"It's all set up, Grandpa, you don't have to worry about the smell of the air here anymore."

A few days later, in the capital city, in a small courtyard, Liu Xia, dressed in casual fashion, walked up to Guo Zhengyang and his party, and then smiled and clapped his hands, smiling at Mr. Guo.

"Heh, that's great. You girl is quite capable. Is this a formation? After your efforts, my little yard is really much more beautiful."

Mr. Guo also followed Liu Xia's laughter and took a deep breath, his face full of surprises.

Even Guo Zhengyang's parents, uncle and others took deep breaths of air to refresh themselves, but after a few big breaths, a bitter smile flashed across their faces.

"I'm back, I'm finally back. When I didn't come back, I wanted to come back sooner, but after I came back, why did I feel a little uncomfortable?"

"No, I stayed here for decades before, and I didn't think there was anything bad about the air. Now it's better. I've lived in Shangjie Mountain for more than a year. When I come back, taking a breath is like taking drugs. "

"Xiaozheng, you have made us old guys miserable. Dad, you can ask Liu Xia to arrange a formation to make the spiritual power here stronger. If your dad and I go back to work, what will we do? ?”


In the wry smile, Guo Zhengyang's uncle Guo Weidong and his own father spoke one after another, laughing and cursing at Guo Zhengyang with weird faces.

Back, Guo Zhengyang fought Feng Hui in front of countless monks a few days ago, and killed Feng Hui on the spot. After the First World War, Guo Zhengyang solved most of his troubles, and basically no longer had to worry about his parents being blackmailed.

Well, just basically, in the next few days, after Guo Zhengyang finished recuperating, he and Xinghe Patriarch and others took action to kill the last two Dao Lords of Xueyou Mansion under the sword.

It's not that the two Taoist lords don't know how to hide, but because Guo Zhengyang has exposed in front of Hongye that every time he breaks through, Hongye's attitude towards him has changed drastically, and he has relaxed his help in many things, so wait Guo Zhengyang found two life and death platforms under Hongye's guidance, so it goes without saying.

Those two Taoist monarchs were only in the early days of Taoist monarchs, even if they wanted to escape, and they had ambushed many teleportation formations in the spiritual realm before, but when the platform of life and death moved, they could always sense their position, Guo Zhengyang and the ancestor of Xinghe leaned against each other Inductively chasing and killing them, even if they would urge the teleportation array to escape every time before the two of them arrived, but because the speed of their cultivation was too different, they were all beheaded after a few days of chasing and killing.

Once the two Taoist monarchs were eliminated, Shangjie Mountain did not wipe out all the remaining real-level and spirit-gathering disciples in Xueyou Mansion, but only killed a few direct disciples of Feng Hui and others, and the rest was broken up and incorporated.

Those things were all settled yesterday, and Guo Zhengyang took his parents and others back to the secular world with no worries after they were settled.

They were trapped for about a year and a half, and it was not until today that they could be sent back with peace of mind. Guo Zhengyang himself was full of apology and guilt.But to his parents, grandpa and others, even if he wanted to say sorry, he didn't seem to know how to say it. Fortunately, these are his close relatives, except... except for Guo Zhengyang's second sister, everyone else understands and talks. In terms of behavior, he tried his best to avoid embarrassing Guo Zhengyang.

Well, Guo Zhengyang's second sister has been at odds with him since she was a child, and she is still dragged down by Guo Zhengyang in her passionate love. She hasn't seen her lover for more than a year. At most, she can only communicate through the Internet, so she often rolls her eyes at him.

Guo Zhengyang had no choice but to apologize with a smile.

But after putting these aside, when everyone returned to the secular world, another problem became prominent, and that was the aura... I have lived in Upper Boundary Mountain for more than a year, and the aura there is definitely one of the most intense places on earth. The place where people live is also full of beautiful mountains and clear waters, which can be called the most beautiful natural scenic spot. After living there for a long time, once they return to the mundane world and return to the heinous environment with thin spiritual energy, a group of people shouted loudly. Can't get used to it, it's okay for a few old people to talk about it, they have all experienced big scenes in the secular world, they are mature and prudent, and they can at most frown and smile bitterly.

Guo Zhengyang's elder sister and second sister both wore masks, but they couldn't stand the poison of the dirty air...

It wasn't until he arrived at the courtyard in the capital that Guo Zhengyang asked Liu Xia to set up formations when he saw that a group of people couldn't get used to it. He buried piles of spirit stones in this small courtyard, and then built several spirit gathering formations to let the spirit energy here Get richer.

This aspect is also funny to say, the long-term spirit-gathering formation of Almighty needs to be matched with other formations to prevent accidents. If Guo Zhengyang did it himself, he might not be able to arrange it. On the contrary, Liu Xia followed Mu Daojun to study the formation for a while , In terms of array formation attainments, Guo Zhengyang was far behind by many times, making some such arrays is a trivial matter.


Hearing the jokes of his father and uncle, Guo Zhengyang was also helpless. He could only laugh dryly before he said, "If you go back to work, you may have to simply arrange it in the dormitory..."

