"Utensils, it turns out that it only swallows all kinds of artificially crafted utensils. It does not swallow all kinds of raw materials, and to be precise, it only swallows all kinds of utensils, such as food and medicine, and does not swallow them."

A few days later, it was the weekend again. When the sun was setting, Guo Zhengyang walked out of a supermarket with a backpack on his back on the street near No. [-] High School.

I got the crooked gourd in the early morning of Monday, and now it has been five days in the blink of an eye. For five days, he has been doing various experiments during the short time between meals or evening self-study after school and before lights out. He has experimented so much After the second time, he basically figured out the characteristics of that crooked gourd.

That thing swallows something, and when it spits it out, it will cause a qualitative change in something. Ordinary knives can become like a magic weapon, and ordinary clothes can become invulnerable, like armor. But this crooked gourd only swallows artificially crafted utensils, such as knives, clothes, teacups, books, wallets and the like.

Other things, such as leaves and grass, are not swallowed by crooked gourds at all. Although buns, snacks, medicines, etc. are also artificially made, they are not utensils but food, and crooked gourds do not swallow them.

Swallowing something, it will spit it out after staying in the gourd for a while, and the swallowing time is also related to the strength of the thing it swallows. It takes a few minutes to spit out a piece of paper, two hours to swallow a brick, and three to four hours to swallow a knife.

The weaker the thing before it swallows, the easier it is to be destroyed, and the faster it spits it out, and the change after it is spit out is also weaker. For example, although the paper swallowed by a gourd is far tougher than ordinary paper, ordinary people may It can't be torn apart by force, but Guo Zhengyang can tear it relatively easily, but Guo Zhengyang can't tear the clothes swallowed by hundreds of catties, and the bricks swallowed by crooked gourds are as hard as steel. But it can still be easily cut by the knife it has swallowed.

All things go in a circle and then come out, and there are only two changes in direction, either becoming extremely tough or extremely sharp, and things that have been swallowed once by it will not be swallowed a second time.

In addition, Guo Zhengyang also discovered another characteristic of the crooked gourd, that is, if it has not devoured something, Guo Zhengyang can't hold it with his hands. At that time, he either has to find something for the crooked gourd to swallow, and it can take it at will after it has swallowed it, or it can also wrap the gourd with something swallowed by the gourd before taking it, or take something it doesn't like. To wrap things that can swallow, as long as there is a barrier in the middle, you can grab them.

"I have figured out the characteristics of this thing for the time being, but what is it? It's so magical. Any artificial tool can become extremely powerful after entering it. It's unbelievable."

Although he roughly figured out everything about the crooked gourd, Guo Zhengyang became more and more suspicious, mainly because the ability of this thing is really against the sky.

He also really felt that if he had spiritual weapons used by monks, they should also be swallowed by crooked gourds. If he went in and turned around, could those spiritual weapons be raised by one or two grades?From a low-grade spirit weapon directly to a middle-grade, high-grade, or top-grade?

The ultimate spiritual weapon directly becomes a magic weapon?

If it can be done like this, this gourd is enough to make the whole cultivation world crazy about it.

Not to mention that one Fenghua Pill is far inferior, even if there are ten thousand Fenghua Pills, they are not even worthy of carrying shoes for this crooked gourd.

The opportunity that Guo Zhengyang snatched from the other party after killing the long-haired man this time really made Guo Zhengyang a little like a dream. Comparing the two phases, he found that even though they were both opportunities, the opportunities could be very different. Thousands of miles?

However, despite being shocked, Guo Zhengyang quickly picked up his emotions and rushed to Yigao. Today is Friday again. Although there is no exam, but a week has passed, and the college entrance examination is one week closer, and his time is getting shorter and shorter. Yes, so I still have to go back and study.

"Study is very important, but this crooked gourd should also be put away. Wrap it with clothes first, so that it will not swallow my desk if it has nothing to swallow. The more things I swallow, I have nowhere to deal with them after I spit them out, it’s too inconvenient without a storage ring..."

Putting his emotions away, Guo Zhengyang did not plan to continue studying the gourd for the time being. After all, no matter how good the gourd is, it has no direct effect on him right now.

But just as Guo Zhengyang was walking, an exclamation suddenly sounded not far from his side, "Guo Zhengyang?"

When Guo Zhengyang turned his head when he heard the sound, he saw two men and four women staring at him across the road. Those people were all boys and girls, and Guo Zhengyang knew two of them. One was An Qian, and the other was An Qian. Qian's deskmate, the girl who was with Anxi when he went to pay back Anxi's money after school last Sunday night, but it was not the two girls who called out his name, but another tall, tall, although not very She is beautiful, but also has a bit of beauty. With the fashionable dress and hot figure, she looks very youthful.

Among the four girls in that group, the most beautiful and eye-catching one is Anxi, followed by this girl. Her appearance is not as good as Anxi's, but her figure is the hottest among the four girls. The chest of her chest is far away from the other three women. Although her pair of beautiful legs are not very thin, they are extremely slender. They look a little fleshy and plump, and they look extremely sexy.

It seemed that it was also because of the shout of the sexy girl that the other people around her all looked at her.

After seeing the situation over there, Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a moment, and then stared at the girl who called him completely stunned.

Is it her?

He really recognized who this girl was, and Guo Zhengyang was indeed a little distracted, because this girl had left a trace in his memory.

The other party has chased him, but this is not the key point. In the past few years of Guo Zhengyang's high school, there have been quite a few girls who have chased him. It can be said that after his rebirth, apart from remembering that he was very popular in high school, he has no idea who is going to him I really don’t remember clearly after confessing, but he remembers the sexy figure opposite, just because in my memory, about a month later, this girl jumped from the window on the fourth floor of the teaching building, her head fell to the ground first, and she died instantly. .

Because it was the first time Guo Zhengyang saw a dead person in his previous life, and it was the girl who had chased him, so he remembered that name, Fang Xiaoying, and also remembered that incident.

In my memory, Fang Xiaoying was raped by a boy surnamed Yang, and she had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

But no one knew the reason at first, because Fang Xiaoying didn't leave any suicide note when she jumped off the building. The reason the police announced to the public was that she was approaching the college entrance examination, her grades were too poor, and she chose to commit suicide due to too much pressure.

It wasn't until more than a month later that another boy surnamed Gu revealed the truth when the college entrance examination was approaching. He said that once they went out to play, the boy surnamed Yang raped her, and then she jumped off the building the next day.

It is said that the boy surnamed Gu could not bear the psychological pressure to tell the truth, but the truth was quickly covered up. The boy surnamed Gu dropped out of school suddenly, the school refuted the rumor, and the boy surnamed Yang also transferred to another school...

Guo Zhengyang learned from only a few words in his previous life that the boy surnamed Gu who revealed the truth dropped out of school because his family was threatened. But in the end the whole matter was still nothing. When he was still in school in his last life, he had heard that a boy surnamed Yang was still living a good life in another school before the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination, he Just never paid attention to this matter.

In my memory, Fang Xiaoying, who was about to commit suicide, was standing across the road and looking at him with a slightly surprised expression, which made Guo Zhengyang feel a little dazed for a moment.


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