One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 306 Isn't that easy?

While pacing slowly, Guo Zhengyang was still thinking about how to deal with the next catastrophe when his cell phone rang suddenly from his body. When he took out the cell phone and took a look, he realized that it was the elder sister calling. .

Guo Zhengyang immediately smiled and connected to the phone, and a slightly shy voice sounded from the other side of the phone, "Xiaozheng, what are you doing?"

All of a sudden, Guo Zhengyang was a little dazed. When the eldest sister faced him, did she also feel embarrassed?This, this is very rare, what happened?

Thinking of this, he smiled and said, "I just finished training, what's wrong?"

"Cough, that..." The facts were as expected, and after Guo Lingling was even more embarrassed to speak, she finally explained the reason for the call.

This reason also made Guo Zhengyang dumbfounded on the spot.

No wonder the elder sister's tone was so weird when she called this time, and the relationship really got into trouble.

The two women over there went shopping and had a great time these few days. Every time Guo Zhengyang paused in his practice, he never saw anyone at all. Did he finally think of him until he got into trouble there? ?

After carefully listening to the elder sister's explanation with a smile, Guo Zhengyang said, "Well, I'll go there right away, don't worry, it's not a big deal."

Guo Zhengyang hung up the phone after comforting his elder sister, but then he did not leave the courtyard immediately, but rummaged through the storage ring for something, and after searching for a while, he took out a stack of things from the storage ring. After counting the RMB, Guo Zhengyang smiled wryly and shook his head, because he didn't know if he had enough money.

He has searched all over the storage ring at this moment, and there are only twenty to thirty thousand notes in it.

After all, from rebirth to the present, Guo Zhengyang has never pursued ordinary banknotes at all. These money are just New Year's money, or living expenses given by his parents and relatives. He doesn't need any expenses at all. down.

Well, the big sister and Liu Xia, the two women, didn't cause much trouble, they just had a good time shopping and looking for a place to eat. In a good western restaurant, when they were having a good time, they met a man Before striking up a conversation, the man's words and deeds may be a bit irritating, which offended the two women, followed Liu Xia and kicked the man directly, and Liu Xia is now in the middle stage of a real person, even if he is not physically trained, his physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people , kicked out in anger, directly kicked the man onto the wine rack in the restaurant, smashing many bottles of red wine...

Now faced with the recovery from the restaurant and no money to compensate, he had to call Guo Zhengyang for help in embarrassment.

This matter really made Guo Zhengyang feel strange.

He usually doesn't pursue money and the like, and the elder sister's side is similar, not to mention Liu Xia, before cultivating, she was just an ordinary college student who was worrying about finding a job.

And these days, although Guo Zhengyang has come into contact with many powerful people who are rich and powerful in the secular world, some of them are rich and powerful people worth more than tens of billions, and they have always been very polite to him, but Guo Zhengyang has never asked those people People need money to spend.

Therefore, when he didn't know how many bottles of red wine Liu Xia broke and how much he needed to compensate the restaurant, he really didn't know if the two to thirty thousand in his hand was enough to spend.

High-end western restaurants are still located in the capital, and the red wine inside is probably not cheap.

Speechlessly patting his forehead, Guo Zhengyang stepped out of the courtyard, let's go and have a look first, wait until the place to see the situation, if it's not enough, just find someone to borrow some.

After leaving the courtyard, Guo Zhengyang stopped the car at random and hurried towards the scene of the incident. He arrived at the destination in about half an hour.

This is a western restaurant named Heaton, which looks elegant and elegant in appearance.

After entering the restaurant and going up to the second floor, Guo Zhengyang took a quick glance and saw the elder sister and Liu Xia. The two girls were sitting awkwardly in the restaurant at the moment. Closer to their place was a small stage for performances. There is a piano on the top, and on the side of the small stage, there is a beautiful wine cabinet with glass shelves, but at the moment the glass cabinet is a little damaged, and a lot of the red wine on it is missing.


When Guo Zhengyang looked at the environment, Guo Lingling, who was embarrassed inside, immediately got up in surprise and greeted Guo Zhengyang, and Liu Xia also stood up after the greeting, but at this moment the girl was blushing and said nothing, and her eyes were also avoiding. Looking at Guo Zhengyang, she didn't dare to look at him directly, it seemed that this girl was also very shy about it.

Guo Zhengyang stepped forward with a smile, walked up to the two of them and glanced at Liu Xia. The girl who looked at her lowered her pretty face, and when she was at a loss, Guo Lingling also smiled awkwardly, "It's not Liu Xia's fault, it's up to you if you want to blame it." Blame that guy for being so outspoken."

With a dry smile, Guo Lingling pointed to another table not far away, and when Guo Zhengyang turned his head to look, he saw two men in suits and leather shoes, one young and one middle school, all holding goblets while sipping slowly. With red wine in the glass, he looked at this playfully.

"How much do you want to accompany?" Guo Zhengyang looked back at the eldest sister with a smile.

"More than 1." Guo Lingling said again in embarrassment, and then explained with a guilty conscience, "Fortunately, the wine rack next to this small stage is only decorated with red wine, and the grade is not very high. Just now Liu Xiayi Kicked it out, kicked the man on it, smashed more than ten bottles, the red wine plus the compensation for the wine rack cost [-]."

