(ps: The Mid-Autumn Festival is over, I was coding all day yesterday, sleeping, sleeping while coding, it’s desolate, please recommend, please collect and comfort.)

Standing there and hesitating for a moment, Guo Zhengyang stretched out his hand again. Although the crooked gourd on the ground just caught him in his hand, he was so infected that he wanted to vomit, but he also didn't dare to experiment with his own clothes, so He also wanted to try to see if the gourd would change and be different after swallowing one of his clothes.

After all, this crooked gourd swallowed a piece of clothing, will the weight change?Or something else?

After he really reached out and grabbed the gourd, Guo Zhengyang's face changed quickly again, becoming very strange, because he found that this thing had really changed, but it was not a change in weight or something, but that he was holding it now. That feeling of fullness.

Now he holds the gourd like a normal, ordinary gourd, without any discomfort.

Besides, the gourd was still the same gourd as before, and it was no different from when he first discovered it. It still looked crooked, not grey.

The only change after it swallowed a piece of Guo Zhengyang's clothes was that the feeling of fullness disappeared.

"No way, it makes me feel full and want to vomit, but after swallowing a piece of clothing, I don't feel full? I feel full and want to vomit, so I won't vomit after eating a piece of clothing?"

Staring blankly at the gourd, Guo Zhengyang really couldn't laugh or cry, this feeling was indeed too weird.

Where have you ever seen someone who is so full that he almost vomits, and then he eats something in a hurry to get full again?This is illogical.

But regardless of whether this is logical or not, Guo Zhengyang thought for a while, then immediately got up and grabbed the gourd and walked towards the way. Although he lost a piece of clothing, the gourd could indeed be easily grabbed by him. Such a strange thing, I really need to take it back and study it.

It took an hour to walk, and it was more than three o'clock in the morning, and the county seat of Yanhe County was in the distance. Guo Zhengyang was really lucky, because he almost lost his way just now.

Although when he left, he had been walking along several roads, and there were not many turns, but in the dark night, he had walked thirty to forty kilometers, and it was not easy to return by the same road.Just now he had strayed off the road twice, made a wrong turn, turned around in time when he found something was wrong while walking, and finally found his way back to the county seat.

"I'm finally back. I have to study this gourd carefully when I get to school. I'm afraid it is far more valuable than a Fenghua Pill." Looking ahead, Guo Zhengyang's pace also accelerated a lot, but he walked again. He paused and looked to his right hand in astonishment.

Before, there was only one thing in his right hand, which was a crooked gourd, but just now there was an extra thing in his right hand. After looking at Guo Zhengyang, he found that it was his coat that was swallowed by the gourd before.

Staring blankly at the sudden extra coat in his hand, Guo Zhengyang was speechless.This thing was inexplicably swallowed by the gourd, why did it suddenly reappear an hour later?Moreover, after a few glances, Guo Zhengyang lowered his body even more abruptly, put the coat in his right hand and the gourd under the coat on the ground together, then grabbed the coat by himself and began to look at it.

Changed, his coat thinned.

The original casual suit jacket is made of the same thickness as a normal jacket, but now this jacket is as thin as a shirt. Although the color and style have not changed, it has indeed become much thinner and lighter, so it can be held in the hand It's like holding a piece of paper and feeling nothing.

This change made Guo Zhengyang a little dazed, and after he had studied it carefully, he gasped, his eyes full of expressions of hell.Because the coat has not only become thinner and lighter, but also of amazing quality. Guo Zhengyang tried his best to tear the coat as thin as a shirt, but it couldn't be torn apart!

His full power explosion can definitely easily tear out a huge force of three or four hundred catties, but he can't even tear a crack.

After thinking about it again, Guo Zhengyang took out the key chain from his trousers pocket. There was a multifunctional folding knife on the key chain.

But you must know that this multi-function folding knife was sharpened by the former Guo Zhengyang, and it can easily stick into the wooden table with a single swing, but such a sharp knife can't do anything with this coat.

Can't be torn apart by a huge force of several hundred catties, and can't be cut apart by a knife. Is this still a commoner?

"My clothes have been swallowed by this crooked gourd for an hour, and they turned into precious clothes?" Guo Zhengyang looked at the coat in a daze. of gourds.

Swallow an ordinary coat, and spit it out again to become a precious garment?Invulnerable?

After being stunned for a moment, he suddenly became excited again. A simple coat can undergo such a change, so what if it is something else?For example, if you throw a knife into it, can it cut iron like mud?

Thinking of this, Guo Zhengyang took off the multi-function folding knife from his keychain and stuck it on the gourd, and then he lost his palm and was swallowed by the gourd again.

But after that, Crooked Gourd remained silent.

It wasn't until three or four hours later that Guo Zhengyang returned to the school classroom. The morning self-study class was over, and the surrounding students also went downstairs to eat breakfast with tableware. Guo Zhengyang took out the gourd from the desk again. At this moment The gourd was stuffed into the desk by him wrapped in the previously transformed coat.

When he opened the coat, the crooked gourd was not only lying quietly in the coat, but the pocket knife that had been swallowed finally reappeared.

The style of the knife is still exactly the same as before, but it is also smaller and thinner.

The original multi-functional folding knife is one finger thick with the blade and handle, but now it is only one or two millimeters thick. When Guo Zhengyang pops out the blade, even he himself is startled by the hidden sharp edge of the blade.

With a slight touch to his left hand, he stabbed his left hand hard without breaking the skin with a dagger that could easily kill people, and was easily cut with bloodstains. When Guo Zhengyang stabbed the wall with the blade, the concrete wall was easily pierced. They all felt that they were not stabbing the wall with a knife, but a piece of tofu. Without much force, they inserted the blade into the wall.

"What kind of treasure is this? Swallowing a piece of ordinary clothes can make the clothes invulnerable, and swallowing a toy-like knife can make the knife cut like mud? It's unbelievable. If you put in a monk Can the spirit weapon used be able to raise the level of that spirit weapon?"

The results of the simple experiment stunned Guo Zhengyang. The horror of this gourd is beyond imagination. No matter how he senses it, there is no aura fluctuation. It is also very easy to hold in the hand, but the strangeness it shows makes even the former real-world powerhouses dumbfounded.

It’s not that Guo Zhengyang hasn’t seen good things before. He has seen and used a lot of armor clothes stronger than the gourd-modified coat, and flying swords sharper than this blade in his previous life, but those things are all necessary. Looking for all kinds of treasures from heaven and earth, and then using special methods to refine them can be born. How can it be like this gourd, just throw a small rag into it, and then it will become a treasure when it comes out?

Comparing the ability of this crooked gourd with its appearance, it is really like the gap between a planet and a grain of rice.

After being shocked, Guo Zhengyang was delighted to start researching crooked gourds while no one was around. He still didn't know much about this gourd, so he needed to do more research, such as researching what it could swallow. What to swallow.Can everything that is swallowed be mutated?

This crooked gourd, Guo Zhengyang can be sure that it is countless times more valuable than a Fenghua Pill. This should have belonged to the long-haired man's chance, and it is definitely a super big chance. Now that he snatched it, it is really his. Great luck.

But there are indeed too many doubts waiting for him to explore.


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