One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 280 How can this be fake?

"Fuck you, even if I'm not as good as you now, sooner or later I'll be better than you!" Accompanied by Wu Ting's sneer, Zhang Hang was furious again, put down his glass with a slap, and said unhappily. .

But at this moment, Guan Zhipeng looked at Wu Ting, then at Guo Zhengyang, and then he suddenly smiled, and asked, "What does this guy do?"

Young Master Guan is not an idiot either, he has already noticed from Guo Zhengyang's expression that Young Master Guo is also quite impatient with this one, well, he is really curious, what exactly is this girl doing?How can you be so crazy?And she is still so crazy in front of Guo Zhengyang, it's simply weird, even if she has eyes on the top of her head and always uses her nostrils to look at people, but she doesn't distinguish between occasions?

"Online model." Following Guan Zhipeng's words, Zhang Hang hummed in a low voice.

In a word, Guan Zhipeng's eyes went dark and he almost fell onto the table, "Online model?"

Although Guan Zhipeng didn't fall on the table, he still opened his mouth in shock afterward, his eyes were filled with the expression of hell, he was really frightened.

"Which company?" Startled, Guan Zhipeng looked at Zhang Hang again, and this strange expression made Zhang Hang stunned, and then reported the company where Wu Ting and the other two worked. Show Culture Media.

Guan Zhipeng was speechless again. He had never heard of such a broken company.

That's right, as Master Guan, even if he occasionally knows about some companies related to entertainment and culture, they are definitely the top and best in the country, so why would he pay attention to such an unremarkable small company.

Baba smacked his lips, Guan Dashao was almost killed by lightning, but then he managed to hold back the shock in his heart, and said to Zhang Hang and Xiao Min, "If you want to hang out in the entertainment circle, there is no future in being a model after all. Well, how about this, if you want, I will let you join China Entertainment, Zhang Hang, you can be a manager of the artist department, as for Xiao Min, whether you want to continue to be a model or an actor, you are free to choose."


This time it was Zhang Hang who sprayed. He was also frightened by Guan Zhipeng's words. He took a sip of tea, and then he was dumbfounded. Big right?

What is that?That is the top first-class entertainment company in the country, and there are too many big stars under it. Can this brother Guan just send him in to be a manager?

Even Xiao Min and Wu Ting were stunned, they all looked at Guan Zhipeng in a daze, their faces dull.

Even in a daze, Guan Zhipeng glanced at Guo Zhengyang again, seeing that Guo Zhengyang had no objection, he immediately took out his phone with a smile, "I'll call the boss of Huahua and ask him to come over."

Call as soon as you want to make a call, Guan Zhipeng just dialed the mobile phone and directly told the opposite party where you were coming, and then hung up the phone.

"Isn't it? Brother Guan, are you really calling the CEO of China Entertainment?" Seeing the other party's casual attitude, and even some commanding tone, Zhang Hang was really dizzy and couldn't find the south, east, and north.

That kind of boss is a predator in the domestic entertainment industry, right?Compared with Wu Ting's uncle, that kind of predator is definitely more different than the difference between the governor and ordinary civil servants. After all, the rumored company opened by Wu Ting's uncle only focuses on online models, and whether it is a top celebrity or not Or the supermodels in the present world are all caught.

"Actually, I don't have a good impression of that circle, but since my younger brother and sister are models, they can barely be considered half of the circle. Even if you don't want to go, call Lao Liu to get to know him, and he can take care of him in the future." Guan Zhipeng Then he smiled and patted Zhang Hang on the shoulder.

"Brother Guan, what do you do?" Zhang Hang asked again in a daze. Could it be that the other party was really joking just now?Was that phone call really made to the CEO of China Entertainment?Although he couldn't believe it, Guan Zhipeng had already made a phone call. Judging by his attitude, Mr. Liu might really come over later. It doesn't look like a fake, so Zhang Hang suddenly became deeply suspicious Considering the identity of this brother Guan, what kind of person is able to get the big boss of China Entertainment to come over with a casual sentence?

"I'm just a guy who eats and waits to die, relying on his family's relationship to live." After saying this, Guan Zhipeng glanced at Guo Zhengyang again, and then chuckled softly, "Don't mention this, let's talk about it when Lao Liu comes over. Let's not wait, let's eat first, eat."

Zhang Hang still stared, even Xiao Min and Wu Ting also had stupid expressions on their faces. Although they couldn't believe what Guan Zhipeng said before, they just said calmly that they would talk about it when Mr. Liu came over. It doesn't look like it's fake...

But the fact is that after another twenty minutes or so, there was another knock on the door outside the private room. After Guan Shao said, a middle-aged man stepped outside, and the middle-aged man opened his eyes wide. After sweeping the private room, he immediately extended his hand warmly and humbly to Master Guan, "Young Master Guan, I'm late, I'm late, forgive me."

"Mr. Liu, since you are late, let's punish yourself with a drink." Guan Zhipeng also stood up with a smile, imitating his example, just like Guo Zhengyang's attitude towards him when he first arrived, and handed it to Mr. Liu very readily. Passed a cup, but Mr. Liu was also excited... His face was flushed with excitement, and he was bored without saying a word.

