One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 281 Jia Lanxing

(ps: The second update arrives, ask for a monthly pass!!)

"Hey, isn't this girl here?"

A few hours later, after parting ways with Zhang Hang and others on the Lingyu Mountain, Guo Zhengyang drove back in the spirit boat. After all, he had almost done what he had to do in the secular world. .

After returning to Shangjie Mountain, although it was already midnight, Guo Zhengyang still sensed that his parents and others had fallen asleep, and he didn't bother him, but he didn't expect that after returning to his own peak, he found Liu Xia She wasn't on the mountain, and Guo Zhengyang just pondered for a while, and didn't think about it any more. With Liu Xia's aptitude, even if she wasn't on the mountain, she would be guarded by a Taoist-level ancestor when she went out, so her safety is temporary. Don't worry.

Maybe that girl has returned to the secular world?

After thinking about it, Guo Zhengyang escaped into the Fire Mansion again. There are still four and a half months before the decisive battle with the ancestor of the black prison. At the peak of Consummation, although even at the peak of Dzogchen, his combat power improvement is not too great, and he was not sure of winning against the ancestor of the black prison, but now, it is natural that he can be more sure. One more point is good.

He found a random place in the Fire Mansion, and Guo Zhengyang began to swallow the elixir, and now he does not need to face any pain when he swallows the improvement elixir of the Dao Monarch Realm, all he needs is to refine it in meditation.

This process is very bland, even bland and boring, just repeating the same steps and processes mechanically.

More than ten days passed in a flash. After Guo Zhengyang absorbed the medicine in his body again, he opened his eyes and took a rest before taking out the strange picture scroll in the storage ring.

"Since I can't find that ancient Lei Mansion, I should comprehend the sword intent in this picture scroll while improving my cultivation base. If I can comprehend the inheritance of sword intent in it by relying on this scroll, the power of the will of heaven and earth will be enough Let my combat power soar again, it is the will of heaven and earth, but it is extremely difficult to comprehend it. Even if I have obtained the inheritance of the master of Huofu, as long as I operate that set of **, I can observe the surrounding world in a deeper level , is easier than normal understanding, but..."

"Forget it, let's try again."


The power of the will of heaven and earth is absolutely terrifying. As long as one can understand it, it will also be terrifying to improve the combat power of monks, but the difficulties in it are absolutely terrifying.

Even if Guo Zhengyang got a volume of ** when he broke through the gate in the inner palace, it only slightly lowered the difficulty, so he really didn't have much confidence that he could comprehend the sword intent in a short period of time. Month, if you want to comprehend a will of heaven and earth, a few years or a few decades is a short time.

Otherwise, he would not have prepared to do so until now.

With the help of his body, Guo Zhengyang quickly entered that wonderful state again, in this state, he seemed to be able to clearly see the emotions of various things in the world, and when he looked at the picture scroll in this state, the picture scroll There are thousands of swords screaming inside again, and the endless aura of destruction and killing is also fully captured by Guo Zhengyang.

Every time Wan Jian shakes, a profound truth of heaven and earth seems to sweep over. Guo Zhengyang wants to see it more clearly, but that terrifying will to destroy and kill seems to tear him apart. If it weren't for the picture scroll There is a protective force in him, he may have been torn to pieces long ago.

But even if he was protected, it was difficult for Guo Zhengyang to watch carefully because his soul was implicated by the destructive aura.

The sword sounded twice, and Guo Zhengyang's throat was sweetened, and he spit out a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth, and fell out of that strange state.

Hurt again!

With a sigh, Guo Zhengyang seized the time to heal his injuries. This kind of injury is not too serious, but it is not easy to say, at least one or two hours of recuperation is required.

This is also one of the difficulties in comprehending the sword intent. Every time you watch it for a second or two, you will be hurt by the sword intent in the scroll, so stop and rest, although he also guessed that the powerful person who left the inheritance of the sword intent is Deliberately using the sword intent to attack and kill people to hone people, in order to make people get started faster and gain some insights.

But this method is really confusing.

During the quiet healing, it took another hour or two before Guo Zhengyang opened his eyes suddenly, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he immediately stood up from the spot and looked in front of him in surprise.

Because there was a fiery red leaf floating in front of it that was empty before.

"Are you comprehending the sword intent?"

Guo Zhengyang was surprised, but Hongye spoke first.

Although Guo Zhengyang was still puzzled, he still nodded and said yes.

"Although the person who left this picture scroll is amazingly talented, he can think of such a wonderful way to inherit his sword intent, but this way, at most, will allow you to complete the journey that would have taken hundreds of years. Even if you are a genius, a peerless genius, the same is true. It took the master more than 600 years to reach the immortal realm, but it also took [-] years to realize the will of fire, so you..."

"I know it's difficult." Guo Zhengyang nodded calmly, but he was really puzzled, did Hongye lose his nerve this time?He clearly knew how indifferent this thing was before, last time it said it himself, let Guo Zhengyang pretend it didn't exist, but this time it jumped out and said this to him?