Guo Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief, he still had enough money.

After he breathed a sigh of relief, he greeted the waiter with a smile. After the waiter rushed over, Guo Zhengyang counted a wad of banknotes and handed them over.

After paying the compensation, he pulled out a chair and sat down. After looking at the two people's meals, he laughed and said, "You two are very good at enjoying it? Drinking red wine, do you have a sense of taste now? "

No, the two of them ordered a lot of things, and they also had a bottle of red wine, and there was a blooming rose on the dining table, and there was a small stage not far from them with piano accompaniment, and the decoration in the restaurant was also pretty. Luxurious and beautiful, with slightly dim lighting, this atmosphere can be regarded as enjoyable.

It's just that both of them are so strong physically, drinking liquor is almost like white water in their mouths, right?Then the red wine they ordered was just for show.

"Stop talking, do you want us to die of embarrassment?"

Following Guo Zhengyang's words, Liu Xia was still sitting there at a loss, secretly glanced at Guo Zhengyang and then quickly looked away, her face was still flushed, while Guo Lingling gave Guo Zhengyang a blank look. She was really embarrassed before, but now she finally paid After paying the compensation, he was relieved when he heard such a joke, and suddenly became restless. He not only gave Guo Zhengyang a blank look, but also stretched out his foot under the table and kicked Guo Zhengyang.

Guo Zhengyang laughed again, and only then said in a fit of laughter, "Don't talk, don't talk, what's the matter with those two?"

After pulling away from this topic, Guo Zhengyang pointed to the side again.

"The man first asked the waiter to order a piece of piano music for us. After the performance, he came over to meet him. We ignored him, so he left, but he came back after a while. All kinds of hints want us to... Bah, even if Liu Xia didn't make a move at that time, I still wanted to kick him." Mentioning this, Guo Lingling became furious again, and glared at the two men at the table in the commentary glance.

Guo Zhengyang frowned slightly, but then smiled wryly again.

The eldest sister and Liu Xia will encounter strike-ups while sitting in the restaurant?This, this is really normal.

Not to mention Liu Xia, she was originally a stunning beauty, and because of her cultivation, she has tempered her body countless times with spiritual energy, not only adding a kind of ethereal and elegant temperament to herself, but also getting a new life like her whole body, which is much better than before. She is also more beautiful and seductive, and with the fashionable and beautiful fashion attire, just stop there casually, and you will be a monster-level disaster that is so fascinating that people will not pay for their lives. This kind of beauty is enough to make most men feel ashamed.

No matter where you go, it doesn't seem to be surprising that you encounter such a stunning beauty.

It was his eldest sister, Guo Lingling, who wasn't stunning at first, but she was also a gentle beauty in her seventies or eighties, with a gentle and attractive temperament. Now she has also undergone aura tempering, and her complexion and face are also tender and tender, and can feel watery even when pinched. So even if her face is still at seventy to eighty percent level at first glance, it is not particularly stunning, but the overall feeling is the same, the more intoxicating she looks, it is enough to fascinate people.

It's normal for two troublemakers like this to sit and eat together and strike up a conversation with someone.

He can be sure that these two women have been out and about these days, and it's definitely not the first time they've met and struck up a conversation...

But it seems that the people at the table not far away dare to hint in their words, probably not many.

The two of them?Guo Zhengyang glanced over there again, but he could see that the two people were obviously dominated by the middle-aged man. Although the clothes of the middle-aged man were not luxurious, they could only be considered decent, but they had a sense of superiority, at least there. This is the case around the young man, and the young man is completely an accompanying guest, but the young man's clothes seem to be quite expensive, much more high-end than the middle-aged clothes.

"If you don't feel relieved, go over and kick him now, it's not a big deal." Looking away again, Guo Zhengyang smiled when he saw the elder sister's angry look.

"Forget it, anyway, Liu Xia beat him up just now." Following Guo Zhengyang's words, Guo Lingling was taken aback, and then said resentfully, her character is still relatively weak, this kind of thing is just thinking about it.

"Then listen to you, you can continue to eat, and go back together after eating." Guo Zhengyang smiled again.

It was after the words fell to the ground this time that Liu Xia said, "We've finished eating."

When speaking, Liu Xia's voice was very low, and she still looked away awkwardly after sneaking a glance.

And Guo Lingling also interjected, "Don't eat, let's go, with them here, I've already been so angry that I lost my appetite."

Guo Zhengyang laughed again, and glared at Liu Xia. The little girl trembled in fright, and stood up and hid behind Guo Lingling in embarrassment. Guo Zhengyang laughed out loud and called the waiter to pay the bill.

After paying the bill, the three of them got up and walked downstairs, just as they were walking, there was a sudden shout of stopping from behind the three of them.


When Guo Zhengyang paused to look, what he saw was the young man who had been kicked by Liu Xia before with a sneer, and the middle-aged man was still sitting firmly on the sofa at this moment, swaying the goblet, with a proud and playful expression .

"You beat someone, and you want to leave now? It's not that easy, is it?" The sneering young man also walked over, and when he spoke again, the playful gesture in his eyes became more and more obvious. (To be continued.)

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