
In the modern courtyard building, Guo Zhengyang exhaled a turbid breath and woke up from his practice. His practice was to swallow the elixir, and it took a few days to refine a elixir. .

According to the current efficiency, he estimated that it would take another two or three months to cultivate to the peak of Dzogchen.

Two or three months, the time is really not long, without other pressures, he can deal with it with ease, and after exhaling a foul breath, Guo Zhengyang also stood up easily, and as soon as he released his spiritual sense, he immediately felt the pain in the next room. Here, Grandpa is studying with a book in his arms.

But other than that, the entire courtyard was empty, and there was no one else around.

"That little girl, won't you go shopping again? But it's true, I've lived two lives, and my mentality is no longer young. I'm used to this loneliness and boring, but she is just a little girl in her 20s. If it wasn't for me, how could she endure so much loneliness, and it would be difficult for her to practice so hard before."

Sensing that only his grandfather was studying in the courtyard, Guo Zhengyang didn't care. He just shook his head before getting up and walking out of the room.

More than ten days have passed. During these ten days, Guo Zhengyang's parents, uncle and others have taken up their posts, and they have gone to work in other places.

Still the same sentence, if they want to recover, even if both of them have disappeared in the secular world for more than a year, if the upper levels make efforts, they can be restored to their original posts in another place. The development of the matter is the same. After the deputy boss greeted them, they made efforts to arrange resumes for Guo Weidong and Guo Weidong for more than a year, and then went to a city in northern Jiangsu and a city in Xichuan to serve as the secretary of the municipal party committee and deputy mayor.

After leaving, the courtyard became deserted, and only Guo Zhengyang's grandfather, Guo Zhengyang, Liu Xia, and Guo Lingling remained.

Guo Zhengyang's grandfather also officially started to get in touch with the idea of ​​epiphany more than ten days ago, but before comprehending the idea of ​​epiphany, he needs to read through the knowledge theory of the big bang first, so these days, Guo Zhengyang's grandfather has almost entered a sleepless state. In an endless state, I have been fighting against books!

In this regard, Guo Zhengyang was able to rely on his spiritual knowledge to sweep up the knowledge, and it took about half a month to study the knowledge clearly. His grandfather is only in the early stage of gathering spirits, and only the physical body has been tempered, and his brain power is still the same as before, so Guo Zhengyang estimated that within a few months or even longer, the old man might not be able to fully understand it.

After more than ten days, his progress has not been very great. After all, his age is at that level, and the improvement of physical fitness does not include memory, etc., and the old man in his 70s relearns the spiritual realm of knowledge that he has never paid attention to before. very big.

On the contrary, it was Liu Xia...

In fact, Guo Zhengyang also passed on "Thoughts on Sudden Enlightenment" to her.

This thing used to be one of Guo Zhengyang's treasure chests. Because it was too involved, he didn't dare to leak it easily, but now he is not afraid of anyone in the spiritual realm, so he will not be stingy with those close to him.

The idea of ​​epiphany was first passed on to Grandpa, Liu Xia and Guo Lingling.

As for his parents and others, he is not in a hurry to teach them, not because he is reluctant, but because he wants to prepare the three of them as an experiment first. Personal teaching, see their chances of epiphany, if the effect is good, it is not too late to give it to parents and others, after all, they are still young.

If the effect is not very good, it is better not to tell them, so as not to make people happy. After all, parents and others are not completely uninterested in cultivation. They are interested because their qualifications are too poor and they feel that the future is hopeless. In addition, this road is too bloody and thorny, and there are many reasons such as the reluctance to part with the pursuit of the first half of his life, so that those interests continue to shrink. If he says that he has the idea of ​​epiphany that can break the shackles of aptitude, after passing it on to everyone, he will find that the effect is not good. So the ideal is to make people have great hopes and then shatter their hopes.

This is not a good thing.

So it is only passed on to three people. If the three people practice the idea of ​​epiphany and the effect is very good, and they can continue to break through with the help of this heaven-defying technique, then it will not be too late to give it to parents and others.

But Guo Zhengyang really didn't expect that after his grandfather knew this, the old man suddenly became excited. He was a retired veteran cadre and usually had nothing to do. Knowing that my aptitude is too poor, I have been polished a lot of confidence. Now that I hear this method, how can I not be excited, relying on strong physical fitness, even if my memory is not as good as that of young people, the old man often stays up all night to study.

However, Guo Zhengyang's eldest sister and Liu Xia spent three days fishing and two days in the sun, and the two women often went out for shopping...

It's not that her eldest sister is not moved, but because her spiritual sea is not open, she can only rely on normal brainpower when reading, and she is not born with that kind of material, so even if she is interested, she will become irritable while reading, and she will wander off after a long time. I was too embarrassed to run alone, so I took Liu Xia with me.

Liu Xia was originally just a college student. He encountered a series of accidents before graduating from the university and was isolated from the world. So even though he is 25 or [-] years old now, the young man's heart is still there. If he is a little encouraged by the eldest sister, he will secretly slip out.

Guo Zhengyang had no way to criticize, so he could only turn a blind eye and close his eyes, and practice on his own.

He is indeed currently living at his grandfather's house temporarily. After all, it is the same for him to carry the Fire Mansion with him wherever he is practicing.

"Two or three months will be the peak of the real person, but when the time comes, should I directly comprehend the concept of epiphany and make a breakthrough with the help of epiphany, or prepare for a while? Let the strength become stronger and then act?"

"When I reach the peak of Daoist Daoist Perfection, my cultivation base will be the same as that of Daojun in the early stage, and I have obtained so many treasures in the Fire Mansion, and I have also comprehended the sword intent, and I have the strength to kill Daojun in the later stage. The chance of calamity should not be too small. But the problem is that this is the big bottleneck for real people to enter Daojun. Almost died."


Walking into the courtyard and walking back and forth for a few steps, Guo Zhengyang's eyes flashed with thought. His life has become more ordinary. After not having so much pressure and trivial matters, he just needs to practice step by step.

But with the improvement of his cultivation, he became less and less confident about crossing the catastrophe.

Well, it's easy to talk about a small catastrophe in a realm. With Guo Zhengyang's strength, it's definitely easy to get through the small catastrophe, but he really has lingering fears about the big catastrophe.

Mainly because of the big bottleneck when entering a real person from the soul-gathering stage, the experience of being almost played to death makes people shudder when they think about it.

Although that time was also because he didn't know the severity and released the monster insects to help cross the tribulation, which caused two catastrophes to appear at once for the first time, and he was injured on the first tribulation thunder, which made it more and more difficult in the future. The evil consequences caused by his own recklessness, but the horror of the great catastrophe, was also clearly displayed at that time.

Now that a real person enters Daojun, it is a bigger bottleneck, how much will the power of the day's calamity increase? (To be continued.)

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