expect that when they flew past, they would bring such a news.

It has been more than 20 days since he entered the Immortal Mansion. Although Guo Zhengyang killed many people and gained a lot of opportunities, speaking of those monks who were beheaded by him, there were really very few Blood You Mansion monks, only three or four.

After all, in the spiritual realm, there are hundreds of real people in each of the three mountains and one mansion, plus dozens of small and medium-sized sects, as well as casual cultivators... There are thousands of real people in total, and the proportion of monks in Xueyou Mansion is not very large, so even if he I wanted to teach those guys some lessons a long time ago, and I had to be lucky enough to meet so many blood monks.

The largest number of blood monks he encountered was the dozen or so in Jubaoya yesterday, but there were many others there, and it was difficult for him to strike.

Now is a godsend opportunity!

But in the laughter, Guo Zhengyang also knew that he couldn't act recklessly if he wanted to hunt and kill those monks from the Blood Youfu.

Among other things, if the monster worms were released directly to attack and kill, they would definitely scatter and flee immediately. Who in the spiritual realm doesn't know the name of the monster worms?It's strange if you don't escape.And dozens of real people fled in all directions, and there must be some late-stage real people and Dzogchen among them, who are much stronger than the strongest demon worms, and there must be some people who can escape.

Therefore, the safest way is undoubtedly to arrange it in advance, just like he used to ambush, a large number of demon insects are quietly ambushed in all directions, and when they attack, they will besieged together from all directions, so no matter which direction they flee to, they will be besieged Only then can we achieve complete annihilation.

After thinking about it, Guo Zhengyang quickly rushed forward, but this time he didn't fly by escaping light, but restrained his breath and turned into a colorful carp demon, and then used the color carp demon's transfiguration ability to make his body color exactly the same as the environment , and then rely on physical strength to run.

Under these camouflage techniques, Guo Zhengyang's whole body seemed to be invisible, and there was no leakage of energy. If it wasn't for a monk with special reconnaissance ability, even if he walked past Guo Zhengyang, it would be difficult to find any flaws.

This is also one of the reasons why he dared to ambush dozens of real people by himself.

Just like this, he sneaked all the way, and after running for about ten minutes, Guo Zhengyang gradually arrived at a huge valley dozens of miles away, hiding in the air and casting spells to look forward, and even saw the valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, about two feet wide. At the entrance of the 10-meter valley, four or five monks were wandering on guard.

Just as Guo Zhengyang glanced over, a figure in the crowd over there immediately looked over, which startled Guo Zhengyang, and he immediately closed his eyes and restrained his breath.

At the entrance of the valley, there were also people who whispered in surprise.

"Brother Wang, what's the matter?"

"I seem to feel that someone is spying on..." The person called Brother Wang is a young monk, about thirty years old, under a misty cloud robe, his burly body is slightly stretched, and his eyes are shining brightly on the forest in front of him. After checking for a few breaths, he suddenly released his spiritual consciousness again. The tide-like spiritual consciousness swept across the dense forest in front of him several times, and Senior Brother Wang frowned suspiciously.

"Let's go see?"

Amid Senior Brother Wang's doubts, several other monks spoke up one after another. Senior Brother Wang is the one with the highest cultivation level among them. Guard the entrance.

So since the other party said that someone might be spying secretly, the others didn't dare to be careless at all.

Senior Brother Wang nodded after saying a word, and then fled forward with the other four people.

The five real people searched carefully outside the valley for a while, and even one of them flew directly three or four meters above Guo Zhengyang's head...

Fortunately, the color carp demon's transfiguration ability is the best in the spiritual realm, and it narrowly survived this search.

"I didn't find it, even if someone should have left."

"Maybe, but speaking of it, our strength is still too small. There are only more than 30 brothers guarding here. If there are more people, we don't have to be cautious."

"Okay, let's go back."


