One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 303 The 1nd Overlord


"Isn't this too powerful? Even if he has inherited the power of immortality, it's shocking to kill Feng Hui so quickly!"

"Damn, how could he be so strong?"


Countless monks were boiling and commotion. On the island, a few Taoist Lords of Xiantu Mountain who were not far from Xinghe Patriarch and others even gasped in shock. The gas was so violent that their own blood rolled and they were almost startled. I have to vomit blood. .

Isn't that right? This battle broke out too brilliantly, and the result was also too brilliant. Even monks at the ancestor level dared not look directly at it.

They couldn't believe it was true that the dignified patriarch of the black prison was beheaded within a few minutes, and he was still beaten all the time.

In fact, not to mention them, the ancestors of Xinghe and others had long known Guo Zhengyang's terror, and had known that Guo Zhengyang had comprehended the sword intent, so they were still a little scared about such a battle at this moment.

However, Patriarch Xinghe and others are much better than others. At least they can understand why this battle is one-sided despite being shocked.

Feng Hui once dominated the Lingyu side and became the strongest pillar Daojun alone. His combat power was not inferior to them, but he was beheaded like this. When the ancestors and others, they can also display such combat power.

If it was not Feng Hui who fought Guo Zhengyang, but any other pillar Taoist, the scene would be completely different.

Even if everyone doesn't have a star treasure, it doesn't matter who lives or dies, let alone being quickly beheaded by Guo Zhengyang.

Feng Hui would die so cleanly.

The key reason is to be restrained!

His strongest ability was just restrained by the power of thunder.

Everyone knows the horror of the black prison. The combination of the endless darkness and the magic weapon creates a boundless cage that makes you dizzy when you break into it. It is naturally powerful when facing other people.

Instead, a monk who does not have Thunderbolt is facing the black prison. Once he is shrouded in it, he cannot see the direction, where Feng Hui is, and will be disturbed by infinite evil forces. The resulting phantom fights just consume themselves to death for no reason.

Therefore, even if Feng Hui faces seven or eight ordinary Taoist monarchs, as long as he keeps the black prison running, he will be invincible by nature. The enemy doesn't even know where he is, and they can't attack him. , either killing each other, or playing with the air by oneself, and exhausting the whole body.

This ability is definitely very powerful.

But unfortunately, Guo Zhengyang got a set of formation treasures from the Huofu, and the power of a nine thunder streamer can be dispersed to form a large formation comparable to a low-grade magic weapon. The combination of the nine formations complement each other, and the power is increased many times. It is not much better than the top-grade magic weapon, and it is the power of a group, and does not need to consume too much cultivation.

Just enough to restrain and destroy Feng Hui's black prison, so that the famous black prison ancestor's signature ability has nowhere to display, and Feng Hui's combat power will naturally drop sharply, plummeting several times.

One ebbs and another, Feng Hui's signature ability is suppressed, and Guo Zhengyang's sword intent is the most invincible and sharpest will. When a flying sword comparable to a low-grade magic weapon is used, it can easily tear through any low-grade defense with the sword intent With nine flying swords that are comparable to low-grade magic weapons and the Sword Intent Master, the power is really enough to instantly tear apart the defense of any top-grade magic weapon.

Invincible, plus the speed is so fast that people can't react in time, and Feng Hui has nowhere to hide under the power of thunder, so the battle between the two sides is just like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves!

If Guo Zhengyang couldn't kill Feng Hui in a short time, and when Feng Hui recovered, Guo Zhengyang's own willpower weakened and collapsed due to the urging of the sword intent, Guo Zhengyang would die at that time.

So this battle seemed simple, and it was unbelievably quick. The majestic pillar of Taoism, the superpower who had dominated the spiritual realm for hundreds of years, was beheaded in a few minutes.

But these few minutes were caused by Guo Zhengyang's full force, just like the will of the sword. If you can't tear your opponent apart with the invincible sharpness at the beginning, then you will go all out, then weaken, and exhaust yourself...

Such a battle seems unexpected, but in fact, it is a very reasonable trend when you think about it carefully.

If it was not Feng Hui who fought Guo Zhengyang, but Xinghe Patriarch, the result would be very different, because Xinghe Patriarch's signature ability is actually related to some illusions.