"You two boys, if you are envious, just stay here for a few more days. If you want me to say, what Zhengyang pointed out to us is the Dao of Longevity. Those ancient emperors in history were very jealous of these things. It's good for you. I don’t have much interest in these things, but I’m still keen on those fame and fortune, I really don’t know what it means.” Guo Zhengyang laughed dryly, while Mr. Guo laughed loudly, and unceremoniously trained his two sons.

What he said immediately made Guo Weidong and Guo Ziqiang embarrassed.

No, I have seen too many unimaginable things in the spiritual realm, and I have seen too many people who have lived for hundreds of years and are still strong and strong. They can easily fly into the sky and turn the clouds and rain. They actually know what Guo Zhengyang pointed out. road.

It would be a lie to say that I am not moved at all.

As long as it is a human being, who would not want to fly to the sky and escape from the earth if given the chance, who would not want to live forever?The secretary of the municipal party committee and the deputy mayor also have a sense of heartbeat in this regard, but the problem is...the problem is that they are all people in their 50s and [-]s. Their previous lifelong pursuit was to be ups and downs in the officialdom, so they should give up their previous life immediately. Pursuit, go directly to this path, but the two still can't let go.

Especially when they know that although this road can pursue longevity, it is full of thorns and blood... They may encounter life and death crises at every turn, which makes it even more difficult for them to let go of everything in the world and pursue those.

Not to mention that for more than a year, several people also knew that their qualifications were not good... There are so many people in the Guo family, only Guo Zhengyang and Guo's mother have good qualifications, and the others are scumbags. No matter how many resources they have, it is difficult to make too much progress, and their heartbeat becomes weaker.

"We are not that material at all. Aptitude is like talent. Some people are born smart, they have a vivid memory when they read books, and they can easily handle learning, while some people are born dull. Even if others work ten times harder, they can't compare to those geniuses. Some people are born with strong bodies, and some people are born with weak bodies. We don't have that talent, and we can't do it even if we want to practice."

"No, we have also stayed in Upper Boundary Mountain for more than a year. Those people in Upper Boundary Mountain are so kind to us, and they can ask for all kinds of resources, but look at what we have gained after more than a year? Under that kind of environment, It took my eldest brother five months to get started, and it’s about the same for me. After more than three months, there was only..."


Being reprimanded by the old man, Guo Weidong was equally embarrassed, and even more depressed, he opened his mouth to defend.

A group of people in the Guo family are not very suitable for cultivation, and their aptitude is very poor. This aspect is really not covered. There is nothing to do all the time, and occasionally seeing outsiders can easily fly into the sky, it is inevitable to be jealous and impulsive after a long time.

So in a year and a half, many people really tried it.

It’s the result that makes people speechless. Guo Zhengyang’s uncle was in the environment of Shangjie Mountain, and someone taught him how to practice, and he practiced the top-level skills. As a result, it took five months to get started, and it took five months to officially enter the early stage of Juling The threshold for Guo Zhengyang's father is more than three months.

On the contrary, Guo Zhengyang's grandfather was faster, but it took more than two months.

His eldest sister and second sister are basically one or two months old.

Among the crowd, Guo Zhengyang's mother was the only one who was different. She was guided by someone, and the environment was good. She entered the door in just a few hours. After all, it is also a big sect, and some pills used in the spirit gathering period are almost inexhaustible.

So it's been so long.

A group of people in the Guo family, except for Guo Mu, are stuck at the peak of the early stage of Juling. Only Guo Mu, who has good aptitude, has reached the middle stage of Juling, but she is not very interested in practicing spells, well, at least on the surface. not interested.

In her own words, she has a certain interest in these things, but if she can really cultivate to the realm of a real person and her lifespan increases dramatically, but Father Guo can't do it, she would rather not practice.

These words were told to him by his mother in private. When she said those things, her expression was very flat and she didn't say much, but Guo Zhengyang understood what his mother meant, so he cooperated with his mother and did not expose these things.

And even now, the Guo family is still a group of little supermen in the secular world. In the early days of gathering spirits, they only tempered their bodies. At this moment, even if Guo Zhengyang's grandfather is over 70 years old, he has to get rid of ordinary young adults when it comes to physical fitness. several times.

Watching his father, uncle, grandfather and others chatting and laughing, Guo Zhengyang glanced over his mother again, but suddenly made up his mind. At this time, the crisis has been resolved and his relatives have been sent back to the secular world.

Next, because Shangjie Mountain also has a huge influence in the secular world, it is not difficult for father and uncle to re-enter the political arena. Although they disappeared for a year and a half, it is absolutely easy to change positions if the upper echelons work hard.

Parents' life can return to the original track.

Guo Zhengyang didn't want to disturb their lives for the time being, but it was his grandfather. Because he was old and had been in the officialdom for most of his life, he ignored many things, so he became interested in cultivation at this time, but his aptitude was too high. Poor... Can he pass the "Thinking of Epiphany" to grandpa?

With the "Thinking of Epiphany", as long as he can use this epiphany, he doesn't have to be afraid of poor qualifications. He can use pills for cultivation, and breakthroughs can be made with epiphany. As long as grandpa is interested, he can still move forward.

The only problem is that Guo Zhengyang has realized many times by relying on the idea of ​​epiphany, and knows that this thing is very practical, but he doesn't know how it works in other people's hands. (To be continued.)

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