After earnestly searching the tens of miles in front of the valley, the monks of the Blood Nether Mansion whispered again, and quickly retreated.

Guo Zhengyang then slowly backed away, until he retreated several tens of miles, and then began to release the demon insects to carefully dig holes.

But this time the demon worms did not dig holes to create dense spider caves to seep into the ground, but just dug some tens of centimeters deep underground for the demon worms to lurk here.

After all, Guo Zhengyang's purpose is not to establish a stronghold here to fight against the powerful Daojun level, but to prepare to deploy monster worms, once activated, they can surround and attack the valley from all directions, so these caves don't need to be deep, as long as the monster worms can lurk temporarily Just don't get caught.

So the efficiency of this arrangement is very fast, that is, Guo Zhengyang walks around the dense forest outside the entrance of the valley, sprinkles patches of demon worms, and lets these worms dig a hole and bury themselves in it.

In just a few hours, the entrance of the valley was covered with an army of demon insects, surrounding the entrance of the valley in a semicircle.

And the semicircle is of course far from enough. First, the semicircle was buried, and then Guo Zhengyang went straight up the mountain. It is necessary to encircle with the most perfect circle and completely cut off all the ways of life in all directions.

Only in this way can he have the confidence to bury all the more than 30 real people here.

At that time, no matter what their cultivation level is, no matter which direction they flee to, they will encounter an army of monster insects, and only then will they be wiped out!

Of course, this process is not without risk. Among other things, if a group of monks fly over the area where the demon worms are ambush at this time, if you search carefully, you will definitely find something wrong, because the demon worms cannot restrain their breath. They don't know anything about concealment. With the burial of the ground, if no one searches seriously, it is not easy to be easily discovered, but as long as they are serious, they will be noticed.

Or there is a battle between monks, as long as there is a little aftermath of the battle, the monsters may be thrown out of the ground.

When Guo Zhengyang kept ambush a few days ago, he had just halfway through the ambush when a certain target cultivator noticed that something was wrong underground and ran away in a panic. Unfortunately, it was only one person at the time, and Guo Zhengyang's ambush circle was half set up. Jingjue didn't choose the way to survive, but fled in the direction already surrounded by demon insects, and finally died.

So the process is not foolproof.

But this time, Guo Zhengyang's luck was not bad. At least during this period of time, the few monks guarding the entrance of the valley did not fly out to investigate carefully. There were also no other monks passing by in this area, so after waiting a few hours , Guo Zhengyang had already planted a large number of demon insects in all directions of the entire valley, and he was relieved to completely surround the valley.

Then with a thought, all the demon insects roared into the sky.

Millions of demon insects densely covered the entire land and sky, rushing towards the valley like a tide, and immediately alarmed the guarding monks outside the valley.

"Not good! Demon worm!"

"Damn it, why are there monsters here? Run away!"

"Notify them quickly!"


Senior Brother Wang and the others guarding the Taniguchi were indeed frightened out of their wits at the first moment. Although the distance is still far away, those monsters all suddenly appeared sixty or seventy miles away, but the monks blessed all kinds of similar mundane After using the technique of the telescope principle, it is normal to be able to see so far.

At that moment, seeing a large number of demon insects emerging from all directions sixty or seventy miles away, rushing towards the valley quickly, who could not be panicked.

In panic, the four or five people all retreated towards the valley at the fastest speed, and streamers of light escaped from the valley, floating hundreds of meters above the valley.

But after only one or two breaths, one after another panicked voices came and went. The higher they stood, the clearer they could see. Here in the valley where they were, there were monsters attacking in every direction, including the sky, almost The valley is surrounded by all directions without dead ends.

"Quick, choose a direction to break through!"

"All gather, kill out!"


In the boundless panic, almost all the monks turned pale, and some even made the most correct decision at the first time, but even if these decisions were correct, many monks could not fly stably, and they were so frightened that they could not even fight. Courage is not enough. (To be continued.)

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