The Ancestor of Xinghe mastered the art of stars to deduce the boundless star universe. If he hides himself in the vast space, it will also make others find the target.

This method is somewhat similar to Feng Hui's, but the victory is won by the combination of the star technique and the magic weapon, and will not be restrained by the power of thunder, so even if the vast starry sky deduced by the ancestor of Xinghe does not cause illusions of monks entering the room, it does not The monks will not be allowed to kill each other inside. Compared with the black prison, this aspect is much less deterrent.

But not being restrained is where the Xinghe Patriarch won.

Once it is not restrained, it is the biggest advantage. Guo Zhengyang has no ability to shatter his star magic, so as long as the ancestor Xinghe hides and is not locked by his sword intent, it will turn into a protracted battle.

The same is true for Patriarch Qianjue. Patriarch Qianjue's power of icy cold is endless, and the icy cold is not restrained by thunder. He may even be able to freeze the emission of Jiulei Banner with the infinite cold.

And Guo Zhengyang's sword intent combined with the sword formation, although it seems invincible, but once pierced into the endless cold evil, sooner or later it will be continuously weakened by the cold force until it is powerless.

Others, similarly.

Therefore, the battle in front of him seems amazing and unbelievable. The key is that Guo Zhengyang understood Feng Hui's bottom-pressing methods as early as a year ago, and thus made targeted preparations to achieve such a record.

If Guo Zhengyang was going to fight Patriarch Qianjue a year ago, then what he prepared would not be the Nine Thunder Banner and Sword Intent, he might have prepared the Fire Element Banner Formation, or even if he couldn't find the Fire Element Banner Formation, Will try to understand the will of fire.

If he had known a year ago that he was facing Patriarch Xinghe, then as long as he prepared some other illusion-breaking magic weapons, he could also decipher Patriarch Xinghe's signature ability.

This is Guo Zhengyang's advantage!

He is backed by the Fire Mansion, which has infinite resources, so he can naturally choose to find treasures during the battle, but Feng Hui has spent hundreds of years, and the power of the black prison that he has been refining for hundreds of years, even if he wants to use it in a year. It is impossible to prepare any other treasures or methods of suppressing the bottom of the box in the future, and it is impossible to compare with the achievements of the previous hundreds of years.

That's why they have been suppressed everywhere since the beginning of the war.

It was Guo Zhengyang who seized the advantage at the beginning, then amplified it infinitely, and finally killed such a powerful enemy in a few minutes.

And looking at Guo Zhengyang's pale face after only fighting hard for a few minutes, it can be seen that the combat power he displayed in these few minutes is already the best of his own.

After thinking about this, the ancestor Xinghe and other talents looked at each other, then laughed and fled, and quickly gathered around Guo Zhengyang.

At this moment, amidst the laughter, the tens of thousands of monks below who had already begun to boil instantly became dead silent again.

Everyone looked up at the sky with awe and fear, even Patriarch Wu Shuang and the others felt terrified when they saw the figures in the sky.

Everyone knows that from this moment on, the situation in the entire spiritual domain has undergone fundamental changes.

In the past, three mountains and one government dominated the spiritual domain, with Xiantu Mountain as the leader, and its dominance has never been shaken for hundreds of years.

But now there are three mountains and one mansion in the Lingyu, I'm afraid there will only be three mountains left, and one mansion will be delisted from now on!

And the absolute overlord of the spiritual domain will undisputedly become the Upper Boundary Mountain from this moment on. All this transformation is caused by the tired figure floating in the void!

Who would have thought that that guy who fled in embarrassment a few years ago because of the pursuit of a real-level monk, who was not worth mentioning in the eyes of the big monks, would have transformed to such a degree in just a few years?Transformed enough to have the strength to kill the pillar Taoist?

This kind of terrifying combat power, coupled with the fact that this guy also has a powerful Immortal Mansion at the immortal level as support.


Even Patriarch Wushuang, Patriarch Qianjue and others, when they looked at the tired figure, the trembling and awe in the depths of their eyes became more and more intense. Become the well-deserved number one overlord in the spiritual realm. (To be continued.)

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