When Mr. Liu wanted to say something else, Guan Zhipeng immediately smiled and said, "By the way, let me introduce you, this is Young Master Guo. You are really convinced that you are lucky enough to meet Young Master Guo today. Even my grandpa wants to meet you." Guo Shao, it all depends on luck."

Yes, Mr. Liu was startled on the spot, and then he glanced at Guo Zhengyang, then his body went limp again, and he almost fell down.

Can you not be surprised?Master Guan's words are too scary, right?Who is his grandfather?That's the vice president of the State Council!One of the most powerful people in the entire republic, who wants to see Guo Zhengyang depends on luck?

But in the extreme shock, seeing that Guo Zhengyang just smiled modestly, and Guan Zhipeng's attitude towards Guo Zhengyang was indeed more respectful and polite than his attitude towards Guan Zhipeng, Mr. Liu immediately broke out in a cold sweat, this is true !

But he still couldn't think of the identity of this Young Master Guo, what kind of person could be so terrifying?

"Guo...Guo Shao..." In the extreme fright, Mr. Liu couldn't even speak.

On the contrary, Guo Zhengyang got up with a smile and raised his glass to Mr. Liu, but Mr. Liu's hands were trembling all the time, and he couldn't hold the cup steadily. It was Mr. Guan who filled him up again. When he was at the bottom, he barely doubled with Guo Zhengyang.

"Mr. Liu, it's a good thing to have you here today. This is Guo Shao's buddy. We want to help him find a job, because Zhang Hang's girlfriend Xiao Min is an online model, and she is also half of the entertainment industry. I asked you to come here, even if you don't arrange a better job, you still have to take care of the lovers." Guan Zhipeng smiled and patted Mr. Liu on the shoulder, not only telling the reason for calling Mr. Liu, but also By the way, let me introduce Zhang Hang and Xiao Min. Of course, Young Master Guan didn't care about Wu Ting.

When these words fell to the ground, Mr. Liu's face turned red, as if the clouds were on fire, and he immediately put down his cup and patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Young Master Guo, don't worry, Young Master Guan, this is a small matter, small matter, I will definitely handle it properly." , there will never be a single mistake."

It's impossible not to be excited, this young master Guan is usually a big shot that he can't even look forward to, because he knows that this young master Guan is notoriously low-key in the capital, and he is already the leader of the third generation of the Guan family , is the future banner of the Guan family, and as the third-generation leader of the Guan family, with the support of the deputy national boss behind him, it is conceivable that this young master Guan will have a chance to win the championship in the future.

Such a person, usually he really wants to know and curry favor, so he really didn't expect to have the opportunity to help Guan Shao help the other party, that is a great opportunity, not to mention that there is still a lot of trouble here. There is a person more terrifying than Guan Shao. Although he can't think of Guo Zhengyang's details, but Guan Shao couldn't be bragging just now. This kind of young man would never dare to make fun of his elders.

Just helping that Zhang Hang with a job can help this young master Guo and young master Guan. This kind of thing is even more rare than ordinary people winning hundreds of millions of dollars in big prizes.

It really doesn't get any more exciting than this.

"You... are you really Mr. Liu? The Mr. Liu from China Entertainment??"

But just when Mr. Liu was making a promise, Wu Ting at the side of the dining table suddenly straightened up and looked at Mr. Liu in disbelief.

Is this really Mr. Liu?

Well, she really has some doubts. After all, although Mr. Liu is the top predator in the domestic entertainment industry, this kind of predator behind the scenes is not a star in front of the stage after all, so it is not surprising that you can't recognize him even if he is standing in front of you. And Wu Ting not only didn't recognize it, but also deeply doubted the identity of this guy?

This is Guo Zhengyang helping Zhang Hang find a job. Under normal circumstances, no matter which boss you are looking for, if you want your friend to join the other company, don't you always ask the other party to do things?

But now those who ask for help are calm and calm, with a face of indifference, and the person who is being begged is submissive, with a look of excitement on his face. Is this the top entertainment predator in the country?Are you kidding me?

"It's's Mr. Liu." But when Wu Ting asked back, Mr. Liu was stunned for a moment. Before he understood who Wu Ting was, Xiao Min, who was sitting next to Liu Ting, raised his mobile phone with a sharp look on his face. Call.

Although Mr. Liu is the big crocodile behind the scenes, he can still find the photo by searching the other party's information on the Internet. Xiao Min couldn't believe it at all before, so he did a search and found out that this is really that Huayu. Big Boss, almost died of fright on the spot.

All this turned out to be true!

"How can this be fake? You are Xiao Min, Internet model? This industry is also new, and I am not very familiar with it, but your qualifications are good. If you want to, you want to be a movie star or a singer. Question, Zhang Hang, what about you? What do you want to do?" While Xiao Min was screaming, Mr. Liu laughed out loud, and first praised Xiao Min before turning his head to look at Zhang Hang.

As a result, Zhang Hang was always in a daze, just staring at Mr. Liu, unable to say a word. (To be continued.)

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