One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 220 Strange Waterfall

(ps: The second update is here today, and only two chapters were updated yesterday. I originally planned to update more today, but it’s a bit sloppy, sweat~ I’ve written it now, and I have to rethink the rest~)

"This place is so weird. It's no wonder that 37 real people from the Blood Youfu are gathered here!"

Half an hour later, when Guo Zhengyang arrived at the valley to see the situation in the valley clearly, he was also amazed.

The valley, which covers tens of miles, has extremely beautiful and gorgeous scenery. In the depths of the valley, there is a large pool of water. A rushing waterfall, like the Milky Way, continuously falls from a cave in the middle of the hundreds of meters high mountain. And here It is undoubtedly the waterfall that attracts the most attention, because in the rushing water curtain, there are often things that Baoguang wantonly appears. When Guo Zhengyang just arrived in front of this pool, what he saw was a strange banner surrounded by green smoke. Fell in the waterfall, fell directly into the green pool, and then quickly sank to the bottom of the water and disappeared.

And after the different flags disappeared, a radiant flying sword suddenly appeared from the top of the waterfall in the middle of the mountain, and it also fell into the pool along the waterfall, before disappearing again.

In a short time, Guo Zhengyang had just arrived in front of the waterfall with his flying sword, and another kiwifruit tree fell from the waterfall. Although the kiwifruit tree did not grow in the soil, but emerged in the water, it was still alive and full of fragrance. .

Seeing such a scene really made Guo Zhengyang stare straight, never expecting such a wonderful place.

"How did you get the treasure here?" After being amazed, Guo Zhengyang looked to his side. Beside him was a seriously injured and critically injured early-stage cultivator. With endless fear and confusion.

There is no way, I watched more than 30 brothers, including many powerful real late stage monks and Dzogchen monks, were devoured by monster insects in a short period of time, that horrible scene, just thinking about it is enough to scare people crazy.

What made him even more frightened was that when the monster worms almost devoured a group of blood monks, he was not directly killed, but Guo Zhengyang jumped out of the monster worms instead...

These demon insects were actually controlled by Guo Zhengyang! !

Seeing this kid put away all the demon insects, he knew that even if he didn't die immediately, he would definitely not live for long. The other party couldn't possibly keep alive. As long as he asked clearly about the situation here, he would definitely kill him.

So in the panic and panic, the monk didn't answer Guo Zhengyang's words, but just looked like he was waiting to die.

After Guo Zhengyang took a few glances over, he couldn't help laughing. He did send a big gift to Xueyou Mansion this time. There are more than 400 real-life monks in Xueyou Mansion, and he killed 36 people at a time. Fu Daojun knows that he will definitely be "surprised".

As for the man in front of him not to speak, he has no choice but to leave someone with a weaker cultivation base than him, so he naturally planned to use the bewitching technique.

After a thought, Guo Zhengyang quickly asked everything he wanted to know after waiting for the spell to activate.

The test of this valley is the waterfall. The water of the waterfall is a normal flow, and the pool below is also a normal pool, but the deep pool is not bottomless at all. A real person from Xueyou Mansion, Dzogchen, tried to explore it and dived deep. For a long time, I didn't know how far I had dived, and my cultivation was almost exhausted, but I still couldn't find the edge at all.

However, there is no way to enter the exit of the waterfall at the mountain peak. There is a banning force that seals it, at least there is no way for the real person to enter.

Therefore, if you want to get the treasures left from the waterfall, you can only rely on those treasures to be grabbed within a short time of falling.

However, it is very difficult to catch those things. It is so difficult that more than 30 real people in Xueyou Mansion have stayed here for five or six days. All the Youfu monks gathered here, but only one real Dzogchen monk caught a low-grade magic weapon in such a long time.

And after staying here for so long, according to the statistics of the cultivators of Blood Nether Mansion, there are almost dozens of kinds of treasures here.

"Are there any of you who are looking for fellow disciples to come here?"

After getting a general understanding of the situation in the waterfall, Guo Zhengyang was once again surprised by the strangeness of the waterfall, but another news also made his heart skip a beat.

According to what this person said, someone they sent out was looking for the monks from the Blood Nether House in a further place.

When I first discovered this place, it was relatively easy for the crowd to scatter around looking for the same sect a few days ago, and a few new ones could arrive almost every few hours or half a day, but then it became slower and slower when new blood monks arrived.

The last time a few new monks from the Blood Nether Mansion came over yesterday morning, and it has been a day and a half since no one came.

But it doesn't mean that no one will come, because it's just going out to find the same door and go to a further place to find it!

"So, there may be more blood monks coming at any time!"

Thinking of this, Guo Zhengyang was indeed inexplicably pleasantly surprised. He and Xueyou Mansion had been fighting each other for a long time. They killed more than 30 monks at one time. Although the number was quite large, it was not too much. Guo Zhengyang killed more than 400 real people in Xueyou Mansion, and he would never frown.

