One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 307 What are you still doing?

The young man walked up to Guo Zhengyang and the others, and he spoke jokingly, but Liu Xia and Guo Lingling wrinkled their pretty brows with one word. They stared at the young man with gloomy expressions, but Guo Zhengyang smiled, "What do you want?"

The young man kept silent, and kept sizing up the few people with an unscrupulous expression. After looking at them for a few moments, he suddenly smiled, "Actually, we are not unreasonable people, although the young lady was very aggressive just now. I still feel pain all over my body, but as long as you come over and have a few drinks with us, it's fine."

After a pause, the young man laughed again and said, "Actually, you are all thanks to Mr. Zhao. He didn't want to embarrass you. Otherwise, I would have called the police a long time ago. What do you think?"

Although he was laughing, the young man's eyes were a little cold, and he stared at Guo Zhengyang and the others from above, like a cat playing with a mouse.

But it is also true, although the two women in front of him are so beautiful that they make people dizzy, and even if he stares at the taller and taller beauty too much, he will feel ashamed of himself, but what about being beautiful? People who can’t get more than 1 yuan and need to send rescuers to send compensation money, not to mention in front of Mr. Zhao, even in his eyes, are the same little people who can’t stand on the stage, and can be crushed to death at will type.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so unscrupulous.

Strictly speaking, today's matter is not that he fell in love with Liu Xia's two daughters, and then Mr. Zhao behind him...Well, strictly speaking, he is not indifferent to the two women, but Mr. Zhao is in love. Even if you want to, you can only press it down.

He and Mr. Zhao had dinner here at noon. As soon as they came in, they took a few casual glances, and their eyes were all attracted by Liu Xia's stunning appearance.

When he himself finally woke up from that shocking beauty, he found that Mr. Zhao was the same, so he immediately thought of going the needle for Mr. Zhao.

After all, he and Mr. Zhao had dinner here because he wanted to ask Mr. Zhao for help in business matters. As long as Mr. Zhao could be served well, things would be easy. Originally, he didn't know how to please that guy, after all, that guy But a big shot is also a big shot in this capital full of dignitaries.

So as soon as he saw Mr. Zhao's heartbeat, he knew the opportunity had come.

The rest of the matter was entirely his fault. First, he ordered a piano piece for the two girls, and then came over to get to know each other. Originally, he thought that he was a personable person, and with the piano piece to show his favor, he could get the contact information no matter what. Let me know, who would have thought that Liu Xia and the two women would not pretend to be polite to him at all. Although they thanked him, they had no tendency to talk to him at all.

Although he felt unwilling after returning home, he had no choice but to sit there and think of a solution.

Then, Mr. Zhao still cast his eyes frequently, and he seemed to be very fascinated. Even if he couldn't help it, he finally discovered something during the time and time again, that is, the relationship between Liu Xia and Guo Lingling. Although the clothes are beautiful and fashionable, they are really not expensive.

To put it bluntly, a watch on his wrist is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and all the outfits of the two women over there, including bags, are at most tens of thousands of dollars. For ordinary people, 8000 yuan for a set of coats and bags is considered decent.

But for him, or for Mr. Zhao, such an outfit is really enough to make people laugh out loud.

So after realizing the shabbiness of these two women, and seeing Mr. Zhao's enthusiasm, he suddenly came over and expressed his purpose. As long as the two of them are willing to accompany Mr. Zhao...

Well, he really didn't expect that stunning beauty Liu Xia to be a violent person, even if he felt insulted by an ordinary woman, he would at most grab a glass and pour him a drink, right?Who would have thought that Liu Xia would kick him down with one kick, with such strength, that he would stagger back and fall directly on the wine rack two or three meters away, knocking over the wine in the restaurant shelf.

This kind of thing actually made him quite angry. Not only was he angry, but it was also painful. The pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe for a long time, and he almost vomited out the meal he had just eaten.

But the problem was that Mr. Zhao fell in love with the two women, so he didn't dare to fight back at all, so he could only curse a few times before returning to his seat.

After this incident, he also saw the shabbiness of the two women more clearly. They just knocked over the wine rack, and all the red wine with decorative surnames on it was just cheap goods to decorate the environment. The embarrassing female rescuer, can't afford compensation?

Such a scene almost made him laugh out loud.

And through this incident, he was even more sure that even if Liu Xia was a little pepper with a hot temper, it would be absolutely easy for him to embarrass these two women with his connections and energy.

It's a pity, it's a pity that after this little pepper showed a hot temper, Mr. Zhao not only didn't think it was a pest, but became more interested in it. It seems that Mr. Zhao didn't have the courage to look directly at such a beautiful person, but he has a hot temper Little Pepper was even more excited, so even if he was very angry, he could only pretend to be indifferent and watch the show from the sidelines.

Seeing these two women calling someone, they called Guo Zhengyang to lose money.

From the beginning to the end, he laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.

Of course, it's time to get down to business after watching the show.

If these people don't know how to be interesting, he really doesn't mind giving them a little bit of trouble first, and finally they have to submit to the coercion.

"Just drink a few glasses? So you are quite generous? The red wine here is not cheap, but in the past it was just a few glasses of wine?" Following the young man's words, Guo Zhengyang smiled again, and looked at the young man with a smile, Looking at the middle-aged man who was still behind at this moment, he saw that the other party was still gently swaying the goblet, sitting there proudly watching the play.

Guo Zhengyang is a bit pained, these two guys don't have to be so eager to find death! !

However, Guo Zhengyang's words fell into the young man's ears, and he thought it was the other party's subdued mentality, so he was immediately happy, and glanced sideways at Guo Zhengyang, and the young man sneered again, "You still have some eyesight, come here, today you can It's your luck to know Mr. Zhao, if I were here alone, I wouldn't be so good-tempered, and as for what happens after drinking, let's talk about it after dinner."

After saying this, the young man stared eagerly at Liu Xia and Guo Lingling for a few more times before turning around proudly.

Guo Zhengyang was also happy again. He smiled and glanced at the young man before turning to Liu Xia and Guo Lingling, "What do you think should be done?"

In a word, Guo Lingling glared at Guo Zhengyang angrily, and even gritted her teeth, as if dissatisfied with Guo Zhengyang's previous words, but Liu Xia stuck out her tongue coquettishly, and then bravely smiled and said in a low voice, "I don't believe it. You really want us to go over and drink with them."

"What are you still doing?" Amidst the few people's slight words, the young man who had already walked a few steps suddenly turned his head. Seeing that the few people were still in a daze, his face changed and he spoke fiercely. (To be continued.)

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