"However, I do know that there is a place that can speed up your comprehension efficiency. As long as you have that talent and luck, you may be able to comprehend a trace of sword intent within a few months, so that you will be able to comprehend a little bit of sword intent later. In a decisive battle, the confidence may also be greater."

Hongye's active appearance had already confused Guo Zhengyang, so after Hongye said something again in the next moment, Guo Zhengyang was completely stunned.

Staring at Hongye in a daze for a moment, he didn't ask directly, but asked strangely, "Why did you help me?"

Yes, this guy said, even if Guo Zhengyang dies, it will only enter the Kongxian Mansion immediately to find the next owner... So even if someone really kills Guo Zhengyang, or captures Guo Zhengyang's relatives and threatens him to hand over the control Power, in fact, is a very nonsense thing, because as long as he is dead, the fate of the Fire Palace will not be controlled by him at all.

But he couldn't explain these things to others. Hei Prison Patriarch and others didn't know about it, so his parents had a crisis.

And when Liu Xia was injured before, Guo Zhengyang wanted to find a new Life Source Fruit, but he didn't even bother to ask Hongye, but now it took the initiative to tell him where he could comprehend the sword intent faster?It's just unbelievable.

"Because you can survive the catastrophe..." Facing Guo Zhengyang's words, Hongye fell silent. After several minutes of silence, she calmly said, "I didn't expect that you would face the catastrophe every time you broke through. I thought it would be difficult to see him again after the master broke through the sky and ascended, but who would have thought that the nightmarish killings, which are like nightmares for all monks, have become a routine with you."


Guo Zhengyang was dumbfounded, looked at Hongye for a few more times, and then asked in surprise, "What do you mean, the master of the Immortal Mansion has successfully ascended?"

No, in the past, he really didn't know whether the owner of the Fire Mansion succeeded or failed in crossing the robbery!

When he first entered the Immortal Mansion, he only knew that this was a great power who was about to pass through the catastrophe according to the reminder of the magic spell restriction left by the Immortal Realm. He was afraid that he would die, so he left the inheritance in the Fire Mansion.

Even though he got the Immortal Mansion later, Hongye never told him too much about the master of the Fire Mansion, whether the other party's tribulation was successful or not, he never said anything.

"Well, the master was afraid of falling under the catastrophe before he crossed the catastrophe, so he left behind the orthodoxy. Even if he succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, he had spent a lot of effort in choosing a successor after all, so he didn't take the Fire Palace with him." Hong Ye When he spoke again, Guo Zhengyang was relieved by one sentence.

Isn't that right? In this Fire Palace, there are countless tests left by the inner and outer palaces, and those tests are still maintained by prohibition. Among them, the tests related to a person's character, will, aptitude, and surname are all designed extremely comprehensively. The master of the mansion is also very successful in restraint, but setting up so many formation restraints for testing naturally took a lot of effort.

Then even if he really succeeds in crossing the tribulation, I'm afraid it may not necessarily destroy the painstaking efforts he had made.

And thinking about it carefully, Hongye used to be so cold to him, it was all before he found out that every time he broke through, he had to face the heavenly tribulation...

The Heavenly Tribulation, which even immortal-level powers fear, is like an old friend in Guo Zhengyang's place. He often goes out for a stroll, and Guo Zhengyang can often smooth it over.

This is because the other party saw his potential and saw that he might really rise to the top one day, so he was not indifferent?Volunteer to help him?

That's how it should be, right?

After thinking about this, Guo Zhengyang looked at Hongye sullenly again, "Then if I want to ask you now, where is the source of life fruit in the outer palace, will you tell me?"

"Yes, this is just a trivial matter." Hongye replied affirmatively, but the answer almost didn't bother him to death. When he asked him when he asked him, he said that the master had said that it was best not to help him too much... and that time He asked about the whereabouts of the source of life, but before the breakthrough, Hongye didn't know that he would face the catastrophe every time he broke through.

"What about the life and death platform? If I ask you where is the new life and death platform?" After struggling for a while, Guo Zhengyang suddenly asked back.

"No, even if I am very optimistic about you now, if you want to grow up, the necessary training is still necessary. This time, you can take it as a training." But this time Hongye did not agree, Instead, he flatly refused.

After refusing, he said again, "You are considered the master's wife now, one day if you can really ascend in the daytime, maybe you can recognize this master again, and the master has been ascending for more than 5000 years, you can really come to At that step, you may not be helpless in the fairy world. I am also looking forward to how far the master has grown in the fairy world after five thousand years, but before that, if you encounter any hardships, I still will not take action. The strong can only grow up through all kinds of hardships, and I will only give you some small conveniences at most."

"Okay, then where is it more helpful to understand the sword intent?" Guo Zhengyang was completely speechless, but he could accept this statement because what the other party said was the truth.

The flowers in the greenhouse have been going smoothly, and it is really difficult to grow into towering trees.

"Jia Lan Xing." Hong Ye spoke again, and Guo Zhengyang's face changed drastically with just one sentence, and his expression became extremely strange. (To be continued.)

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