After interrogating the monk for a few more words, Guo Zhengyang silenced him with a wave of his hand.

After thinking about it, he didn't directly try to grab the treasures in the waterfall, but started to arrange them in the valley.

This time, he just planted some monster insects on the edges of the valley, and ignored them outside the valley.

After finishing these quickly, Guo Zhengyang rushed to the waterfall.

And in the waterfall right now, there is also a pair of beautiful black wings sliding down from the water.

The falling speed of the black wings is the same as that of normal flowing water. Perhaps ordinary people will think it is very fast when they look at it, but with Guo Zhengyang's eyesight, they can clearly see every trace of its flow.

The entire waterfall is 500 meters long. As soon as the black wings slid down 30 meters, Guo Zhengyang suddenly arrived in front of the waterfall and reached out to grab the wings. His speed was not only lightning fast, but also similar to the speed of ordinary monks suddenly blooming their spiritual consciousness But even so, when his fingers just entered the water, the wings seemed to come alive, and they suddenly accelerated, passing Guo Zhengyang's palm in a swish, and reached more than ten meters below him.

When Guo Zhengyang's spiritual consciousness moved, he transformed into a big illusory hand to grab it, but just as the illusory big hand touched the water curtain, the wings suddenly accelerated again and fell further.

After a few back and forth, the black wings completely sank into the pool and disappeared.

"Sure enough, ordinary means can't catch it at all, and I don't know how the cultivator of the Blood Youfu who caught a low-grade magic weapon caught it..."

After the black wings disappeared at the bottom of the pool, a domineering long knife full of explosiveness emerged from the exit of the waterfall above, with a thick back and sharp blade.

But Guo Zhengyang didn't go up to grab it immediately, but just stood there thinking.

These things can't be grasped by ordinary means, otherwise, more than 30 monks from the Blood Nether Mansion would not have spent five or six days and only one of them caught a low-grade magic weapon.

But Guo Zhengyang didn't know how that monk caught the magic weapon, because he didn't know about it at all when he was besieged. When facing more than 30 blood monks at a time, he naturally killed them as soon as possible, so the one who gained something The monk has long been devoured by demon insects.

And the monk who was left alive by him for questioning didn't know how the other party got the treasure, because the monk didn't disclose his method.

It’s true, even among the same sect, not everyone is selfless. There are so many treasures here, even if someone finds a clue to grab the treasures, they may not announce the method for free. Who wouldn’t want to take this opportunity to How many more do you grab?As long as you have enough strength and are not afraid of other members of the sect, you can get as many treasures as possible. As the monk said before, the monk who can catch a low-grade magic weapon is one of the strongest fellow sects among them...

"Ordinary methods can't catch it, you have to find the rules in it, and the same method may be effective for a certain treasure, but it may not be effective for other treasures. Otherwise, since the real person was able to catch the first one, how could he?" Didn’t catch it all the time, caught more?”

Soaring in the air, Guo Zhengyang watched the long knife fall into the deep pool little by little, and he also had some concerns in his heart.

There are a lot of treasures here, there are dozens of kinds, which is much more than the previous Jubaoya. There seem to be only five treasure platforms on Jubaoya, but it is absolutely difficult to get the treasures here difficult.


The waterfall swept treasures one by one and continued to rush. Guo Zhengyang stood in front of the waterfall and observed for a long time, but he still couldn't find the slightest clue. He still doesn't know what this thing is testing.

If you can't observe it normally, then even if you know that you can't catch it with your hands, Guo Zhengyang can only choose to start experimenting, and every time he does it, as soon as he comes into contact with the rushing water, the treasure inside suddenly accelerates, always It is able to slide down quickly at the first time.

After experimenting with various methods for about an hour, I was still at a loss.

Guo Zhengyang was also very helpless about this, but thinking about the dozens of cultivators in the Xueyou Mansion studying here for a few days before seizing a treasure, he was slightly relieved, the test here is not ordinary difficult.

It depends on whether you can really research something, otherwise I am afraid that no matter how long you stay here, it will be difficult to grab treasures from it.

Just as he continued to think, Guo Zhengyang suddenly changed his expression, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

Because he suddenly heard a surprised low cry from outside the valley.

"Hey, what about Brother Wang and the others? Why is there no one guarding the entrance? Could something have happened?"

"Go in and have a look, isn't it because the baby inside has been captured?"


Accompanied by one after another exclamation, there were seven or eight escaping lights that suddenly escaped from the valley. Judging from the tone of those voices, these were undoubtedly the cultivators of the Blood Nether Mansion.

Guo Zhengyang laughed immediately, even if he couldn't grab treasures from the waterfall by staying here, he could still hunt and kill the monks from Xueyou Mansion again and again, which is also very good.

After all, every time you kill a real person, you will basically get a lot of money. (To be continued.)

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